The Subversion of Western Democracies

The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion
Jewish Bankers / Federal Reserve Bank / WWI & The Bolshevik Revolution
The "Holocaust" Hoax
World War II - World Jewry's Second Attempt at Seizing Palestine
Degeneracy, Diversity and other Destruction
Israel's 9/11 False-Flag Attacks
Jewish Control of non-Jewish Puppets
The Covid 'Deadly' Virus Scam
Genocide and Terrorism Sponsored and Backed by Western Governments
The Solution
Appendix 1 - Jews' Long History of "Six Million" "Exterminated", "Persecuted", "Massacred", etc.
Appendix 2 - A Long History of Jewish Crimes and Atrocities
Appendix 3 - Newspeak, The Crazy Inverted Meaning of "Anti-Semitism"


More and more people are slowly but surely waking up to the fact that there is something not quite right with Western civilization and 'democracy'. They are increasingly becoming aware that the freedoms it purportedly offers are rapidly vanishing, and its 'truths' need to be propped up by massive censorship, shutting down free debate, and the "cancelling", criminalization - or even designating as "terrorism"! - of views that do not conform to whatever the latest government narrative happens to be. But they need a primer on how all of this has arisen, and what the real truth actually is.

And contemporary history needs to be documented in case of catastrophe, so that a written record remains - possibly buried in metal containers? - so that future historians from amongst those who succeed us will be able to understand what occurred. We need to get this truth out to the general public before the rulers can achieve significantly greater gains in censorship and removal of freedoms, as otherwise, when the tyranny eventually collapses, there will be a harder landing.

The Western nations have increasingly resembled an Orwellian dystopia, with these changes accelerating over the last few years. George Orwell was very prophetic with his Nineteen Eighty-four novel, except that he was about forty years too early. It should have been more like Twenty Twenty-four. In today's Newspeak, words have been inverted such that they frequently take on the opposite of their correct and original definition.

For example, "self-defense" has now come to mean a genocide or systematic ethnic cleansing, or in other words, genocide has been classed as "self-defense". Whilst truth is "disinformation" or "Russian propaganda" or "anti-Semitic", lies are "truth", cult dogma is "science", science and math are "racist" or "anti-Semitic", and bizarrely, being opposed to a genocide and terrorism that a non-Semitic people are perpetrating upon Semitic people is said to be "anti-Semitic" or even classed as the support of "terrorism".

Similarly, "vaccine", rather than a product that inoculates against a disease and prevents infection and transmission, is now used to represent a toxic bioweapon that may kill, maim or harm, yet provides no heath benefits whatsoever.

Reality has now become subjective, so that if a man is a lunatic and imagines he's a woman, it's a 'crime' not to humor his delusions and play along with the charade. Everyone is supposed to pretend that they are mad, too. The insanity has even got to the point where children can be genitally mutilated before they are mature, whereupon they realize they made a terrible mistake, but by then it's much too late. Or the children will identify themselves as various types of furry animal, such as a wolf.

The Zionist definition of "free" is the freedom to do anything that Zionists and Jewish supremacists like. For example, when a Zionist talks about "the free press" of Western 'democracies', it refers to a carefully controlled press that is only allowed to push a particular narrative. When someone starts to question the orthodox line, as in Carl Cameron's Fox News reports on Israel's involvement in the 9/11 attacks, they are threatened with - at least - career suicide.

"Democracy" itself, rather than government of the people, by the people, for the people, has come to mean government of the people by compromised, blackmailed and bribed stooges for a select group of racist psychopaths. And it necessitates control of the information most people receive such that they are the modern equivalent of Plato's cave dwellers, unaware of what is actually happening (i.e., analogous to the bright, sunlit world above the cave dwellers), and unaware of how the information they receive is being manipulated (analogous to cave dwellers who cannot turn their heads back to see the puppeteers behind them casting shadows they perceive as 'reality'), in order to create an illusion that the 'democracy' is somehow still working as it should and the government still represents the people.

As a general rule, a word can be assumed to have taken on the meaning of its antonym, so that war is "peace" or a fight against an "evil" "dictator", disease is "health", ignorance is "strength", evil is "good", "terrorists" are freedom fighters who have been oppressed for decades, pacifism is "terrorism" or "violence" or "racism" or "anti-Semitism", etc..

The psychopaths will try to deflect people away from the truth by crying "Racist!", "anti-Semite!", "far-right!" and other gibberish. (The "anti-Semite" claptrap is such a special kind of idiocy that it deserves a debunking all of its own; click Appendix 3 if you're interested, then previous page to return here.) Our current system has 0.2% of the population fleecing and parasitizing the remaining 99.8%, but why should the 99.8% simply lie down and take it? The system needs overturning and replacing with an alternative that delivers the greatest good to the greatest number - one that is geared to benefit the 99.8%, and to eliminate the existential threat posed to us from the heartless, soulless, parasitic 0.2%.

The Western nations are facing impending collapse in an increasingly multipolar world as more countries join the BRICS alliance, the US dollar loses its status as a global reserve currency, and American hegemony comes to an end. Moreover, the Western currencies become increasingly worthless due to excessive money printing and enormous, ever-increasing multi-trillion dollar debt that can never be repaid.

As their economies fail, their compromised politicians are also sabotaging their nations through self-destructive policies such as the "net-zero" insanity based on a hoax about man-made "global warming" that was reclassified as "climate change" after the predicted so-called "warming" failed to materialize. What actually happens is that the Sun continually goes through warming and cooling cycles based on the configuration of the planets, and warming of the Earth releases CO2 from the oceans. Because of the very high mass and relatively high specific heat capacity of the oceans, they take up to 800 years to heat up or cool down, and the CO2 levels lag atmosphere and ground temperatures by ~800 years.

Of course, a few decades earlier the climate alarmist fanatics were warning of a new Ice Age. And recently, Germany even meekly accepted the 2022 US/Norway Allied sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines that provided it with cheap Russian gas, without so much as a whimper.

So how have we got to such a dangerous set of circumstances, with our corrupt, moronic or demented politicians having become a threat to humanity by pushing for and trying to provoke a nuclear Third World War, and always carrying out policies that are the polar opposite of what they should be doing if they truly were representing their own citizens?

The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion

The particular problem with governments becoming corrupted, subverted and unrepresentative over the past 110 years or so essentially began with an 1864 book by Maurice Joly, The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, which outlined an agenda for world conquest. The most important feature here was control of the press, but not just control of the "right-wing" press or the "left-wing" press. Every shade of political opinion would be captured and managed, so that:

"Like the God Vishnu, my press would have a hundred arms and these arms would place their hands upon all the nuances of opinion throughout the entire country. One would be of my party without knowing it. Those who believe they speak their language would actually be speaking mine; those who believe they were acting in their party would be acting in mine; those who believe they were marching under their flag would be marching under mine."

About 25 years later, circa 1889, this and other passages from The Dialogue would reappear in a new, unpublished composition by other writers. There was plenty of new material, showing the writers' proficiency in banking and economics, but some passages would have such a remarkable similarity that the plagiarism was undeniable. For example, the above quote reappeared as:

"Like the Indian idol Vishnu they [all our newspapers] will have a hundred hands, and every one of them will have a finger on any one of the public opinions as required. When a pulse quickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims, for an excited patient loses all power of judgment and easily yields to suggestion. Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief that they are following the organ of their party they will, in fact, follow the flag which we hang out for them."

"Us", of course, being the true rulers who own and control the press. Later, these rulers would go on to own other media such as TV, radio and movie production, and in the 21st century would run major social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, whilst pressuring those running smaller platforms to impose censorship, and even arresting and threatening lengthy imprisonment for owners of platforms who didn't accede to their demands to shut down any speech that was too forthright - such as Telegram.

Unlike Joly, these new writers included a misanthrope who included racist supremacist rants such as:

"The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?.... [...] It is this which has served as the basis for our organization of secret masonry which is not known to, and aims which are not even so much as suspected by, these Goy cattle... [...] God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of the dispersion, and in this which appears in all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over all the world."
Our rulers, the puppet masters, who are the only group who are not supposed to be criticised, already had attained mastery in banking. But when they became aware of Joly's work, they realised that another crucial element was involved, a prerequisite in order to attain their agenda of world conquest by subverting and controlling governments. As well as control of the money supply and the ability to print an almost infinite amount of money, they needed control of the press, whatever shade of political opinion was catered for. Once they controlled the press - and subsequently alternative forms of media, they could have political leaders in their pocket.

Leaders of the major political parties would be selected - either evil, greedy, ruthless characters who would gladly sell out their people for power, wealth, status and privilege, or someone who had "some Panama" - "in their past some dark, undiscovered stain" over which they could be blackmailed, or a moron or dementia-ridden buffoon who wouldn't know what day of the week it was. In advance of a leadership election, the rulers' press would praise the contender who had secretly agreed to work for them and rubbish the rivals. Party members who failed to back the leadership would be smeared and expelled, sidelined, and would usually lose their seat at the next election.

With both party leaders in their pocket, it would not even matter which party won an election; both would advance their puppeteers' agenda of war, nation wrecking, diminishing freedoms, thousands of insane new 'laws', population reduction, and world conquest. There would be barely a cigarette paper's width between the main political parties.

In 1889, the French Jewish sociologist, social psychologist and philosopher Émile Durkheim (1858-1917) wrote a review of an 1888 thesis by Polish philosopher Wincenty Lutosławski on the State Constitution according to Plato, Aristotle and Machiavelli. Durkheim writes: "Two questions dominate the whole of Aristotle's doctrine: how do revolutions arise, and how can they be prevented? In other words, what causes constitutions to perish? What causes them to last?"

Now at this time the Rothschilds were already the ruling bloodline. According to Frederic Morton's The Rothschilds [p.60] the "total wealth encompassed by the clan during most of the nineteenth century" was "estimated at well over 400 million pounds". In comparison, Lytton Strachey estimated the fortune of Queen Victoria to be no more than five million pounds, even though she was "exceedingly wealthy" among great reigning monarchs. But as well as their vast fortune, the Rothschilds needed some more aces up their sleeve, such as Machiavellian chicanery that would allow them to shape public opinion.

We can be sure that the Rothschilds found those questions about revolutions and managing constitutions particularly intriguing. They would have been interested in any material on Machiavelli, and the name Machiavelli is retained in the title of Durkheim's review: "Lutoslawski, W., Erhaltung und Untergang der Staatsverfassungen nach Plato, Aristoteles, und Machiavelli." Durkheim's review could have brought him to the attention of the Rothschilds in 1889.

The originally unpublished, new version of Joly's work was first published in 1897 for private circulation by a gentleman called Philip Stepanov. By 1921 the material was circulating much more widely, and Henry Ford was commenting on how well The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion matched world events. This would be followed by many more - such as Kim Dotcom in August 2024.

Naturally, when the Protocols of Zion began to gain significant traction in 1921, it was time for the ruling group, the same group who had commissioned and authored the content, to put out damage control. Firstly, they claimed the Protocols was a "forgery", that "anti-Semites" had inexplicably gone to all the trouble of writing for no reason other than to make Jews look bad. Then they put out a preposterous conspiracy theory that the Protocols had been written by the Russian secret police. Problem was, that version of events was physically impossible due to the chronology of events. And how often in the last decade or so have we heard, "Russia bad! Russia, Russia, Russia! Putin bad!"

In their 1999 book, Fontanka 16: The Tsars' Secret Police, Charles A. Ruud and Sergei A. Stepanov thoroughly demolish the idea that the Russian secret police concocted the Protocols. The authors are professional historians; they're not Adolf Hitler or David Duke!

See our article here for full details of the Protocols of Zion. Note that the obviously plagiarized passages were part of a deliberate ploy so that they could cry "forgery!" upon any publication. There is enough information to show that the Protocols was written in France around 1889, and it would have been Alphonse de Rothschild who commissioned the writing and probably wrote some of the fiscal and usury-related material. He and other Jewish bankers wanted to stage a revolution in Russia to loot Christian treasures, genocide millions of Christians and subjugate the survivors.

Around 1889 or 1890, Alphonse Rothschild would have taken a keener interest than usual in his Château Lafite vineyard in Pauillac, northwest of Bordeaux. Château Lafite Rothschild started bottling a large proportion of their wine in 1890. This was partly due to requests from "negociants", who would buy in advance of bottling, shipping, marketing, etc., and partly to combat a problem with piracy. It had become apparent that merchants from countries such as Russia were bottling cheap wine and selling it with "Lafite Rothschild" labels on the bottles, i.e., forged labels.

It is not as obvious who actually authored the bulk of the Protocols of Zion, but from their writing styles, Émile Durkheim and Isidore Loeb are two of the prime suspects. The latter was educated in Bible and Talmud by his father Rabbi Seligmann Loeb of Sulzmatt, and wrote about how all the fortunes of the nations would pass over to the Jewish people. He would have been responsible for the more supremacist sections, such as the part about when "the wolves [would] get hold of the flock".

Durkheim, a leftist sociologist, was probably initially hired for the first draft in 1889. He believed that the State must permeate into "all spheres of social life and make itself felt":

"The State must therefore enter into their lives, it must supervise and keep a check on the way they operate and to do this it must spread its roots in all directions. For this task, it cannot just withdraw into the tribunals, it must be present in all spheres of social life and make itself felt."

This is compatible with Protocol No. 15:

"Our government will have the appearance of a patriarchal paternal guardianship on the part of our ruler. Our own nation and our subjects will discern in his person a father caring for their every need, their every act, their every inter-relation as subjects one with another, as well as their relations to the ruler. [...] As you see, I found our despotism on right and duty: the right to compel the execution of duty is the direct obligation of a government which is a father for its subjects. It has the right of the strong that it may use it for the benefit of directing humanity towards that order which is defined by nature, namely, submission. [...] And so shall we be this something stronger for the sake of good."

Loeb died in 1892, which gave the bankers ample time to present the Protocols (in a fringe meeting) to the Elders at the first Zionist Congress in Basle in 1897. The timing of Durkheim's death on November 15, 1917 was particularly intriguing.

It was a mere eight days after the armed insurrection in Petrograd, and is the day when Soviet power reached Moscow. Russia didn't adopt the new Gregorian calendar until 1918, when Wednesday January 31, 1918 was followed by Thursday February 14, 1918, so the "October" Revolution was really the November Revolution. From the point of view of someone in France, October 25 of 1917 was really November 7 of that year. But it would take until the next year before Russia deteriorated into a Jewish-run hellhole.

Durkheim did not appear to be a bloodthirsty monster who would support mass murder, torture, bloody revolution, and so on, and so he was out of the way by the time that was happening.

He had been teaching at the University of Bordeaux from 1887 to 1902, which included the period when Alphonse de Rothschild would have had a pretext to go to Bordeaux after learning that Russian pirates were forging labels bearing the brand name of his wine (Alphonse and his brother Gustave lived in Paris but were said to make occasional visits to the vineyard). And Alphonse would have been interested in looking into Durkheim's understanding of Machiavellian subterfuge. Thus, any resulting association could have developed into the compilation of the Protocols.

By the early 1920s when the Protocols of Zion became a matter of public interest, the international Zionist movement was engaging in damage control. The easily debunked cries of "forgery!" were wheeled out by a writer and so-called "journalist" called Philip Graves. As to the ludicrous claims of a "Russian" plot, apart from their chronological impossibility in all of the variations proffered from assorted proponents of the 'theory', it is very interesting to see the nature of the characters wheeled out by World Jewry to push the "Russia did it" hoax.

One of these was Princess Catherine Radziwill, a convicted forger, fraudster, blackmailer, briber and jailbird. During the year 1901, she passed cheques to the aggregate amount of 29,000 pounds or $200,000, signing them with the name of Cecil Rhodes. In 1902 Radziwill was sentenced to two years' imprisonment at the House of Correction, after being convicted on 24 counts of forgery.

In 1900, she claimed to have been robbed of jewellery worth ten thousand pounds. It turned out that the "stolen" 'jewels' were merely paste, and the real jewels were in a safe place. In 1904, after she had been released from jail early following a false statement about having "delicate health" - she lived until 1941 well into her early eighties - the New York Times reported that she had been abusing the confidence of shopkeepers in Paris, thrown out of a hotel where she was living under an assumed name, had all her belongings seized, and was only saved from destitution because a woman journalist, for whom Radziwill had been doing secretarial work, had lent her ten francs.

Radziwill tricked her way into the US in 1917 by telling immigration authorities at Ellis Island that she was not the infamous Rhodes forger, she had a 'double' and it was just a bizarre coincidence that the 'double' was 'dead', was the fraudster, and was also named Princess Catherine Radziwill, was also previously named Catherine Lzewuski, also married a prince, also married a man named Kolb, and also had a son who was killed on the Russian front. The story was so incredible that it is hard to believe money did not change hands to persuade any immigration officials to change their mind.

In February and March of 1921 the American Hebrew and the New York Times were running articles by the Jewish reporter Isaac Landman about Princess Radziwill's stories of having known a Russian secret police agent showing her a manuscript he'd been working on that was said to 'prove' a great Jewish conspiracy.

In December 1921, Princess Radziwill was held in $1,000 bail after failing to pay a hotel bill of $1,239. Her request for special treatment because she was of "royal blood" was denied. Assistant D.A. Gibbs told Magistrate Levine that she'd served eighteen months in the South Africa House of Detention for swindling Cecil Rhodes in a forgery of $200,000, confirming that Gibbs was well aware of her past record as opposed to having been duped by her "doubles" story. In February 1922, she was held for the fraud.

Also testifying for the allegation about a "Russian" conspiracy to forge documents proving a Jewish conspiracy was Radziwill's friend Henrietta Hurlbut. In April 1919 Hurlbut's sister Baroness Althea Salvador of Paris was contesting a will relating to the $1.7 million estate of Mrs. Frank Leslie (Baroness de Bazus), claiming the existence of a prior will that had made her a "chief beneficiary". However, the sister Baroness Salvador died on May 11, 1919, and then in June 1920 as Hurlbut was administering the estate of her sister, she revived the application to contest the Mrs. Frank Leslie will, claiming "valuable jewellery and $20,000". Thus, in March 1921 when she was acting as an agent of Jewry, she would have been in need of money for her legal battle to win a bigger share of the $1.7 million legacy.

Although Hurlbut said she could "substantiate Princess Radziwill's account in every detail" about the Russians allegedly "forging" the Protocols of Zion, there were contradictions between both accounts.

Another supposed 'witness' in 1921 linking Russian secret police to the Protocols was the French Count Armand Alexandre du Chayla. Previously he had been employed as a "Chief of Propaganda" for General Wrangel's anti-Bolshevik army, but was accused of acting as a Bolshevist agent, and was arrested and sentenced to death for high treason. The sentence was quashed, but he was expelled from the army.

In 1934/1935 two Swiss so-called "Nazis" were fined at a Berne trial for distributing the Protocols, but the initial verdict was overturned on appeal in 1937. In 1934 Princess Catherine Radziwill was the star witness for the prosecution, and the judge allowed nineteen (19) witnesses for the prosecution, including three who were cited but could not attend court, but only one for the defense - Alfred Zander - whilst refusing dozens of witnesses that the defense wanted to call. Du Chayla was another who testified for Jewry and the prosecution. Two other prosecution witnesses named Burtsev and Svatikov were known to be "financially distressed".

In 1935, of the three experts, one was appointed by the judge, one was appointed by the plaintiffs, and Ulrich Fleischhauer was appointed for the defense. However, the judge simply ignored Fleischhauer's refutation of the claims of the paid liars Radziwill and du Chayla (the latter was paid 4,000 Swiss francs for his testimony). Nevertheless, the verdict to impose fines on the defendants was overturned on appeal two years later.

(Again, see our article here - with more than a thousand hyperlinks - for further information on the writing of the Protocols. Those links were all working at the time of writing around 2014; after ten years many of the pages will have disappeared, but most of those can still be retrieved at the Wayback Machine.)

Jewish Bankers / Federal Reserve Bank / WWI & The Bolshevik Revolution

Before Jews took control of the New York Times in 1896, the newspaper would report honestly on the already prominent role of Jews in banking and the money markets.


The puppeteers were not content with 'merely' having nearly a hundred times the wealth of Queen Victoria; they wanted an almost infinite amount of money. The German-Jewish banker Paul Warburg, a representative of Kuhn, Loeb and Company of New York who had settled in the US in 1902, drafted most of the plan for the US Federal Reserve Bank system in 1911, and the Federal Reserve Bank, which has private shareholders, was signed into law in 1913.

Once these people had access to whatever cash they needed to further their geopolitical agenda, it took barely any longer than the time needed to arrange an assassination before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. The "wolves" were already starting to "get hold of the flock"...

In 1917 these Jewish bankers funded the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and the composition of the first Soviet government was at least 80% Jewish, and 86% according to some accounts. "American" Jewish banker Jacob Schiff, who was head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., provided Trotsky with $20,000,000 in gold. "German" Jewish banker Max Warburg (brother of Paul who created the Federal Reserve) provided Lenin with $6,000,000, with the logistical support of the Jewish Marxist Alexander Parvus aka Israel Gelfand.

Benjamin H. Freedman, an honest, former Jew who converted to Christianity, revealed much about the deception and warmongering of these so-called "Jews" (aka the Synagogue of Satan). During the World Wars they were still aiming to steal Palestine (where of course once they annexed it under false pretences they would spend the next 76 years or more genociding the indigenous Palestinian population).

For example, listen from around 08:00 in this video to Freedman telling an audience at the Willard Hotel in Washington in 1961 about the situation around the middle of WWI in 1916. Germany had effectively won the war but was generously offering peace terms with no strings attached. Rather like Jews and their lackeys such as Boris Johnson told Ukraine not to negotiate peace with Russia in the spring of 2022, the Zionist Jews came to the British war cabinet and told them to carry on fighting the war. These Jews guaranteed that they would get the US to enter the war on Britain's side, but in return, the British had to agree to give them Palestine. And so the Balfour Declaration was issued in November 1917, although this merely promised British support for establishment of a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine.

The "Holocaust" Hoax

Meanwhile, the Zionist Jews had another nefarious scheme for seizing land in Palestine. They would generate sympathy and play the victim card by peddling a colossal, malicious, racist libel against White people. (That is, of White European descent; the Ashkenazi self-styled Jews from the Caucasus are white-skinned unlike the Middle Eastern Jews, but cannot be considered White as they do not share White European Christian values, such as empathy and respect for their fellow men.)

See Appendix 1 for some of the many references to "six million" Jews that were published in the New York Times between 1891 and the start of World War Two. Their original plan was to blame Russia for "six million" 'dead' Jews, and this was still the case in the wake of WWI as late as 1921, when Jews claimed that "Russia's 6,000,000 Jews are facing extermination by massacre."

The "Russia did it" hoax never took off, because of several reasons. For example, it would take until the wake of WWII when Jews had a burgeoning Hollywood industry that could be used to push their politically and financially motivated myths. And following WWI, the death toll was initially underestimated. Given the tens of millions who really did perish in WWII, it did not seem too unreasonable that millions of Jews might have died, to those who were ignorant of the facts.

It's almost unbelievable that a group of people could be so evil as to concoct a hoax about "six million" of their number having been "exterminated", and to use this to seize 8,000 square miles of land that they would pressure puppet leaders in their client nations to recognise as these psychopaths' very own 'country'. They rely on the fact that most of us believe in right and wrong and in not telling whopping lies, and at first find it hard to believe that other people could have such a different ethics and morality.

Yet when you consider the long list of these people's atrocities - cold-blooded murder of 3,000 people at Manhattan and the Pentagon and blaming it on Arabs armed with "box cutters", an eleven months and counting full-on genocide of ~50,000 to ~170,000 people including tens of thousands of children and destruction of homes, hospitals, mosques, schools, refugee camps, etc., sodomising of Palestinian prisoners with a metal rod so as to kill them and then Jews arguing amongst themselves as to whether they should have the right to do so in "self defense" as they call it, targeting and murdering neutral parties such as aid workers, journalists, UN observers and so on, the murder of well over 100 million people in the last 110 years from fomenting war and revolution, the manufacture of a fake 'vaccine' designed to harm and kill people and the manufacture of a relatively harmless virus as pretext for coercing billions of unsuspecting innocent people to submit to the shots - it is not surprising that they would fabricate a sob story about themselves being the 'victim' rather than the perpetrator, in which innocent people are branded as 'evil'.

In fact, it is actually the same man behind the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, the 2005 London 7/7 bombings, and the 2023/2024 Gaza genocide campaign - Benjamin Netanyahu, as we shall demonstrate. (And of course the use of exploding pagers and walky-talkies that indiscriminately kill and maim thousands of fighters and civilians alike.)

Moreover, isn't it rather hard to imagine a group of people so wicked and vile that they need to make it illegal to hate them?


Nevertheless, there are honest Jews who have admitted that the "gas chambers" stories were a hoax. For example, in his book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil, Gerard Menuhin (son of violinist Yehudi) wrote:

"A good lie takes time to plan, and this was a very good lie; one which a defeated and demoralized enemy was in no position to refute. Misrepresent the purpose of a conventional delousing gas at the concentration camps, inflate the figures of typhus, typhoid and malnutrition deaths in the latter months of the war to match a symbolic figure, support with endless faked and staged photographs, purposely edited films and statistics, “find” a few “eyewitnesses” among the “survivors” – and the improbable becomes fact." [pp. 26-27]

Other statements from Jews include:

"The 6-million-gas-chambers myth is an arithmetic and technical nonsense. As a matter of fact the howling, snivelling, Shoah business, 50 years after the war, is disgusting, debasing: it is a disgraceful shame." -Roger Dommergue
"The trouble is, that the forensic, topographical, documentary, chemical, photographic etc. evidence, all contradict the narrative." -Paul Eisen
"I know from years of my own research and the research of others that proofs of the Holocaust are few. Literally, all there is are the 'eyewitness' testimonies and the post-war confessions. There's no picture, plan or wartime document dealing with homicidal gas chambers or a plan to exterminate Jews." -David Cole aka David "Stein"
"World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine." -Joseph G. Burg aka Josef Ginsburg

For those who want to skip the scientific proofs, just consider that the alleged "Holocaust" is the only historical event that it is illegal to question in some countries.

Germar Rudolf, a PhD-level chemist, was being persecuted in Germany for his scholarly works refuting the official narrative of events of WWII. He fled Germany to Britain in 1996, fled to the USA in 1999, then was arrested and deported to Germany in 2005 where he had an outstanding 14-month prison sentence for written scientific work that went against the narrative. There was then a new trial against him for his latest works such as Lectures on the Holocaust (an excellent resource for the interested reader, they certainly want to suppress this), and in 2007 he was sentenced to an extra 30 months, i.e., 44 months in total.

Ernst Zundel was a German citizen living in Canada, where he faced two trials in the 1980s for distributing historical revisionist material. In the first trial in 1985 the Jews' so-called "expert" for the prosecution was Raul Hilberg, who admitted he had never seen a "gas chamber", either intact or in ruins. When Hilberg was asked by the defense to explain how the Germans had been able to carry out an undertaking as enormous as the extermination of millions of Jews without any kind of plan, without any central agency, without any blueprint or budget, Hilberg replied that in the various Nazi agencies there had been "an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus mind-reading by a far-flung bureaucracy." When Hilberg was asked, "Can you give me one scientific report that shows the existence of gas chambers anywhere in Nazi-occupied territory?", he replied, "I am at a loss." Zundel was deported back to Germany in 2005, where he was immediately sentenced to five years' imprisonment for "denying the Holocaust" and "inciting hatred".

In 2005 British historian David Irving was arrested in Austria by armed police for a "thought crime" allegedly committed in 1989. In 2006 he was sentenced to three years in jail, but on appeal this was commuted to time served, about 400 days.

Ursula Haverbeck, a brave 95-year-old lady who has publicly challenged the absurd stories of "death camps", has been repeatedly convicted of "inciting hatred" over the last twenty years, and sentenced to terms of imprisonment.

If these Holohoaxers had so much evidence of their extraordinary allegations, then they should be able to present that evidence and win any fair debate. But of course, they have no evidence apart from the word of politically and financially motivated liars and shysters, and 'confessions' obtained through torture, and so they need to shut down free debate and free speech.

In the same way, anyone able to see both sides of the argument would understand that Israel is perpetrating a genocide and laying waste to Gaza by targeting homes, hospitals, schools, mosques, refugee camps, etc., and massacring tens of thousands of civilians including many thousands of women, children and babies. And Russia launched a special military operation in 2022 to rescue ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine who were being slaughtered by the terrorist Kiev regime led by the Jew Zelensky, following the US-backed (involving Jews such as Victoria Nuland / Nudelman) Maidan coup of 2014.

That is why Western 'democracies' need to censor Russia Today (RT) to shut down its message, and why British authorities need to send a dozen anti-terrorist police to arrest, ransack the home of, and seize electronic devices of, a 61-year-old lady, a human rights activist, for honestly reporting on events in Gaza.

And we can be absolutely sure that the Jews' "Holocaust" story about "gas chambers" and "six million" 'dead' is a total pack of lies and a malicious libel, because of its physical, mathematical and scientific impossibility, which also applies to the Jewish narrative about Israel's ten-year planned attack on the Twin Towers. The fact is that there are specific scientific laws that apply to events in our universe, and they cannot be temporarily suspended whenever Jews are alleging a "genocide" is being conducted on them, or whenever Jews are demolishing three skyscrapers and blaming it on the Muslims. If an alleged event is physically impossible without postulating a new thermodynamics, a new thermochemistry, a new mathematics, a new logic, a new biology and so on, then that event did not happen as the orthodox narrative dictates. That applies no matter how many millions of people whine about "anti-Semitism" or whatever cringing codswallop they want to call it.

For example, you cannot cremate a human corpse with the energy obtained from burning 1.8 kg of coke, which at ~30 MJ/kg is ~54 MJ. The quantity required is almost twenty times greater.

The coke that arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau is fully documented on approximately 240 delivery notes for the period from 16th February 1942 to 25th October 1943, and amounts to 1,037 tonnes. This covers about 20.3 months, more than half of the three-year period of 1942 through to 1944 when "exterminations" were allegedly being perpetrated. Thus, the average monthly delivery is 1,037 / 20.3 = 51.1 tonnes.

See our article here for further details and full references.

Now in 1941, data for the Topf double-muffle oven shows that 47.9 kg of coke per corpse was consumed when the oven was in semi-continuous operation and running every other day. 30.6 kg of coke per corpse was consumed in continuous operation. Let's be generous and assume continuous operation (which would not have been sustainable due to breakdowns, maintenance and daily removal of coke cinders and ashes), and so we have a monthly capacity of:

51,100 kg / 30.6 kg/corpse = 1,670 corpses.

Thus, over a 36-month period of alleged "exterminations", the total possible is 60,120 cremated. (Compare with various Jewish claims for the Auschwitz death toll such as 1.1 million, 1.5 million, 4 million, or 9 million, depending on which Jew was making the allegation and when it was made. And those figures are supposed to relate only to Jews, and not all the other groups whom Jews allege to have been "murdered" in addition, albeit in smaller number.)

There is a convergence of material evidence (as opposed to baseless, wild, politically, racially and financially motivated claims). For example, the Auschwitz death books show a total of 65,876 for 1942 and 1943 (most of whom were Roman Catholics with Jews a close second). Thus, extrapolated over three years we might expect a total of nearly 100,000.

There were wood deliveries to Auschwitz and this would have been used for some cremations when the typhus deaths peaked and the coke ovens lacked the capacity, notably from March 1942 to February 1943. Over that period 373.5 tonnes of coke was delivered, which divided by 30 kg per corpse suggests that up to 12,450 cremations were possible. The death books recorded 45,533 over that time, which points to some 33,083 or a little more cremated in open-air wood burning before the triple-muffle and eight-muffle ovens were operating.

And so, 60,120 cremated with coke plus 33,083 wood cremations is a total of 93,203. Thus, the evidence converges on the total death toll for Auschwitz-Birkenau most likely being in the range  90,000 - 100,000.

Alternatively, the total coke delivered to Auschwitz-Birkenau over the entire three-year period of the alleged "exterminations" extrapolates to ~2,000 tonnes. Divide that by the 1.1 million Jews whom some Jews allege were "murdered" at Auschwitz, and you have some 1.8 kg of coke per corpse, which is physically impossible. Now as we mention above, wood cremations probably accounted for 30,000 to 35,000, although even those Jews claiming 1.1 million for Auschwitz say that's only 90% of the total when non-Jews are included, and so the extra 122,222 more than makes up for any wood cremations. Moreover, some Jews are still claiming 2.1 to 4 million, the "vast majority" being Jews, "murdered" at Auschwitz.

Those 90,000 to 100,000 were of course natural deaths, particularly from typhus, with the peak being in the month of August 1942 which had 8,507 deaths. Incidentally, there was a large influx of Jews around June 1942, who appear from the timing to have caused much of the typhus epidemic. In the summer of 1942, Jewish deaths were running at twice the rate for those recorded as Roman Catholic, and then by February 1943 the Christian deaths were well above Jewish deaths, probably because many Jews had already succumbed.

Other important data points concern the cyanide concentrations in the alleged homicidal gas chambers walls versus those in the actual gas chambers, which were delousing chambers designed to save human lives by fumigating bedding and clothes for the killing of typhus lice. These studies were done by Leuchter, Rudolf and Ball. Another study by Markiewicz - which Hoaxers hoped would support their narrative, was initially suppressed because it gave the 'wrong' result. Four years later Markiewicz carried out a new series of tests in which he was effectively cheating by changing his methodology in an attempt to get the politically desired results, but that still supported the revisionist rather than the Hoaxer argument.

The alleged "homicidal gas chambers" were actually basement morgues used for storing the dead until it was possible to cremate them, as opposed to the real gas chambers that were used to save human lives by killing lice. Indeed, it was only because of the existence of these very real but benign gas chambers and the use of toxic hydrogen cyanide gas (HCN or Zyklon B) that the opportunistic Hoaxers came up with the stories about "exterminations" by "gas chamber". In 1942 the narrative held that "firing squads" were the procedure for mass murder. And not surprisingly, the walls of the basement morgues merely exhibited trace cyanide concentrations, whereas those in the delousing chambers were found to have substantive concentrations.

From 22 samples, the revisionists Leuchter, Rudolf and Ball found an average cyanide concentration in the walls of the alleged "gas chambers" of 1.827 mg of cyanide per kg of building materials, whereas the corresponding figure for the delousing chambers was 4,724 mg/kg. Thus, on average, the cyanide concentration in the delousing chambers was 2,586 times higher than that in the so-called "gas chambers".

This was followed by some hilarious attempts at damage control from Hoaxers. They would claim that it was very hard to kill lice but very easy to kill human beings, and so much more cyanide gas was needed for the lice. This leads to the amusing spectacle of the Germans using 99.9% of their Zyklon B to save their prisoners' lives at the same time they were using the remaining 0.1% to murder them. It's a delicious example of Jewish 'logic'.

There is too much risible material to debunk it all here, but Treblinka is worth a mention for those unaware of just how ludicrous Hoaxer claims are. The story goes that some 800,000 to 900,000 Jews were "murdered" at Treblinka, they were initially buried, but then Himmler panicked at the thought of the 'evidence' being discovered and gave an order for the bodies to be exhumed and burned.

The problem for Hoaxers is that Treblinka had no crematoria, and the bodies had to be cremated using wood. Now with dry (seasoned) wood you can cremate a body in the open air with 160 kg, but they had to use fresh green wood from the forest, and the conversion rate is about a factor of two. We can say 300 kg per corpse, and so assuming just 800,000, they needed to chop, prepare and move 240,000 tonnes of wood.

Hoaxers say there were 25 Jews assigned the task of woodcutting. An internet source tells of how six Italian woodcutters were able to cut and saw 50 tons of wood in 15 working days, working from sunrise to sunset, which is 0.555 tons per day per woodcutter. (The source also points out that they were twenty-year-olds with "muscles of steel", were fed on bread and cheese, sausages, eggs and bacon, and had good quality, sharp hatchets and a variety of saws.)

Thus, the 25 Jewish woodcutters, subsisting on the Treblinka camp rations, and supposing they had the same tools and managed to have them sharpened or replaced quite a few times along the way to cutting 240,000 tonnes, allegedly achieved 81 times the productivity of their Italian counterparts and maintained it for seven unrelenting months. More realistically, let's suppose the Jewish woodcutters were able to achieve the same productivity as the sausages-eating, bacon-eating Italians, in which case it would take them 240,000 / (25 * 0.555) = 17,297 days = 47.3 years = until July 1990.

They had to include the story about destroying 'the evidence' by cremation, since they knew there was no evidence, but they could not do anything about the scientific impossibility of the tale, nor account for the lack of deforestation or photographic evidence of cremations by Allied aircrew. Presumably anti-Semitic photons were part of the cover-up, and anti-Semitic trees were somehow able to sprout eighty years' growth in eighty days or eighty hours by temporarily suspending some of nature's laws!


The Jews had an even crazier story, that a little under 3,000 Germans (allegedly mobile killing units known as the Einsatzgruppen in the yarn) were somehow able to murder 3,000,000 Jews and completely dispose of all the 'evidence', without being killed themselves. Holohoaxers had needed to reduce the claimed Auschwitz death toll from four million down to a little over a million and leave the headline "six million" figure intact, and so they needed to paste in another three million from somewhere. The alternative would involve postulation of a novel Jewish 'arithmetic', in which a subtotal could change without having any effect upon the grand total.

There is an amusing feature of the Jews' preparation for their "six million" scam. In 1900 the global Jewish population was six million, but well before 1900 they had already decided on the figure of "six million" as the number of 'dead' Jews that would be alleged in order to grab Palestine. Rather than introduce a Jewish 'algebra' in which X - X  = X under certain conditions, they decided to introduce a novel Jewish statistics. This involved having a fairy tales and fables editor, Joseph Jacobs, reinvent himself as a population statistics 'expert', and publish Jewish population figures that were inflated in total by four or five million by 1906.

Jacobs was involved in editing and publishing multiple collections of fairy tales such as Jack the Giant Killer, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Aesop's Fables which includes The Wolf and the Lamb and The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. Who better to have for a scam about Jewish population statistics than a Jewish fairy tales expert?

 photo JewishPopulationNotesResized_zpsqabfxs9p.png

In the chart above, under various scenarios depending on the Jewish population around 1850, it may be seen that had a "Holocaust" actually happened of six million Jews, then the Jewish population would have had to have been increasing at a much greater rate over the period 1850 to 1939 compared to the non-Jewish population. The funniest thing about this is that throughout this period, Jews kept complaining of being "persecuted", "oppressed", "massacred", "annihilated", "starved", "systematically exterminated", etc. (see Appendix 1).

The more prosaic scenario has the Jewish population advancing at roughly the same rate as everyone else, apart from WWII when non-Jews were dying on the battlefield at a greater rate than Jews housed in labour camps and provided with food and accommodation, a hospital, a swimming pool, orchestras, a brothel, and other amenities and facilities.

Hoaxers had some hilarious 'explanations' for the presence of a swimming pool in a "death camp" - they claimed it was originally a "reservoir" for use in fire fighting, and converted to a swimming pool for use by the camp's staff. Or sometimes Jews claimed it was really a fire "reservoir" but "built in the form of a swimming pool", presumably as a disguise to fool Allied pilots.

World War II - World Jewry's Second Attempt at Seizing Palestine

Since the First World War had not sufficed to enable the Jews to grab much of Palestine, they needed a Second World War and the deaths of additional tens of millions of people. After Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939, it was at first known as the "Phony War", and certainly no more than a regional war in which both sides were acting in a restrained manner and doing their best to limit attacks to military targets. Problem was, by May 1940 the Jews had a warmongering puppet, Winston Churchill, as British Prime Minister. Churchill, Britain's greatest ever traitor except possibly for Oliver Cromwell who illegally allowed Jews to resettle in England after they were expelled by Edward I (Longshanks) in 1290, was being funded by Jews such as Bernard Baruch, Henry Strakosch and Robert Waley Cohen. The latter and his father Bernard funded a propaganda lobby group known as the Focus group, which advocated for war.

Historian David Irving talks here about the funding for the Focus Group. Then, listen to this video from around 1:18:00. In the summer of 1940 Churchill was doing all he could (for his Jewish paymasters) to escalate the Phony War and provoke Adolf Hitler into bombing London. But then on August 24, 1940, Churchill got his chance when a German bomber went too far along the Thames and dropped its load on London's East End instead of the oil tanks at Rotherhithe it was supposed to be targeting. Some chickens were killed and buildings flattened, and then Churchill gave an order for a minimum of a hundred bombers to attack Berlin, resulting in several civilian deaths.

That was repeated six or seven times, sometimes the bombers missed, and sometimes did considerable damage and resulted in casualties. However, Hitler, ever the statesman and being just as restrained and fair minded as Vladimir Putin would be 84 years later, did not retaliate. He had no quarrel with Britain, and was still hoping his peace offer would be accepted. Hitler had already tried to convey his peace offer to the British via the British Embassy in Stockholm, but it was flatly refused. Then in May 1940 he had sent Rudolf Hess on a peace mission, in which he would parachute out over Scotland. Unfortunately, Churchill was the only British figure available for negotiation, and Churchill did not want peace.

On September 4, 1940, Hitler made a speech saying that if Churchill attacked again, he would retaliate with multiple times the force. This of course was music to Churchill's ears, and he gave the order to attack Berlin again at the earliest opportunity. So Berlin was attacked on September 5, and the next day a thousand German bombers came right up to the East End and set streets ablaze. The planes returned to attack again in the night, guided by the flames, and one thousand Londoners lost their lives overnight. Churchill was rarely in London when an attack took place, as the codebreakers were informing him when the planes were coming, and rarely got it wrong.

This is how warmongering Jews such as Baruch, Strakosch and the Waley Cohens escalated a regional limited military conflict until it was well on its way to becoming another World War that would kill tens of millions of people. This would give them their second chance at seizing thousands of square miles in Palestine as their own Jewish State, which they would then use as a bridgehead for world conquest, for organising terrorist attacks, and as a sanctuary for scoundrels, swindlers and rapists.

Degeneracy, Diversity and other Destruction

Another scheme the conspirators had for destroying the "goyim" or the nations was to push degeneracy and wreck a culture and civilization. The Frankfurt school, which peddles what is termed cultural Marxism, originated at the Frankfurt University with Marxist Jews such as Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin. Jews admit this, although they will make feeble attempts at justifying it by employing the usual tropes such as "hatred", "anti-intellectualism", "anti-Semitism", "the Holocaust", "prejudice", "persecution", and so on. How amusing that opposition to the trashing of a civilization is supposed to be "anti-intellectualism"!

After Hitler came to power in 1933, he soon put a stop to the debauchery and degeneracy that the Frankfurt school had established in Germany, and the school essentially moved to New York City, where it was reborn at Columbia University. The Jewish cultural Marxists published Critical Theory, criticising what were then all the good traditions of Western culture, such as the family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech and so on.

So now these Jews have transformed Western culture to, far from something to be admired, something to be ashamed of. We have transgenderism, Drag Queen Story Hour for children (conceived and promoted by Jews), plutocracy (or Jewocracy, government by the Jew puppets for the Jews), legalese and thousands of new so-called 'offences' (such as keeping an unregistered chicken), and the freedom to say only what the government approves of. In 1971 Robert Plant sang "Look to the West" on Stairway to Heaven; fifty years later, one would want to look to the East.

And the Jews even admit they are behind the flooding of Western nations with mass migration. Barbara Lerner Spectre said:

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

In the latter half of the 20th century the usual suspects were far from innocent. There was Israel's assassination of JFK in 1963 (for opposing Israel's nuclear program - and not really, as some speculate, that he posed a threat to the Federal Reserve Bank), and Israel's sustained, unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 that killed 34 of those aboard and wounded another 173. See Appendix 2 for a longer list of Zionist crimes, which only goes up to about 2016!

And so, even back in 2016, before the current level of terrorism, genocide and destruction being meted out upon Gaza, the list of Jewish atrocities was so long that it is not surprising that, by their own admission, they have been kicked out of every place in which they ever tried to settle. If you walk into a bar and are thrown out once, you might reasonably argue that it is the fault of the owners. Two or three times and you could say it was bad luck or coincidence. When it is more than a hundred times, the argument that it is the other person's fault is no longer credible.

Israel's 9/11 False-Flag Attacks

Following the collapse of communism, the Jews took very little time in preparing an operation to brand the Muslims as the new 'enemy' for a period, before the wars and regime changes for Israel began to peter out and Russia  was brought back as the 'enemy' of the West. They spent at least ten years plotting and preparing a "new Pearl Harbor", a "transforming event" that would "divide our past and future into a before and after". Specifically, it would involve the destruction of the Twin Towers and the deaths of thousands of people. (The plan to attack the Pentagon wasn't conceived until March 2000.) Here's how they did it.

In 1991, Israeli security officials noted that the Israeli-owned Zim American-Israeli Shipping company's underground garage in the World Trade Center (WTC) was vulnerable to a truck bomb. In February 1993 a truck bomb exploded in the Secret Service's section of the underground car park beneath the North Tower (WTC1), after an FBI supervisor had called off a plan to substitute harmless powder for the explosives. The conspirators included a Mossad mole and an FBI informant. This 1993 subplot was a Let It Happen On Purpose (LIHOP) conspiracy, rather than Make It Happen On Purpose (MIHOP) for the overall 9/11 operation.

The bombing served to provide a pretext for fireproofing (Sprayed Fire Resistant Material) "upgrades". Officially, the SFRM used for the upgrades was supposed to be Cafco Blaze-Shield II, originating from Isolatek in Stanhope, New Jersey. However, all the evidence is consistent with embedded accelerants in the upgraded fireproofing on the targeted floors, and indicative of a plan to substitute a lethal fake for the harmless fireproofing. The fake SFRM, almost certainly of Israeli manufacture and shipped via the Zim American-Israeli Shipping company, which moved out of its offices on the 16th floor of the WTC one week in advance of 9/11/01, would heat, rather than protect, the steel floor trusses.

Installing fireproofing with accelerants might have seemed a far-fetched scenario and almost like sci-fi. But similarly, until the second half of September 2024, people would have found it hard to believe that a government (namely, the Zionist Netanyahu regime) would intercept shipments of pagers and walkie-talkies and embed them with explosives, then recklessly detonate them in Lebanon whereupon thousands would be injured or maimed, and others killed including children, with plenty of civilians amongst the casualties. The devices beeped and vibrated for several seconds before detonation, so that the victim would be holding and looking at it it, and maximum damage inflicted. Some victims required removal of both eyeballs, had hands blown off or suffered gaping wounds.

Orchestrating the destruction of eyeballs and giving people the choice between burning alive in a Tower inferno or leaping out of a window to certain death is the sort of evil that is done by a creature such as Benjamin Netanyahu, who as we shall see, had already decided to make terrorism his life's work at the age of 23 in 1972. The Lebanon pager and walkie-talkie attacks and the WTC 9/11 attacks were both terrorism, and a novel brand of terrorism that hadn't been seen before.

The fireproofing upgrade for floors 94 to 98 of WTC1 commenced shortly before December 1996 and was completed by November 1998. The moving market in New York was already dominated by Israeli companies as early as 1988. Urban Moving Systems, an Israeli Mossad front, was operating in New Jersey and New York for years prior to 2001, and was registered in New Jersey in April 1997. After the movers switched the Cafco Blaze-Shield II en route to Manhattan for the fake SFRM sent via Zim Shipping, laundering the Blaze-Shield II would be handled by Jewish real estate developers such as Netanyahu's friend Larry Silverstein, applying it to their own projects. Others included Steven C. Witkoff and Nathan Berman, two of those who were involved in bribing the corrupt former New York Police Commissioner and jailbird Bernard Kerik to say there "was no explosives" in an Israeli van, and to announce the 'discovery' of a "hijacker's" passport that had been handed in by a mysterious unnamed stranger who immediately vanished forever.

For WTC1, there is not only a remarkable correlation between the upgraded floors and the impact zone; there is an exact match between upgraded SFRM of high density and impact zone. FEMA 403 Chapter 2 describes the WTC1 impact zone as floors 94-98. Flight 11 not only crashed into floors 94-98 of WTC1, which was at the very center of the contiguous floors 92-100 that had "upgraded" SFRM, but it was revealed by NIST NCSTAR 1-6A, Table 4-2 that pre-2001, post-upgrade measurements showed the upgraded SFRM on floors 94-98 had different characteristics compared to the remaining upgraded SFRM - higher density, high adhesion/cohesion, and a higher thickness.


For full details, see here.

The accused, Benjamin Netanyahu, who in 1995 "predicted" that "militant Islam" would bring down the WTC, and later credited his father with the "prediction",  is a BSc-qualified architect and had access to blueprints of the WTC - either from his close friend Larry Silverstein, who built the original WTC7 in 1987, or from Lewis M. Eisenberg, a member of the Planning Board of United Jewish Appeal/United Jewish Federation and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey who was to oversee the privatization of the WTC, after making decisions such as whether to upgrade the SFRM. Ergo, Netanyahu had the skills and the information that would enable him to calculate that it was necessary to take out five contiguous floors (see here, or NIST's Appendix D, Interim Report on Preliminary Stability Analysis, D.4.1) in a Tower before the lack of bracing would raise the slenderness ratio of enough core columns above the critical slenderness ratio, such that Euler buckling and global collapse of the tower would ensue. (The slenderness ratio is the effective length of the column divided by its radius of gyration, the latter being its effective width.) By arranging for a lethal fake "fireproofing" to be installed on five contiguous floors, and by targeting a plane to crash into those very floors so that the atomized jet fuel would deflagrate, igniting office fires that continued to burn after any pools of jet fuel had been consumed in the first few minutes, the neocon Likudniks and militant Judaists could achieve their objective of a spectacular show for the cameras.

The SFRM replacements were performed on individual floors as and when tenants vacated their office space. Floors 94 to 98 of WTC1 were all fully upgraded, which included removal of existing material. Deloitte & Touche (formerly Deloitte Haskins & Sells) was badly disrupted by the February 1993 WTC bombing, and had to move elsewhere. In June of that year, Deloitte announced that they would not be returning to the WTC; they had been planning to move out even before the bombing, and it "did not make sense" to return only to move away again later. The Port Authority was left with "about seven and a half floors of prime space in Tower One" (which included the entire impact zone floors 94-98) for which they needed new tenants. This became the "last large block of contiguous space available in the complex".

Thus, as early as June 1993, the demolition planners had their required five contiguous floors 94-98 of WTC1 in which the fake "fireproofing" would be fitted. Those very floors were to be targeted by an aircraft in the ensuing false-flag terror operation, and they would "blame it on the Muslims, naturally". Since the perps didn't have the required five contiguous tenant-free floors for SFRM replacement in WTC2, it's not so clear how that demolition was done, but it involved targeting more floors. Flight 175 which hit WTC2 had a roll angle of 38° give or take a few degrees, compared to 25° for Flight 11. The WTC1 plane's main damage area spanned five floors and the WTC2 plane's spanned seven floors. An orange-yellow flow of tons of molten material was recorded pouring from, as NIST wrote, "the top of a window on the 80th floor of WTC 2, four windows removed from the east edge on the north face".


Source: NIST NCSTAR 1-6A, p. xxxvii


Source: NIST NCSTAR 1-6A, Table 4-2

The information from NIST's Table 4-2 is tabulated below to show the mean values for average SFRM thickness, cohesion adhesion, and density. For a "repeated test", both values are counted. It can be seen that for WTC1, floors 94-98 all have an average measured SFRM density of 19.5 lb/ft3 or higher, and the remaining floors are all 19.0 lb/ft3 or lower with the exception of the 1997 report for the multiple tenant floor 85. The density is quite low in the 1999 measurements for floor 85, and some of the fake SFRM that was left over following the 1996 renovation to floor 94 may have been applied to a section of floor 85 in 1997.

WTC Tower Floor No. Location Date of Report Average SFRM thickness (in.) Adhesion/cohesion (psf) Density (pcf)
1 79 Multiple tenant floor 11/24/99 2.4 333 16.6
1 81 Multiple tenant floor 10/24/96 2.7 270 19.0
1 81 Multiple tenant floor 7/16/99 2.6 377 17.5
1 83 Suite 8331 12/15/99 2.2 259 16.0
1 85 Multiple tenant floor 12/24/97 3.1 210 23.7
1 85 Multiple tenant floor 6/12/99 2.9 278 15.8
1 85 Suite 8563 8/16/99 2.8 259 16.4
1 92 Full floor 4/2/97 2.9 348 17.9
1 93 Full floor 8/28/98 2.1 186 17.0
1 94 Full floor 12/27/96 4.1 426 20.6
1 95 Full floor 8/24/98 2.6 258 19.5
1 96 Full floor 10/22/98 3.1 366 20.0
1 97 Full floor 10/22/98 2.3 432 23.5
1 98 Full floor 11/19/98 2.7 425 22.6
1 99 Full floor 11/20/98 2.4 210 17.9
1 100 Full floor 11/20/98 3.1 296 17.9
1 102 Full floor 9/28/99 2.8 327 16.4
2 77 Full floor 6/9/98 2.5 282 18.7
2 78 Full floor 4/3/98 2.7 279 17.6
2 88 Full floor 7/5/00 2.1 219 16.3
2 89 Full floor 5/5/99 2.8 324 17.8
2 92 Full floor 2/26/98 2.8 333 20.2
2 99 Half floor 7/28/97 2.6 284 21.1
2 99 Half floor 4/3/98 1.8 288 20.7

As for forensic evidence, Dr. Astaneh-Asl found a steel beam that had partly "vaporized" in "searing temperatures" prior to collapse, and fireproofing that had "melted into a glassy residue".

Even melting of the WTC steel required at least 1,426 °C or 2,600 °F, given its maximum sulfur content of 0.05%; the maximum of 0.3% carbon would barely lower the melting point to below that of iron's 1,565 °C. And NIST conducted measurements on the Blaze-Shield II to determine specific heat at temperatures up to 1,200 °C; any phase changes or decomposition would require considerably higher temperatures.

The scientifically impossible orthodox narrative holds that "office fires" in the WTC peaked with upper layer gas temperatures temporarily around 1,000 °C as the local combustibles were consumed. Non-combustible objects such as steel and fireproofing would certainly be at a lower temperature, with the temperature difference dependent upon radiant intensity of the flames, the mass and specific heat of the object being heated, and its time of exposure to the higher temperature. Moreover, a report, authored by a team of engineers commissioned by Silverstein Properties, concluded that fire temperatures in the WTC were even lower than typical fully-developed office fires. The fires were inhibited by dust and debris distributed by the impacts, and the study placed the temperatures at between 750 °F and 1300 °F (about 400 °C to 700 °C). Yet these "office fires" supposedly somehow caused steel to partially evaporate and Cafco Blaze-Shield II fireproofing to melt.

The true explanation is that fake 'fireproofing' of Jewish - most likely Israeli - origin was installed adjacent to the steel including the floor trusses in 1996 and 1998, in preparation for the planned aircraft impacts and dumping of jet fuel onto the relevant floors.

There was undoubtedly a thermite-like substance involved, which generated the extraordinarily high searing temperatures, and, as in thermite, it included powdered aluminum. However, there are better oxidizers such as potassium perchlorate (KClO4), and ammonium perchlorate (NH4ClO4), that combine long-term stability with a high energy density of more than 9 kJ/g. These can be mixed with aluminum at room temperature, even in a wet state, and no reaction occurs.

A mix of potassium perchlorate and aluminum powder, known as Flash Powder and originally patented for use in photography in 1898, has excellent stability allowing it to be stored for many years, has very good water resistance, a rapid burn rate, and its flammability and ease of ignition are both regarded as 9 on a scale of 1 to 10.

For those interested, the reaction is:

3KClO4 + 8Al    →    3KCl + 4Al2O3 + 6048.2 kJ
...which releases 9.577 kJ/g

In addition to the extremely high temperature-generating mixture, there was most probably a plastic polymer such as polyethylene (also known as polythene), which has a relatively low ignition temperature at ~350 °C, and yields a high heat of combustion at 43.6 kJ/g. This would contribute most of the task of heating and thereby weakening the steel. Low-density polyethylene (PE-LD) has a low melt flow index (MFI) of 1.4 g/10 min compared with PE-HD (high-density) (2.2 g/10 min), polystyrene (9.0 g/10 min), and polypropylene (21.5 g/10 min). Combustion products of PE-LD include propylene (propene), which was detected at levels of 990,000 ppb at Ground Zero as late as February 9, 2002, the same month that a steel beam was reportedly "dripping from the molten steel".

Many sceptics of the official narrative have long hypothesised that the WTC was brought down by a "controlled" demolition. In fact, the Twin Towers were destroyed in an uncontrolled demolition, as the planners could not afford obvious hallmarks of explosives. It was Building 7 (WTC7) that most resembled a controlled demolition, and a witness - Barry Jennings, who was trapped in WTC7 as it was hit by early explosions in the morning before the collapse of either Tower - sadly and mysteriously died on August 19, 2008, a mere two days before NIST released the draft version of its WTC7 report.

Similarly, Dutch controlled demolitions expert Danny Jowenko died on July 16, 2011 when his car crashed into a tree; his dog survived the crash. This was just three days after Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute at the US Army War College, had cited Mr. Jowenko's expert testimony that the collapse of WTC7 was a "controlled demolition" by "a team of experts" who had "blown away columns", three-and-a-half minutes into an interview for Press TV with Susan Modaress. The 'coincidental' timing of the 'accident' is also consistent with a hit job designed to stop any further exposure after the testimony had received significant coverage.

Of course, even the BBC had been told at least twenty minutes in advance that WTC7 was to be demolished, but they mistimed their live reporting, and had Jane Standley read out her prepared report stating that the Salomon Brothers Building (which WTC Building 7 was also known as) had collapsed when it could be seen standing behind her head. (Watch here from around 14:49).

The controlled demolition was their Plan B in case the plane didn't hit, so that the evidence of accelerants for uncontrolled demolition would be eliminated. Fight 93 was supposed to crash into WTC7, but was shot down before it could reach its target because it was 41 minutes late due to airport congestion, and the confusion caused by the war games and exercises - effectively a military "stand down" - could not be maintained indefinitely. Rather than admit that, a Jessica Lynch-style "Let's roll" fantasy story about passenger heroics was concocted for propaganda purposes.

So here's how the Twin Towers uncontrolled demolitions were done. A plane is crashed into the building so that its jet fuel is dumped onto the floors installed with the lethal, fake 'fireproofing'. The atomised jet fuel ignites and deflagrates; some of it forms pools on the floors, but these burn up within a couple of minutes or so. The jet fuel has the purpose of igniting the office combustibles, and these fires can persist for hours.

Had the original fireproofing remained in place, the buildings would not have collapsed. After the 1993 WTC truck bombing, the WTC's head structural engineer John Skilling was discussing his firm's analysis that showed the Twin Towers would withstand a 600 mph impact with a Boeing 707. (Cf. with the 440 mph impact velocity of Flight AA 11, and the 587 mph impact velocity of Flight UA 175.)  He said, "Our analysis indicated the biggest problem would be the fact that all the fuel (from the airplane) would dump into the building. There would be a horrendous fire. A lot of people would be killed. The building structure would still be there."

However, the jet fuel fires, and later the office fires, ignite plastic towards the outer surface of the fake fireproofing. But left to itself, burning of the plastic would be patchy and unreliable. The perpetrators needed to produce substantial burning and heating along the whole length of the floor trusses, which is why they had a thermite-type propellant complete with its own oxidiser to maintain a flame front.

The office combustibles produced most of the energy released in the fires, but the jet fuel was necessary to ignite those combustibles. Similarly, the plastic in the fake fireproofing produced the bulk of the energy for heating the steel, but the propellant was necessary to ensure ignition of the plastic right along the length of the steel trusses.

So the burning polymer ignites the propellant, and a combustion wave propagates along the fake SFRM in all directions: along the length of the steel member in both directions, and towards the inner steel-facing side. The beauty of this (for evil architects of state-sponsored false-flag terror for power and profit) is that the combustion wave can also propagate along SFRM at steel/steel interfaces, such as a main truss to a transverse truss, or from one L angle shape of a truss bottom chord across the SFRM on a diagonal web rod to the parallel angle shape, or from a bottom chord to a top chord along a web rod's SFRM.

As an example for the speed of the flame front, a 66.5% potassium perchlorate, 33.2% phenol-formaldehyde resin, 0.14% mixed impurities, 0.11% moisture, 0.05% hydrogen chloride rocket propellant is known to achieve a burn rate of 0.25 to 0.31 in/sec. Now if the propellant has a combustion velocity of 0.25 inches per second or 1.25 ft/min, then the time taken to burn a 60 feet length is 48 minutes.

WTC1 took 102 minutes to collapse, which at that burn rate would suggest a total length for the combustion path of 1.25 * 102 = 127.5 feet (although a few minutes can be taken off to allow for burning of the last sections of plastic). That could correspond to the floor with the least severe fires having the fake SFRM ignited at a limited number of points not far from the middle of the long 60-foot span. It's 30 feet from the midpoint along a double truss to the 137-foot long side of the core or the long perimeter side, and it's 104 feet along a transverse truss or intermediate support angle to each of the short sides of this rectangular tenant area, with the propellant combustion front turning a right angle at various points. The long axis of the WTC1 core was aligned in the east-west direction. (Perimeter columns 101 to 159 are on the north side.)



Source (archived) / Original

Within an hour, much, or all, of the entire floor's propellant is ignited. Initially the polymer cannot burn on the interior of the fake SFRM because of insufficient oxygen. However, the polymer is ignited all along the length of the members on the outer edge of the SFRM. After the propellant has done its job, some of the polymer has already been consumed, and the last sections to be ignited continue to burn in towards the steel.

After five contiguous floors have collapsed in a WTC Tower, the lack of bracing causes the slenderness ratio of too many core columns to exceed their critical slenderness ratio. This results in Euler buckling of the columns, which is followed by bowing of perimeter columns, and then global collapse ensues.

The task of hijacking the aircraft was assigned to one Rabbi Dov Zakheim, the CEO of SPC International, a company whose Radar Physics Group produced "Flight Termination Systems" whereby an operator or operators could electronically hijack multiple in-flight aircraft "several hundreds of miles" away, fly them via the "Command Transmitter System", and simultaneously steer them into targets. Skilled Jewish pilots would fly the planes into the buildings as required.

This brings us on to the Pentagon attack part of the operation, in which Zakheim played a leading role. In March 2000 it was publicly announced that the Pentagon's finances were "in disarray" and almost $7 trillion of bookkeeping adjustments had been required in order to balance the accounts, with $2.3 trillion of those corrections lacking receipts. According to the official conspiracy theory, a "Muslim" hijacker, who couldn't drive a car or remember his PIN for withdrawing cash, and was described as a "very bad pilot" who "could not fly at all", flew a Boeing 757 like an ace fighter pilot at 530 mph into the Pentagon's first floor, with the bottom of the engines clearing the lawn by a couple of feet, after he'd been recruited by some guy living in a cave.

Zakheim was nominated by Bush to serve as Pentagon Comptroller in February, 2001, and was sworn in on May 4, months before a plane smashed into the Pentagon's accounts section, destroying documents and outdated standalone accounting computer systems, and killing accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts.

The Pentagon Comptroller would have the power to hire and fire those who did the data backups. By having a missile or an aircraft - or a missile followed by an aircraft - smash into the accounts section, the standalone accounting systems could be destroyed, and after the backups had mysteriously 'accidentally' failed or been corrupted, there would be no trail of what had happened to the proportion of $2.3 trillion that had been diverted to Zionist funds. Zakheim, who was a co-signatory to Rebuilding America's Defenses, a paper that wrote of the 'benefits' of a "new Pearl Harbor", and published by The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), would later be able to claim that he had 'found' most of the 'missing' money, but sadly, not all of it.

Finding Muslims to frame for the attacks was the role of the so-called "art students", Jewish or Israeli Mossad assets who were operating in the US from January 2000 to September 2001. They were also known as the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) groups - e.g., in Gerald Shea's memorandum. When news of this broke they ran a damage control operation by claiming that the Israelis were merely "shadowing" people, some of whom turned out to be "the future hijackers", when in reality Israel ran the whole operation and no Muslims were involved. That is, apart from the 1993 LIHOP operation mentioned above, of bombing the WTC to kill and injure people as the pretext for fireproofing upgrades.

The framing of Muslims was done very sloppily, as almost half of the "suicide" hijackers later turned up alive and well, and since there were no Arabic names on the original flight manifests of the attack planes, the list of 'suspects' was constantly evolving in the first few days after 9/11/01. (If the government produces a so-called flight manifest after having had years to fabricate something, that does not constitute evidence.)

Adnan Bukhari, Ameer Bukhari and Amer Kamfar were some of those initially alleged to be among the hijackers. But Adnan Bukhari was found to be alive and living in Florida. Ameer Bukhari died in a small plane crash on September 11, 2000 - exactly one year too early. On September 14, 2001, Kamfar was reported as being possibly alive and "armed with an AK-47" (how could he have survived one of the plane crashes to still be "possibly alive"?!?!?), and then he turned out to be alive and innocent and living in Mecca.

See our article here where all these details are comprehensively covered.

The task of "documenting the [9/11] event" was assigned to Sivan Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel and Oded Ellner, who were the "Dancing Israelis" seen celebrating and acting in a jovial manner atop their Urban Moving Systems van in the rear parking lot of the Doric apartment block, 100 Manhattan Avenue, Union City, New Jersey on the morning of Tuesday September 11, 2001, before the news station 1010 WINS announced, "A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center" at 08:50:52 a.m., which was 4 minutes 22 seconds after the first plane crashed into the North Tower at 8:46:30.

Thus, even if a friend had phoned them as soon as the plane impacted, the Israelis did not have time to make the decision to take a break from their work at the Urban Moving Systems office in Weehawken, grab their cameras which they conveniently had with them, rush out and jump into their van, make the 5- or 6-minute drive from Urban Moving Systems at 3 West 18th Street, Weehawken to Doric at 100 Manhattan Avenue in Union City, at around 08:50 in the rush hour on a Tuesday morning, make a left turn, drive along to the parking lot at the back, jump out and climb atop the roof holding their cameras and start joking, horsing around and flicking lighters. This of course was well before the second plane hit, when innocent bystanders believed it was merely a terrible accident.

There is such an overwhelming plethora of proof showing Israeli and Jewish fingerprints all over 9/11 that space here only suffices to mention a tiny fraction of it. The Dancing Israelis' (known to the FBI as the High-Fivers) foreknowledge was not only proven by the impossibility of their accounts of how they came to be at Doric to be seen filming the Towers before the breaking news on 1010 WINS, but by facts such as their return tickets back to Israel (via Greece) dated September 12, 2001 (that they were caught with when arrested for "puzzling behaviour" on the afternoon of 9/11/01) that they had booked in June 2001 before they had even left Israel. They already knew then that the event - which they were to document - was to occur on September 11th.


And so, the High-Fivers had already planned - as early as June 2001 - to make their getaway to Israel the day after 9/11/01. They planned to leave the US from JFK International Airport, New York City on September 12, 2001, on Olympic Airways Flight  412 at 17:45 bound for Greece, whereupon they would catch a second flight to arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel on the morning of September 14. (The perpetrators might have foreseen disruption to civilian air traffic, such as a suspension for a couple of days, but they would also reckon that possession of tickets for September 12 should help their US operatives to get priority when flights resumed. And indeed, it wasn't Arabs in a cave, who couldn't afford a decent video camera, who profited from shorting airline stocks!)

The High-Fivers were also found with passports, $4,700 in cash hidden in a white pouch, and maps with "certain places highlighted", described as "tie-ins" (evidence "linking these Israelis to 9-11" that was later "classified", so only appeared in an initial report), whilst "[o]ddly, equipment typically used in a moving company's daily duties was not found, including work gloves, blankets, straps, ropes, boxes, dollies, rollers, etc.". And when the three High-Fivers were seen in Liberty State Park around 11:00 am, the witness said of one of them that he "looked light, and didn't look like he would work as a mover". The FBI report on the High-Fivers was a primary source, there was a police report, and also local and mainstream reports.

Dominik Suter already knew by lunchtime of 9/11/01, before his employees were arrested for "puzzling behavior" at 3:56 pm that afternoon, that his company Urban Moving Systems had become redundant as a Mossad intelligence front. The 9/11 mission had been completed by lunchtime on 9/11/01, and so that is when Suter made the decision to close Urban Moving Systems and fire his workers, as confirmed by Omer Marmari. Moreover, Suter's mother-in-law's business partner made a transaction on a Florida property on Friday, 9/7/01, four days prior to the attacks, consistent with knowledge that the family would need to flee to Israel within days of the attacks and a consequent settling up of personal affairs.

Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy knew that the end of July would be a good time to take over the lease on the Twin Towers and its retail space, and to insure against multiple terrorists attacks to the tune of billions of dollars, to cover business interruption and rebuilding costs. They were fully aware that their businesses would soon be interrupted. Moreover, Silverstein knew that he and his children Roger and Lisa had to stay away from the WTC on the morning of 9/11/01, and needed some sort of excuse, such as a "dermatologist's appointment", or a story about "running late".

The Zim American-Israeli Shipping Company was aware that September 4, 2001 would be a good time to move out of the World Trade Center, even if it meant a financial loss from breaking the terms of their lease and there was no credible business reason for them to make such a move if they didn't know that the building was going to be demolished one week later in a terrorist attack.

Some unknown Israeli intelligence operative based in Herzliya, Israel was aware that the WTC was about to be targeted, two hours prior to the first plane crash, when he or she sent the Odigo warning message to New York City.

Anyone still trying to figure out who masterminded 9/11, eleven years on, should ask themselves:

Hint: It is all the same man!

Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, the world's arch-terrorist, was also directly supervising the London 7/7 bombings, being personally in London that morning, and the London-born former head of the Mossad Efraim Halevy demonstrated his intimate knowledge of the operation in a Jerusalem Post article he wrote on the same day, July 7th. Verint Systems, a subsidiary of the Israeli company Comverse Technology, took over the contract for video networked "security" at the London Underground in September of 2004, ten months in advance of the 7/7/05 bombings. This included "certain remote portions of the track". Thus, Israel's agents could install the explosives beneath the train carriages undetected by technology - although a gentleman named Jean Charles de Menezes, was shot multiple times and killed by police in London a couple of weeks after the 7/7 bombings. Did he see something he was not meant to?

It's worth noting at this point that apart from his BSc in architecture, Benjamin Netanyahu also did an MSc in business management, and his 1976 thesis with Zeev Zurr of Tel Aviv University as co-author was on "Computerization in the Newspaper industry". Netanyahu ("Nitay") wrote: "The integration process will be facilitated by advances in three areas: data compression, data base management and distributed processing. [...] Computerization may enhance the political power of newspapers by providing them with data banks and the ability to compile and disseminate pertinent information on issues or people at a very rapid rate." He continued: "The political power of newspapers is based on the ownership structure of the media."

And Netanyahu's fellow Sayeret Matkal Captain, Daniel Lewin, the alleged passenger on Flight AA11 who was also MIT-educated and also lived in Denver and Jerusalem, had developed David Karger's "consistent hashing" algorithm for distributing content from web servers more efficiently to cope with large amounts of traffic. This was just what the pair needed following the execution of their 9/11 operation. The "ownership structure of the media" (as Maurice Joly had already explained back in 1864 and then relayed on by Netanyahu's tribe members ~1889) would grant political power to the owners, and this would be enhanced by computerization and the ability to disseminate information - or disinformation - at a very rapid rate, thanks to Daniel Lewin and his co-workers at his company Akamai. The company's global network of clients included major news media sites, and their web traffic surged by a factor of five following the 9/11 attacks.

This raises an interesting question - was Netanyahu chosen to plan the Twin Towers demolition in 1991 because of his architecture qualification, or was he already considering pulling off a feat such as the toppling of a skyscraper back in 1972-1976 when he went to MIT and decided what to study? The North Tower, WTC1, was ready for its first tenants in late 1970, and the upper stories were completed in 1972. Given Netanyahu's other interest in the ability to disseminate a narrative at a very rapid rate (e.g., by having Jerome Hauer on Dan Rather's CBS News program in the morning of 9/11/01 where Hauer would tell everyone that "It... certainly has the fingerprints of somebody like bin Laden" and that the World Trade Center collapsed because of "the velocity of the plane" and "intense heat probably weakened the structure as well"), the answer is quite clear.

Netanyahu would make it his life work to bring about a "transforming" event or events, that were like a "new Pearl Harbor". And, like his father and father-in-law, he would support and employ terrorism in order to, as he and other Jewish supremacists saw it, benefit Israel and the Zionist cause. But Netanyahu was so fanatical in an attempt to make himself appear as Israel's saviour that he would settle for nothing less than presiding as Israel's prime minister over much of a timespan that extended over four decades, from the 1990s to the 2020s.

So to sum up the operation, Benjamin Netanyahu worked out how to topple the Towers to bring about a "transforming event", he and his friend Daniel Lewin handled rapid dissemination of their web of lies on the relatively new internet news servers, Lewin (who "loved jumping out of planes") was one of those who would ensure the crew could not regain manual control after the Boeing aircraft were electronically hijacked, Dov Zakheim provided the means to electronically hijack the planes and masterminded the heist of $billions of Pentagon funds, Zim Shipping brought the fake 'fireproofing' across from Israel, Israeli / Jewish moving companies operating in New Jersey and New York took the genuine fireproofing at Stanhope and switched it en route to Manhattan with the fake Israeli 'fireproofing', Jewish real estate developers operating around New York laundered the unused Blaze-Shield II fireproofing on their own projects, and Israeli / Jewish "art students" spent twenty months looking for Muslims in the US to frame as "suicide pilots" or "hijackers", and then Jews in the mainstream media would cover for them and continue to push the narrative.

Jewish Control of non-Jewish Puppets

Jews have a long history of setting up figureheads or "fronts", funding them or handling them to advance their nefarious operations in a way that shields the Jews from the spotlight. For example, J.P. Morgan Company was originally George Peabody and Company. George Peabody started doing more business originating from London, and soon after moving there he was asked to meet with Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who bluntly revealed that much of the London aristocracy disliked Rothschild and refused his invitations. Peabody accepted Rothschild's proposal that Peabody would be established as a lavish host whose entertainment would be the talk of London, with Rothschild secretly paying the bills. Guests would badmouth Rothschild whilst drinking Peabody's wine, without realising that Rothschild had paid for it all. And so Rothschild got intelligence on what everyone was saying.

Tony Blair was installed as British Prime Minister by Lord Michael Abraham Levy, also known as "Lord Cashpoint". Blair met Levy in 1994 at a dinner party hosted by Gideon Meir, a senior Israeli Foreign Ministry official. Officially, Blair became a close "friend" and "tennis partner" of Levy.

In reality they had made an agreement - the Jews would bring all their firepower to bear to ensure that Blair was elected as prime minister, and they had Netanyahu's friend Rupert Murdoch (who would often let Netanyahu stay at his London home) switch his Sun newspaper into backing Blair and the Labour party in the 1997 election, after previously supporting the Conservatives. In return, the Prime Minister Blair would obey all their orders such as illegal wars for Israel and opening Britain's borders to "rub the right's nose in diversity". The Jew Peter Mandelson was an important figure in Blair's "New Labour".

Even after Blair's decade as P.M. he would be pushing the Jewish agenda by promoting 'vaccinations' and digital ID cards, by which time he had got very wealthy. Just like the attendees at Peabody's parties imagined he was a genuine host, unsuspecting people think the push for 'vaccines', war, mass migration, ID cards and so on originates from sincerely held views of Tony Blair.

Bill Gates is analogous to a much richer version of Blair. Jeffrey Epstein, the Mossad asset who worked with Robert Maxwell's daughter Ghislaine, would entertain the Jews' future blackmail victims at his island or on a plane or yacht, where the celebrity or politician looking to enhance their wealth, power and privilege would be enticed and provided with underage sex, which would be caught on camera. Some of the players might have been tricked, and others could have been aware of the cameras but regarded it as a price worth paying to join the in-crowd.

Gates was amongst those who flew on Epstein's "Lolita Express" plane, years after Epstein had been released from jail as a convicted serial pedophile. Others included Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew, who along with Gates were obviously provided with "sex slaves" such as Virginia Giuffre née Roberts. The Jews would make it appear like the Gates Foundation was providing funding and taking the initiatives, when in reality the money would be from Rothschild (or printed by the Federal Reserve) as in the case of Peabody, and Gates would take his orders from Jews. So he would be pushing vaccines, fake or otherwise, and other destructive idiocy such as spraying calcium carbonate dust into the atmosphere to block out the Sun.

Now let's take a look at how the Jews' system of 'democracy' works, whereby government by the people for the people transforms into government by puppets of the Jews for the Jews. As an example, consider the British prime ministers. We have already dealt with Tony Blair.

Keir Starmer: Attends the St John's Wood Liberal Synagogue; has Shabbat Friday night dinners with his Jewish wife Victoria and children, who have an extended family in "Israel".
Rishi Sunak: Ex-Goldman Sachs, and mentor was the Jew Richard Sharp, who was a banker and Sunak's boss at Goldman Sachs.
Lis Truss: Clearly not a favourite of the Jews; they sold off the pound to force her out.
Boris Johnson: Always an inveterate liar, such as when he claimed Porton Down scientists had categorically assured him there was "no doubt" the alleged "novichok" at Salisbury was of Russian origin. Was probably threatened in March 2020 to go along with the "deadly" virus hoax and Jew jab scam; pretended to be seriously ill from "Covid" and in need of "intensive care". Has at least eight children from three different women.
Theresa May: Particularly friendly with the Jews after having been beguiled by the Jew illusionist "spoon bender" Uri Geller, one of her Parliamentary constituents who showed her what he claimed to be "Winston Churchill's" spoon.
David Cameron: Had a great great grandfather Emile Levita who was a Jew banker, and some say that Cameron could be a direct descendant of Moses.
Gordon Brown: Not the Jews' first choice; became premier for three years when Blair bowed out.
John Major: Was clearly being controlled by blackmailers over his relationship with the Jewess Edwina Currie, something which he later admitted to being ashamed of. Currie probably gave him his orders.
Margaret Thatcher: Had plenty of Jewish advisers, but was less of a sell-out and brighter than most UK premiers.
Jim Callaghan: Not the Jews' first choice, fairly normal if unremarkable character.
Harold Wilson: Close associate of the Jew swindler and textile manufacturer "Lord" Kagan, a "Holocaust survivor" who came to England from Lithuania in the early 1930s, and was jailed for stealing from his own company. Another of Wilson's handlers was another Jewish crook, "Sir" Eric Miller, who funded Wilson's political office and killed himself as he was being investigated for siphoning money from a property company.
Edward Heath: Lifelong friend and protégé of the Jew Madron Seligman, with whom he went on a hiking trip in Germany in 1939 weeks before Britain would declare war on Germany. Another of Heath's friends, Jeremy Norman believed Heath was a "closet homosexual". In 2017 the Chief Constable of Wiltshire Mike Veale announced he was 120 percent convinced Heath was a pedophile, because of similarities in the accounts of those who came forward as victims as sexual abuse. Sadly, the media then ran a campaign against Veale, pushing unsubstantiated claims of inappropriate sexual comments against him, and the attempt to get justice for Heath's victims faltered. Unsurprisingly, Heath pursued a Jewish globalist agenda, betrayed Britain and took Britain into the "Common Market" / European Union.

The real question is what scandals have these people got themselves in that haven't been made public. Was Tony Blair's nickname Miranda something to do with it being the closest moon to Uranus? There is a rumour that Blair, under his middle name of Lynton Blair, was arrested for soliciting in a public convenience.

As for the USA, consider the overrepresentation of Jews in both the Biden administration and Trump administration.

Obama also had plenty of Jewish advisors. According to The Times of Israel, "Far more than any previous president, Obama spent his adulthood in the company of Jews. His most important professional mentors were Jews; most of his big donors were Jews; many of his neighbors were Jews; his chief political consultant was a Jew. As [Rabbi Arnold Jacob] Wolf himself would later say, Obama was 'embedded in the Jewish world'."

And the Bush Administration was riddled with Jews, who are 2.2% of the US population.

The Covid 'Deadly' Virus Scam

Now look at the players involved in the Covid virus 'pandemic' scam, which involved injecting billions of people worldwide with a harmful or lethal mRNA bioweapon that would cause the unfortunate victim's body to produce billions of copies of a foreign protein, which would be distributed via the blood stream to end up at random places within their body, where the immune system would recognise it as not-self, resulting in autoimmune attacks wherever these toxic spike proteins had lodged. Whether the toxic material would go to relatively harmless parts of the body, or in the worst cases, to the heart or brain where the damage cannot be repaired, was unpredictable, as was the actual quantity of foreign proteins manufactured. And so those who submitted to the shots were playing Russian Roulette with their health, with no possible health benefit arising from the gamble.


Jews are heavily involved in the "Covid" 'vaccine' companies Pfizer and Moderna. For example, Albert Bourla, a vet (and amusingly these people kept telling us ivermectin was merely a horse dewormer and no good for treating Covid!), is the CEO of Pfizer. Mikael Dolsten is its Chief Scientific Officer. And Moderna's Chief Scientific Officer is Tal Zaks.

The Chief Medical Officer at Johnson & Johnson was Joanne Waldstreicher.

The Head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at the time was Rochelle Walensky, and in 2023 Walensky was replaced by another Jew, Mandy Cohen. Although Jews constitute only 2.4% of the US population, the leading positions at the CDC are riddled with them.

Jews had long dominated the mainstream media, of which the largest shareholders had come to be Jewish investment companies such as BlackRock and Vanguard, but now Jews had leading positions on the main social media platforms and search engines. Facebook, now "Meta", CEO Mark Zuckerberg was obviously happy to censor views that didn't fit his tribe's preferred narrative, although he would later claim the Biden administration had pressured him into censoring Covid content (which is an inversion of the pecking order between a government and the Jews).

The YouTube CEO was Susan Wojcicki, who would delete videos with Covid content out of kilter with the CDC narrative. It appears that Wojcicki was not bright enough to understand that she was pushing a pro-disease, pro-death agenda, since she died from cancer at the age of 56, consistent with having agreed to have the atrocious Pfizer or Moderna toxins injected into her bloodstream.

Jack Dorsey, the Twitter CEO until 2021, was a shabbos goy (non-Jew who works for Jews) whose friend (and handler) was the Jew Jared Cohen, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) who worked for four years up to 2010 at the State Dept. under the Bush and Obama administrations, and was the founder and director of Google Ideas.

Google was founded by the Jews Larry Page and Sergei Brin. Originally its search engine was quite fair, but its algorithm was gradually tweaked until it exhibited a massive bias towards the Jewish, Zionist and "woke" narrative. When the Great Barrington Declaration was published in October 2020 criticising the prevailing Covid-19 policies, a Google search for it would throw up a series of hit pieces against the GBD and pushing the official narrative, whereas the GBD website, if it appeared, would be way down from the top of the results. A DuckDuckGo search on the other hand would be more favorable, although DuckDuckGo has since increasingly slanted towards a Jewish portrayal.

An important feature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is that it was engineered to be more dangerous to White Europeans and South Asians compared to Ashkenazi Jews (e.g., the Jewish money power and the occupying regime in Palestine). This was done by arranging the electrostatic attraction between the virus and the ACE2 receptor to be minimal for the receptor variants generally found in the Ashkenazim, but strongest in the receptor variants abundant amongst White Europeans and South Asians.

For the K26R ACE2 receptor variant associated with the Ashkenazi Jewish population, the electrostatic SARS-CoV-2 / ACE2 attraction is only -3.7 kcal/mol. The G211R ACE2 receptor variant found in much of the White Europeans and South Asians has an attraction of -12.4 kcal/mol with the virus.

As early as January 2021 a Bayesian analysis was published looking into the likelihood of the SARS-CoV-2 virus being laboratory derived as opposed to a natural zoonosis. The paper concluded beyond reasonable doubt that the virus was of laboratory origin, with a 99.8% chance of the laboratory origin hypothesis being correct and only 0.2% for the zoonosis theory that was promoted by the powers-that-be. A strong piece of evidence supporting the man-made hypothesis was the insertion of a furin cleavage site at the S1/S2 junction of the spike protein. This alone raised the likelihood for laboratory origin from 69.2% to 95.3%.

Other key indicators were the lack of posterior diversity for SARS-CoV-2 compared to MERS and SARS-CoV-1, and lack of seroconversion in Wuhan and Shanghai, both pointing against the ludicrous story of a novel coronavirus naturally "jumping" across from bats to humans via some intermediate animal (as per the scenario mentioned below, in the October 2019 tabletop exercise Event 201, run by the Gates Foundation and other players) in a "wet market".

The Jewish company Moderna was found to have already filed a patent as early as February 2016 that included a 19-nucleotide sequence found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Of those 19 genetic letters, 12 related to the furin cleavage site and the others matched nucleotides on a nearby part of the genome. The patent was approved in March 2017, and then the virus appeared some time in 2019. It is the only coronavirus of its type that contains the unique sequence of 12 letters that allows it to be activated by furin, an enzyme.

By now, just about the whole world and his dog recognizes that the Covid so-called "vaccines" do not prevent infection, transmission, or reduce hospitalization and death. Honest doctors had long been aware of this, and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi was already warning in 2021 if not earlier why the "vaccines" could not possibly prevent infection, as well as their role in deaths by inducing an autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs.

The scam relied on PCR testing, after PCR test inventor Kary Mullis had said, "...and with PCR, if you do it well you can find almost anything in anybody". Conveniently for the fraudsters, Mullis died in August 2019.

A couple months later, October 18, 2019 in New York, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health conducted their Event 201 exercise, a tabletop simulation of a pandemic involving a novel coronavirus transmitted from bats to humans via an intermediate animal. Within another few months the authorities were peddling a lunatic claim about a novel coronavirus transmitted from bats to humans via an intermediate animal, and would coerce the public into unnecessarily complying with policies on lockdowns, face muzzles and fake 'vaccines', all of which increased mortality and worsened public health, whilst providing zero benefit to the public.

People who had a minor respiratory infection such as a cold or flu were told they had "Covid", and were killed by being put on ventilators, or given end-of-life drugs such as midazolam, which depresses the breathing. In New York, 88% of those placed on ventilators died, or 97% for the over 65YOs. The number of midazolam prescriptions more than doubled in April 2020 in the UK compared to previous months.

In all of these deaths scammers would claim it as a "Covid" death following a fraudulent PCR test that used so many cycles (of amplification) that it would find almost anything. There was no distinction between a death with the virus, as opposed to a death from it, although given the unreliability of the PCR test there was no proof any death was from, i.e., due to, the virus. The average age of death with the Covid virus in England and Wales was 82.4 years, which compared with 81.5 years from all other deaths, with cancer being the most frequent cause.

Another way statistics were falsified was that people who had got the first Covid jab less than 14 days previously, or if their 'vaccination' status was unknown, were classed as "unvaccinated". So frequently these people would sadly but suddenly die, and the liars could pretend that the pure-blooded were more at risk that those who had taken the shot, in contrast to the reality.

The face nappies and lockdowns baloney was part of Project Fear, and part of an experiment to see how easily people would give up their rights and let themselves be humiliated. There was plenty of propaganda from the liars about "asymptomatic spread" and "superspreaders", but a giant study of almost ten million people showed zero evidence of transmission from an asymptomatic person. In others words, it wasn't just rare, it simply didn't happen, and classing healthy people as "sick" was nothing more than another example of Zionists inverting the meaning of words to suit their diabolical agenda.

And the fake 'vaccines' far from being "safe and effective", were very, very dangerous and did absolutely nothing to improve health. They had to manipulate and falsify statistics to pretend the shots provided even minuscule benefits. The US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database (as of 08/30/2024) shows 19,449 deaths reported when you select COVID19 VACCINE (COVID19); COVID19-2 (COVID19-2) as the only vaccines.

Now if you select All Vaccine Products, but you exclude the Covid shots by selecting the dates 1900-2019, the database shows 5,741 deaths reported.

And so, all of the other vaccines put together from 1900 to 2019 were associated with 5,741 reported deaths, whereas the new experimental Covid fake 'vaccines' were associated with 19,449 reported deaths. For the former, there doesn't seem to be many reported deaths from earlier than 1990, so if we take these non-Covid vaccine deaths up to 2019 as extending over a 30-year span and the Covid shots as a little under 4 years, we have 3.388 times as many deaths from the Covid shots over 4/30 the time of the non-Covid shots, and so in terms of deaths per year we see that the Covid shots are associated with 3.388 x 7.5 = 25.4 times as many as the non-Covid shots. That is, 4,862 deaths per year from the Covid shots and 191 deaths per year from non-Covid. So much for "safe and effective".

The reported deaths are known to be a tiny fraction of unreported plus reported. For example, the UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) runs the Yellow Card reporting system for suspected adverse drug reactions, and "estimated that only 10% of serious reactions and between 2 and 4% of non-serious reactions are reported." Thus, the true number of deaths caused is likely to be at least ten times the reported deaths, although some experts say the multiple is considerably greater.

Denis Rancourt studied the association in time of Covid "vaccination" and all cause mortality (ACM) for 17 countries. He found that, far from any reduction in mortality associated with the injections, there was an increase in ACM that would imply 17 million Covid-19 deaths worldwide in less than 3 years, with no measurable prevention of death. There was no shortage of studies showing that the higher the vax rate, the higher the mortality.

In order to get the Emergency Use Authorization, the Covid fraudsters had to lie and pretend their fake 'vaccines' would not only prevent or cure Covid infections, but were the only cure, and other drugs or supplements that really were effective such as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and vitamin D, did not work.

The tribe boast about running the US news, for example: "Jews In The American Media". The situation is the same in Britain, for example, where the Jews admit they were already "a major factor in British journalism" by the middle of the 19th century.

Here are a few "Jews In The American Media", from the hyperlink above:

JewsAmericanMedia photo JewsAmericanMedia_zps1fc18194.png


(That's only a tiny sample of those listed on that page alone.) Some sceptics might be asking, "Is a 'conspiracy' website that has made this up?" Apart from the fact that the information can be verified, anyone who checks out the site will immediately see that it is a pro-Judaism website.

SimpleToRemember photo SimpleToRemember_zpsdeceb1f2.png

If they didn't control the media, there is no way they would have been able to push their preposterous 9/11 conspiracy theory about a man living in a cave who couldn't even afford a decent video camera, who recruited Arabs who got lucky and toppled three tall buildings whilst armed with nothing more than box cutters. And they needed their control of the media to peddle their nonsense about a "deadly" virus, which is quite insane considering that humans are equipped with a rather special device called an immune system, the result of 800 million years of animals living alongside viruses and other pathogens.

The Jews daren't allow the truth to get across to a wider audience, so they are forced to resort to censorship. Jews will maintain that everyone is clever enough to vote and make a choice between two Jewish-offered alternatives, which are invariably almost equally appalling. Yet they say that everyone is too stupid to distinguish between their insane narratives put out on their approved platforms and the so-called (in Newspeak) "disinformation" and "propaganda" broadcast on the channels that they censor. However, truth cannot be suppressed forever.

Genocide and Terrorism Sponsored and Backed by Western Governments

They needed their media to push a ludicrous version of the October 7, 2023 events, in which Palestinians conducting a military operation to take hostages as a bargaining chip for the release of thousands of innocent Palestinian prisoners being tortured, mistreated and killed in prisons by a terrorist, heartless, apartheid occupying regime, were portrayed as "terrorists" who had burned babies in ovens, chopped off their heads, raped women, blah blah blah. And this is why outlets such as Russia Today (RT) were banned in the EU and in Britain.

In reality, the Israeli Defense Forces using helicopters and tanks had opened fire on their own civilians, killing hundreds of them and burning out cars in a way that was simply not possible by Palestinian fighters armed with a few guns and knives.


Source: The Electronic Intifada

Now the monsters running the Zionist regime have used the so-called "attack" of October 7 as a pretext to conduct ethnic cleansing and laying waste to almost every building structure in the Gaza Strip, with countless tens of thousands dead.


They frequently told civilians to leave their homes and move to a 'safe' place, whereupon the 'safe' place would be bombed, and then the next 'safe' place, ad infinitum.

They had behaved in a similar way in the 2006 war with Lebanon, when they told civilians to evacuate an area after bombing bridges to make this impossible, then targeted them like sitting ducks. If they tried to shelter in the basement of a three-story house, then the Jews demolished it killing dozens of women and children (the Qana massacre). The Jews fired at the very center of the crosses on Red Cross ambulances. After providing personal assurances that a UN observer post would be spared from fire, the Zionists nevertheless fired upon it killing four UN observers. The Jews also fired rockets attacking a farm, killing at least 33 peach-pickers, mostly Syrians, and injuring dozens more, and made up some nonsense about two buildings being used to "store weapons", when footage merely showed fruit baskets next to the bodies of the dead.

Then since October 7, 2023, these Zionist psychopaths have been carrying out the same kind of atrocities but on a much larger scale, targeting homes, hospitals, schools, mosques, refugee camps, etc.,  in the Gaza Strip and massacring tens of thousands of civilians including many thousands of women, children and babies.

Just as one example of Zionist barbarism, around the end of January a five-year-old (6YO in first reports) Palestinian girl named Hind Rajab was left trapped in a car along with the dead bodies of six family members. Her 15-year-old cousin had made an emergency call to the Red Crescent saying an Israeli tank was approaching, then shots rang out and she screamed. Hind, the only remaining survivor by then, was desperately begging for help to dispatchers for three hours. Twelve days later, Hind's body was found, along with the other family members and two paramedics, who had gone to rescue them after being promised safe passage by the Israeli authorities.

The Zionist regime couldn't even muster up the integrity to admit responsibility, concocting some balderdash about IDF tanks not being present, yet Al Jazeerah analysed satellite images that corroborated the victims' accounts and places at least three Israeli tanks only 886 feet from the victims' car with their guns aimed at it.

Even early in 2022, it was obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that Ukraine would not be able to beat Russia in a war. But that was never the goal of the Zionist warmongers. The purpose of the Zionist-backed Maidan coup and subsequent proxy war against Russia was to damage Russia - hated by the Khazar Jews ever since the Rus' drove them out of Khazaria, and to genocide hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians so that Jewish colonialists might have somewhere to flee to and seize as their "homeland" after the collapse of "Israel". Rather like the killing of more than 15,000 Palestinian civilians in the first Nakba in 1948, between 40,972 and 204,860 over late 2023-2024 if we take the Lancet's formula of four indirect deaths per one direct death, thousands more throughout the intervening years, and millions undoubtedly displaced.

The warmongering Jew Anthony Blinken's stepfather Samuel Pisar, who claimed his father, mother and sister were all murdered during World War II even though he clearly survived, was the long-time lawyer and confidant of the disgraced pension fund plunderer and Mossad asset Robert Maxwell. Blinken is pushing for a nuclear Third World War by advocating NATO supply Ukraine with long-range missiles to strike deep inside of Russia, with NATO personnel inputting the coordinates and providing data from satellites. And of course, the Kiev Jewish regime is losing badly on the military front, so as sure as day is day those long-range missiles would be used to target and terrorise civilians.

Scum such as the pedophile-protecting Keir Starmer and the repulsive Labour Friends of Israel member David Lammy have been trying to drum up approval for Ukraine to use Britain's Storm Shadow missiles (velocity around 620 mph) for strikes deep inside Russia, which Lammy described as showing "nerve and guts". At least, Starmer was too weak to persuade the Americans to immediately go ahead with the plan, and amusingly, Biden said he does "not think much" about Vladimir Putin. Does Biden think much about anything other than ice cream, little girls and having his diaper changed? Why not give Starmer and Lammy a rifle and a helmet, parachute them into the front line, and see how much "nerve and guts" they have then?

The Western press and the lying politicians will pretend it is a matter of merely "allowing" Kiev to use the long-range missiles, but as Putin correctly stated, since NATO personnel would inevitably be directly involved, this would escalate the war into a new dimension between Russia and NATO.

The Solution

The sick, subverted, perverted system in the Jew-run Western 'democracies' is collapsing under the weight of its enormous debt, labyrinth of lies and increasingly twisted degeneracy. In order to put it out of its misery, and reduce the threat of nuclear catastrophe, we have to recognize that it is a crime to support terrorism and war crimes, and the terrorists, war criminals, pedophiles and psychopaths masquerading as "politicians" have lost all legitimacy. Since the support of terrorism (through paying taxes to fund a pro-Zionist, pro-terror, pro-wars for "Israel", pro-proxy Russophobic wars regime) is a greater crime than not paying taxes, there should be a mass peaceful non-compliance in the form of no more taxes until the people's demands are met.

All of the current crop of politicians must resign and be replaced by normal people who are not under the thrall of the Zionist lobby, the Jeffrey Epstein Blackmail ring, the P. Diddy blackmail ring, or anything else. The most important qualification is common sense, the candidate should understand that it doesn't benefit the man in the street to throw money at "Israel" or Ukraine, or to shut down farming or food production or energy production or travel because of some retarded pseudoscientific hoax about man affecting the climate. It doesn't benefit the people to take away their rights and inject them with toxins because of hysteria about an alleged 'deadly' virus. The candidate should ideally have little interest or experience in politics and, like Donald Trump's initial promise before he turned out to be as bad as the rest, should be more focused on cleaning out any remaining corruption and making their country great again.

These honest people will represent and stand up for the rights of their fellow citizens, and a new political structure based on truth, justice and integrity, a system that strives for peace, can arise from the ashes. The new economic system will use honest currencies, e.g., backed by gold, that do not devalue.

Media operations from CNN to Fox News to the BBC to GB News should be seized and taken over by citizen journalists, and the existing presstitutes fired. However, the new reporters, and the new politicians, should see it as a temporary period of public service, perhaps for a couple of years. The turnover of these people should be high enough that there would be little incentive for any group to try to corrupt them. And there should be a powerful deterrent to anyone considering influencing the narrative or the policies. Such an act should be declared treason, and will carry exemplary penalties.

For "Israel" / Palestine, a just solution is quite simple.

Hand the so-called and falsely called "Israel" part of Palestine, that was used as a base for terrorism, over to the Palestinians, and incarcerate Netanyahu, his government, the IDF, the Shin Bet, the Mossad and the police in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinians can then decide how merciful they want to be, how much water, energy and aid they will allow in. Continue operating Aleph Farms to provide the Zionists with the lab-grown meat that Netanyahu dubbed a "global breakthrough". The Zionists can also be provided with metal rods so that they can rape each other as much as they wish. They may also be given plenty of needles, so that if they want a relatively quick way out that doesn't involve malnutrition and disease they can inflict a thousand minor cuts, drink each other's blood, and die in a similar manner to Christian boys who have been persecuted and sacrificed by Jews for at least 1,000 years.

Take the figures of 169,500 actively serving in the IDF plus 465,000 reserves, and so we have 634,500. The Mossad employees are estimated at 7,000. Even if we estimate one million as the total with links to the terrorist apartheid criminal Zionist regime to be moved to the Gaza Strip, an area of only 139 square miles, they still have more room than the 2.1 million or however many Palestinian survivors remain after the latest genocide.

As for anti-Zionist Israeli Jews, there is a solution that would be acceptable to fair-minded, non-supremacist Muslims such as Laith Marouf of Free Palestine TV. See in this video from around 34:00, where he explains what he means by "Free Palestine". It means equality for everyone who lives in Palestine, whatever their religion or ethnicity. If Jewish colonists wanted to remain in Palestine and would accept equality, they could stay, and they would be protected, with no calls for vengeance or punishment.

His solution would allow Jews, Christians and Muslims to live as equals, alongside each other, and this would involve real democracy and the abolition of the existing apartheid, ethno-supremacist Zionist state. In other words, this would effectively return the land of Palestine back to its political state around 1900, before the ethnic cleansing that began well in advance of the 1948 setting up of the fake State of "Israel".

So in the Western Zionist media, the lying talking heads push the preposterous idea that "free Palestine" somehow involves a genocide or driving Israeli Jews back to the sea, when in fact it's rather like having a "Bill of Rights" for all the inhabitants. Basically, the problem is the Talmudic supremacism in which Jews see themselves as the "Chosen" Ones, destined to rule over all non-Jews, and to enslave or kill non-Jews as they like, to employ terrorism, to foment war and hate, and to censor free speech and free media in order to prop up the Zionist order and narrative.

Removing this evil system is not "anti-Semitism" or "racism" or a "new Holocaust", it is restoring true democracy. And resistance forces that bravely fight against the oppression of a wicked, terrorist, colonial State that is funded by the taxpayers of its vassal states overseas are not "terrorists", they are freedom fighters.

For the rest of the world, there should be a "two-area" solution.

Predatory Jews who have been involved in subversion, terrorism, warmongering, the fake 'vaccine' business, censorship, dissemination of disinformation, and promoting pseudoscience, destruction and degeneracy must be expelled from our countries and moved to a new area of land that we may provisionally name as Jewland, so that they can never escape and harm the rest of us ever again.

There are the right-wing Rothschild-backed Jews pushing for a Greater "Israel" through terrorism and wars, aided by their criminal puppets such as Donald Trump, and there are the left-wing Soros-backed Jews aided by retards such as Kamala Harris working to cripple and pervert Western nations by means of sick degeneracy such as transgenderism, and the destruction of energy infrastructure and the food supply through various hoaxes about "warming" or animal diseases. Clearly, there is no place for these treacherous, destructive, dangerous crooks in our lands.

However, there are Jews who are not part of the Zionist or Soros program, who haven't been engaged in nefarious activities, and haven't pushed for supremacism. Sometimes they have even spoken out about their tribe's crimes, such as the "Holocaust" hoax, and suffered because of it. One guy (unfortunately now passed on but born in 1941) did genuinely good work debunking the official 9/11 narrative and was involved in other anti-war, pro-human rights activism. Other Jews have contributed to make the world a better place through music or acting. There are question marks over Einstein's originality, but he was not a wicked person.

Such people should be given the choice of remaining or leaving for the new Jewland. However, if anyone renounced Zionism and chose to stay, but were subsequently found guilty of disloyalty, it would be one strike and you're out.

And there are plenty of traitors who are not Jews. Collectively, the predators, Jews and others, people such as Anthony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, Albert Bourla, the Clintons, the Bushes, Bill Gates, Tony Blair, Keir Starmer, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Anthony Albanese, etc., have betrayed their nations and gorged themselves through crime or bribes. They must leave. They can either go to the Gaza Strip and join their hero Benjamin Netanyahu stalking amongst the ruins as he tries to find a new prey whose blood he can suck, or they can go to the new, larger area that is to be set up for them.

When the mountainous and desert areas have been subtracted from the Earth's total land area of more than 57 million square miles, it is estimated that this leaves 24,642,757 square miles suitable for human habitation. Let's suppose the Zionist Jews and all their non-Jewish supremacist lackeys amount to as much as 1% of the population. So we have some 82 million people and they are to get 1% x 24,642,757 = 246,428 square miles, which is 333 people per square mile, and not far off from the population density in Japan or Pakistan. This larger region would be roughly 500 miles x 500 miles.

Obviously the precise areas and locations are up for negotiation, but Russia would appear to be among the better options due to its large area and low population density. It already has Birobidzhan, a Jewish Autonomous Region, which is 13,900 square miles. Under a fair arrangement, if the supremacist Jews are as much as 0.2% of the global population, they should get 0.2% x 24,642,757 = 49,285 square miles. Alternatively, if they amount to only 0.05%, then Birobidzhan would suffice for this group.

As the great but much maligned Adolf Hitler - who was not a racial supremacist - said on March 28, 1933, in response to the "Judea Declares War on Germany" (as reported in the Daily Express, March 24, 1933):

"The action committees are responsible for the utmost protection of all foreigners, regardless of their faith, origin, or race. The boycott is merely a defensive measure exclusively directed toward Jewry in Germany. [...] It must be made clear that the battle against the atrocious Jewish hate propaganda is purely self-defensive. The action committees are responsible that this whole effort proceeds in the most peaceful way and with greatest discipline. Don't even hurt as much as a hair on a Jew's head! We will defeat their provocations simply with the far-reaching impact of these given [economic] measures!"

And just as the Germans acted from 1933 to 1945, we must behave firmly but fairly with discipline, and react only in a defensive manner against the Jews who have plagued our nations for so long. No kicking in their doors or painting swastikas on their walls, no beating them up, etc., merely because of their race or religion. But those who have betrayed their host nation cannot be allowed to remain and get away with it any longer.

The Zionists have long been saying that they want a "homeland". Well yes, they should get a homeland, but it must be in a location that is agreed upon by the indigenous people who should be fully compensated for the sale of their land. They mustn't be allowed to seize somewhere merely on the basis of a colossal lie about getting "exterminated". And they should not be welcomed into a nation after wailing about multiple repeats of being "persecuted" or "hated", with no addressing of what it is about their nature that causes countless people everywhere to dislike them on so many occasions throughout history. It is precisely because they have thrived, and gained great power and privilege, and never been exterminated or annihilated or massacred, that the problem keeps repeating itself.

Thenceforth the Zionists must no longer be allowed to interact with the rest of us. It is simply no good allowing a wandering tribe to keep tricking its way into various nations, when these newcomers soon abuse the generous hospitality extended to them by behaving as dual citizens with no loyalty to the host nation, eventually being kicked out and moving elsewhere when their crimes become all too obvious, yet having each country welcome them in again when history has been rewritten and their crimes have been forgotten by new generations.

By allowing a parasite to enter that will soon subvert and betray them, the host nation can only lose.

This is nothing to do with "hate" or petty, personal, private vendettas. It is about saving our nations from further collapse, and saving humanity from the existential threat of the warmongering cabal.

We must never forget! Never again!

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

"Anti-Semitism" does not occur without a reason. The cause of "anti-Semitism" is Jewish behavior.

The Jews (only up to ~2016!):

Appendix 3

Our rulers will often accuse those who call them out of being "anti-Semites" or "anti-Semitic". This is a classic case of inversion of the truth. Since October 7, 2023 there has been a massive escalation in the nearly 80-year long genocide being perpetrated on the Palestinian people.

The original and proper definition of Semitic relates to language, it is the people whose ancestors spoke Middle Eastern languages such as Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Amharic and Syriac. The Palestinians speak mostly Arabic and are a Semitic people. As for the Sephardic Jews, their ancestors spoke Hebrew and also lived in the Middle East, so they would qualify as Semites. However, the rulers of the West - those at the top of the pyramid such as the Rothschild bankers, and the Zionists who run Israel, are not Semites by any stretch of the imagination. But since these characters have historically perpetrated so many crimes and inflicted so much damage upon the rest of us, they began misusing the Semitic label, and began to accuse anyone who called them out and exposed their crimes of being "anti-Semitic" or an "anti-Semite".

Most of today's "Jews" - including all of Israel's prime ministers - are descendants of the Khazars, a Turkic tribe, who were ordered to convert to Judaism by their King Bulan around 740 CE or later (the conversion was en masse, although Encyclopaedia Britannica did state that religious tolerance was practised in the Khazar empire). The Khazars were originally located in the northern Caucasus region; for a time they expanded to the south of the Caucasus into present-day Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, having successfully fought the Arabs around 685. The Arabs later recaptured the territory, and the Caucasus Mountains became the accepted southern boundary of Khazaria. Around the 8th and 9th centuries the Khazar empire was at the height of its power, extending from along the northern shore of the Black Sea and the Dnieper River in the west to the other side of the Caspian Sea in the east.

Khazaria photo Khazaria_zps9fcca0f6.png


The ancient Khazar capital Atil was found in 2008, near the Russian village of Samosdelka, at the Volga River's delta near the northwestern corner of the Caspian Sea.

So as we said above, not all Jews are Khazars, and some Jews did live in the Middle East in Biblical times. However, Benjamin H. Freedman, an ex-Jew who defected to Christianity after being repulsed by organized Jewry's warmongering, lies and political machinations, exposed the Khazar converts as "so-called" or "self-styled" 'Jews' who laid false claim to the Holy Lands. It's exactly the same as if the Chinese had converted to Islam in 1800, and in 1900 started snivelling and crying that they had a right to Mecca and Medina!

Zionist Khazar 'Jews' have been trying desperately to deny their Khazar origins. They claim that genetic studies do not support the "Khazarian hypothesis" and instead favor the "Rhineland hypothesis", which asserts that most Ashkenazi Jews are of Semitic origin.

Firstly, the Zionists' racially and politically motivated Rhineland hypothesis has been robustly refuted in a 2012 study published in a peer-reviewed journal by Eran Elhaik, a Jewish Israeli-born molecular geneticist. The paper, which was accepted in Oxford Journals' Genome Biology and Evolution December 5, 2012, exposes the Rhineland hypothesis as pseudoscientific claptrap and provides "strong evidence for the Khazarian hypothesis". Here are excerpts from the Results section of The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses:

"European Jews are expected to cluster with native Middle Eastern or Caucasus populations according to the Rhineland or Khazarian hypotheses, respectively. The results of all PC analyses (fig. 3, supplementary figs. S2 and S3, Supplementary Material online) show that over 70% of European Jews and almost all Eastern European Jews cluster with Georgian, Armenian, and Azerbaijani Jews within the Caucasus rim (fig. 3 and supplementary fig. S3, Supplementary Material online). Approximately 15% of Central European Jews cluster with Druze and the rest cluster with Cypriots. All European Jews cluster distinctly from the Middle Eastern cluster. Strong evidence for the Khazarian hypothesis is the clustering of European Jews with the populations that reside on opposite ends of ancient Khazaria: Armenians, Georgians, and Azerbaijani Jews (fig. 1). Because Caucasus populations remained relatively isolated in the Caucasus region and because there are no records of Caucasus populations mass-migrating to Eastern and Central Europe prior to the fall of Khazaria (Balanovsky et al. 2011), these findings imply a shared origin for European Jews and Caucasus populations. [...] The geographical origins of European Jews varied for different reference populations (fig. 4 and supplementary fig. S5, Supplementary Material online), but all the results converged to Southern Khazaria along modern Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. Eastern European Jews clustered tightly compared with Central European Jews in all analyses. [...] Remarkably, the mean coordinates of Eastern European Jews are 560 km from Khazaria’s southern border (42.77 N, 42.56 E) near Samandar—the capital city of Khazaria from 720 to 750 CE (Polak 1951)."

Secondly, a 2013 study by Doron Behar et al purporting to refute the Khazarian hypothesis and criticising Elhaik's work has itself been debunked by Dr. Elhaik in May, 2014. The Behar team started with their desired conclusion, and selected the data accordingly. They asked the question "Are European Jews similar to the Khazar proxies?", had the answer "No" as their null hypothesis, failed to provide an alternative hypothesis, failed to specify how genetically similar one would need to be from the Khazar proxies to qualify as a Khazar, assumed in the absence of evidence that "the Ashkenazi, North African, and Sephardi Jews [derive] substantial genetic ancestry [...] from Middle Eastern and European populations", and employed a dubious new methodology - spatial ancestry analysis (SPA) - which, especially for non-Europeans, has a very poor accuracy compared to the admixture-based Geographic Population Structure (GPS) method. (The Behar article is also open access, and claims to have been accepted.)

Thirdly, Elhaik posted a challenge for advocates of the Rhineland hypothesis: If "Jewishness" is in the genes, then it would be possible for geneticists to identify Jews when provided with files of the genetic sequence, sample identifiers and gender, with the "Jewishness" of the samples known only to Elhaik. No one took him up on the challenge.

Fourthly, Harry Ostrer, professor of pathology and genetics, is a leading proponent of the Rhineland hypothesis and the standard Zionist claim that Jews are a "race" who are bonded by their common ancestral descent from the Jews of ancient Judea. Elhaik revealed how Ostrer refuses to make publicly available the data used in his group's paper Abraham's Children in the Genome Era. Instead, Ostrer allows researchers to "collaborate" only if they submit a proposal of what they plan to do, and it meets with certain requirements such as "non-defamatory nature toward the Jewish people". In other words, the data is released only to Zionist-approved individuals, which demonstrates that Ostrer is politically, rather than scientifically, motivated.

Fifthly, the Rhineland hypothesis is so improbable that it defies all common sense, and it flouts Occam's Razor. It requires that most Ashkenazi Jews emerged from a small group of only 50,000 German Jews in the Rhineland around 1400; they migrated eastward, and reproduced extraordinarily rapidly, to reach about 8 million strong by around 1900. That's a 160-fold spurt in Ashkenazi population over 500 years from 50,000 in 1400 to 8 million in 1900 despite disease, war, poverty, poor sanitation, etc., compared to European population which nearly managed a 6-fold gain from 50 million in 1450 to 291 million in 1900. (Or from 73.5 million in 1340 to 291 million in 1900; population was declining in the late Middle Ages, whether due to disease or poverty.) A 160-fold increase in 500 years corresponds to a doubling every 68 years. Compare with the world population, which took 304 years to double from 0.5 billion to 1 billion between 1500 to 1804, or 123 years for the next doubling to 2 billion by 1927. The Rhineland hypothesis not only requires that the Ashkenazim somehow outbred their non-Jewish neighbors by at least an order of magnitude; it requires that the Khazars mysteriously vanished.

As Elhaik eloquently notes: "Because such an unnatural growth rate, over half a millennium and affecting only Jews residing in Eastern Europe, is implausible—it is explained by a miracle (Atzmon et al. 2010; Ostrer 2012). Unfortunately, this divine intervention explanation poses a new kind of problem—it is not science."

For more about how there were simply not enough Western European Jews in the late Middle Ages to account for the population that emerged in Eastern Europe, see Arthur Koestler's The Thirteenth Tribe Chapter VI "Where From?"

Finally, the idea that all Jews have very similar DNA falls apart when you consider the massive IQ difference of 23 points between Ashkenazi Jews (117) and Sephardic Jews (94).

For more about how Ashkenazi "Jews" are not Semites - yet they still whine about "anti-Semitism" whenever anyone dares to expose their crimes - see Jack Bernstein's 1985 book My Farewell To Israel, which should be required reading for anyone trying to understand the Jewish problem. And his lengthier book The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel. He explodes a few myths about Jews and Israel. Bernstein was a benevolent, honest Jew who regarded himself as "first of all [...] an American". Some have said that Bernstein was assassinated by the Mossad. It's possible, and Bernstein died in the Veteran's Hospital, Martinsburg, West Virginia, on 4 May 1987 from a suddenly developed cancer shortly after travelling in the Philippines, but he did not think the Mossad was responsible. Zionist propagandists cannot refute what he said, so they simply pretend that he never existed and there was a conspiracy by anti-Semites to fake his existence, even though he was a personal friend of Michael Collins Piper, for example. So much for Zionist conspiracy theories!

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