Robert Jan van Pelt's Cremation Claims Refuted

1. The Scientific and Physical Impossibility of the "Holocaust" Narrative
    1.1. Coke Availability at Auschwitz-Birkenau
    1.2. The Known Coke Consumption of the Topf Double-Muffle Oven
    1.3. Hoaxer Attempts to Get Around the Problem of the Impossibility of their Claims
    1.4. The Physical Limit to Cremations Imposed by Firebrick Durability
    1.5. The "Holocaust" Yarn - as Credible as a Trabant Capable of 200 mph and 400 mpg
    1.6. Van Pelt's Supposed High-Performance Incinerator, from a Failed Manufacturer, is Barely any Better than the Topf Ovens
2. Animal Cremators and Incinerators - Empirical Proof that Hoaxer Claims of Multiple Corpses per Muffle Providing Amazing Performance is Baloney
    2.1. The Mass Burning Rate of the Topf Ovens
    2.2. The Heat Balance of the Topf Ovens for Various Types of Corpses
    2.3. Calculating the Mass Burning Rate Required by the "Holocaust" Narrative
    2.4. The Time that the Birkenau Ovens were Operating, after Deducting Downtime
    2.5. Required Mass Burning Rate is 177 kg per Hour per Muffle, Based on a 20-Hour Day
    2.6. The Performance of Modern Animal Cremators and Incinerators
    2.7. Engineer's Study of a Typical Human Cremator: Fuel Requirement is 44 Times Higher than Fuel Available in "Holocaust" Fable
3. The van Pelt "Expert Report"
    3.1. The Hypocrisy of van Pelt
    3.2. Van Pelt's Cremation Claims Debunked
        3.2.1. The Dawidowski "Expert Report"
        3.2.2. Van Pelt's Lie about Topf Ovens Violating the Law
        3.2.3. Operating Instructions for the Topf Triple-Muffle: One Corpse at a Time per Muffle, with a Coffin
        3.2.4. Heating Value of a Coffin and Clothing: Up to 37 kg of Coke
        3.2.5. Van Pelt's and Tauber's Claim of Multiple, Simultaneous Bodies per Muffle Refuted
        3.2.6. Van Pelt Idiotic Claim of Krema IV and V Designed for Extermination, but Krema II and III Designed for Civilian Use
        3.2.7. Dawidowski Exaggerates Cremation Speed by 11.7 Times
        3.2.8. Dawidowski: Krema II to V all "Built as Extermination Installations" - Contradicts van Pelt's own Claim
    3.3. Silly Claim of Bumbling "Nazis" who start Exterminating Thousands of Jews, Bury them all in a Swamp, and only Figure Out it was a Bad Idea when they start Smelling
        3.3.1. The Claim of 50,000 Corpses Buried and Exhumed at Auschwitz in 1942, No Ovens until 1943
    3.4. Tauber's Tall Tales - Not even Real "in his Mind"
    3.5. Van Pelt's Reliance upon Pseudo-science
        3.5.1. Introduction - The Forensic Tests of Leuchter, Rudolf and Ball
        3.5.2. The Markiewicz 'Study' - Use of Pseudo-science in an Attempt to Refute Leuchter, Rudolf and Ball
        3.5.3. The Markiewicz Study of 1990 - Suppressed because of the 'Wrong' Results
        3.5.4. Naturally Occurring Cyanide Concentrations in Various Materials
        3.5.5. The James Roth Lie about Non-Penetration of Hydrogen Cyanide
    3.6. Why Roth and Judge Gray Chose to Side with the Holocaust Industry
    3.7. Judge Gray's Casual Dismissal of Evidence that Proves Holohoaxers' Lies
    3.8. The "Bischoff" letter of 28 June 1943 - Claims Equivalent to a 200 mph, 400 mpg Trabant
4. The Deceptions of John Zimmerman
    4.1. Establishing what really happened at Auschwitz in 1942
    4.2. Monthly Registered Deaths vs. Coke Deliveries
    4.3. Conclusion: 30,000 - 35,000 Cremated in Pits when Load too much for Auschwitz I Ovens
5. Forthright Statements by Jews Regarding the "Holocaust"
6. Zionist Jews and Allied Governments had the Means, Motive and Opportunity to Fabricate the Hoax
    6.1. Admissions by Jews that they control Hollywood, TV and the Press
7. Conclusion: Approximately 100,000 Natural Deaths at Auschwitz-Birkenau; "Gas chambers" "Extermination" 'Theory' a Myth

1. The Scientific and Physical Impossibility of the "Holocaust" Narrative

Let's start by considering the insurmountable problems faced by the Holocaust narrative of 1.1 million (or more!!!) people "gassed" at Auschwitz, and then we can see how van Pelt deceptively attempts to get around them. The Hoaxer needs to find some way of accounting for how 1.1 million bodies could have been disposed of, given the capacity of the crematoria, the time required for cremation, and the coke availability. As will be demonstrated, the coke consumed at Auschwitz-Birkenau is less than one-tenth of what would be necessary to cremate more than a million bodies. That is because the true death toll there was in the region of 100,000 - and most of those were not Jews.

1.1. Coke Availability at Auschwitz-Birkenau

The recorded coke deliveries to Auschwitz-Birkenau total 1,037 tons, documented on approximately 240 delivery notes dating from 16th February 1942 to 25th October 1943 [Jean-Claude Pressac, AUSCHWITZ: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, p. 224]. The data for February 1942 to March 1943 is corroborated by calculations from German engineer Jährling. The alleged "exterminations" were supposedly carried out over the three years 1942 to 1944, following the Wannsee Conference of January 20, 1942. A generous extrapolation of 2,000 tons of coke for 1942-1944, divided by Hoaxers' minimum allegation of 1.1 million allegedly "gassed" at Auschwitz obtains a figure of 1.8 kg of coke per corpse.

PressacCokeDeliveries photo PressacCokeDeliveries_zpscd2d6249.png

Source: AUSCHWITZ: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, Pressac [p. 224]

1.2. The Known Coke Consumption of the Topf Double-Muffle Oven

Data from the Topf double-muffle oven at Gusen [Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity (2010), pp. 302/3] shows that 47.9 kg of coke per corpse was consumed in semi-continuous operation when run every other day over 260 days in 1941 (138,430 kg of coke for 2,890 corpses from January 29 to October 15). For continuous operation, 30.6 kg of coke per corpse was consumed when 677 corpses were cremated using 20,700 kg of coke over 13 days from October 31 to November 12, 1941. At the Irving vs. Lipstadt trial of 2000, David Irving's estimate of a required 30 kg or 35 kg of coke per corpse (see Day 9 in the transcripts) was very fair, and entirely consistent with the empirical evidence. But Hoaxers expect us to believe that over 1942 to 1944, the Germans somehow reduced the coke consumption of the Topf ovens of Auschwitz-Birkenau by one or two orders of magnitude down to between 0.5 and 3.5 kg of coke per corpse, depending upon whether they are claiming 1.1 million or 4 million murdered at Auschwitz, and whether or not they are proposing a surge in coke deliveries that, conveniently for their allegations, did not commence until at least November 1943, to cover the period for which coke delivery notes are not available.

1.3. Hoaxer Attempts to Get Around the Problem of the Impossibility of their Claims

Sometimes the Hoaxer will attempt the "delivery records are incomplete" gambit. Unfortunately for them, it is refuted by the corroborating evidence from Jährling's calculations, and would require a bizarre scenario of approximately 2,400 delivery notes being randomly shuffled into non-chronological order followed by approximately 2,160 (90%) of those delivery notes mysteriously going missing, so that all months became similarly incomplete. The Hoaxer might suggest that the "missing" paperwork only applies to April 1943 or later, after Jährling had performed his calculations, in which case the same peculiar loss of at least 90% of the paperwork needs to occur for each of the months April to October 1943. Even in this case, there is the contradiction of the fact that the "extermination" policy was allegedly decided upon at the Wannsee Conference of January 20, 1942, but the decision to upgrade the Auschwitz-Birkenau crematoria with the Birkenau ovens of Krema II to V did not follow until August that year. Even for Hoaxers, with their wildly inflated assumptions regarding cremator performance, the idea that the Germans planned to cremate more than a million bodies on three double-muffle ovens (more than 166,667 per muffle) must be a non-starter.

Another Hoaxer gambit is to claim the Germans could cremate at less than 2 kg of coke per corpse because the Topf ovens were in continuous operation, despite the fact that the Topf oven at Gusen consumed 30.6 kg of coke per corpse in continuous operation. Another variation is to cite the Jewish "witness" Henryk Tauber's claim that "fatty bodies burned of their own accord", which is tantamount to the idea that a pool of water containing a pile of more than 200 bones and a few bottles of oil buried under the bones or weighed down by bones could be made to keep burning until all the water evaporated and all the bones were reduced to a powder. And another variation is to claim that simultaneously stuffing in multiple corpses per muffle - in a cremation oven designed to accept one corpse in each muffle at a time! - could somehow produce the massive gains in fuel consumption, mass burning rate and firebrick durability required by the exterminationist narrative. As we shall see, the "multiple corpses per muffle" gambit cannot possibly provide any improvement in those performance parameters, and it is decisively refuted by the performance of modern animal cremators and incinerators. But Hoaxers (such as van Pelt) frequently resort to this gambit.

1.4. The Physical Limit to Cremations Imposed by Firebrick Durability

The problem of firebrick durability deals yet another mortal blow to the Holocaust tale. A lifetime of 3,000 cremations before firebricks needed replacing was achievable in an electric oven, where the temperature distribution was more uniform. However, for the coke-fired ovens, the limit would have been 2,000 cremations per muffle. The records show that the firebricks were only replaced once in one oven, the second double-muffle oven at Auschwitz I. Thus, the three double-muffle ovens at Auschwitz I had a capacity of 6 x 2,000 + 2 x 2,000 = 16,000 bodies. The 46 muffles of Birkenau had a capacity of 46 x 2,000 = 92,000 bodies, making a total capacity of 108,000 bodies. [See: Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity, pp. 297-9.]

1.5. The "Holocaust" Yarn - as Credible as a Trabant Capable of 200 mph and 400 mpg

And as we show below, in order to cremate more than a million bodies, the ovens would need to cremate about 3.2 times faster than they actually could.

If the Holocaust narrative were fact, the Topf cremation furnaces would have had to have performed like a Trabant capable of cruising at 200 mph nonstop for a million miles, whilst consuming a mere 400 mpg and making barely any more noise than a ticking clock. This is why there is no doubt that the "Holocaust" is a myth and the "gas chambers" allegation is a malicious libel.

1.6. Van Pelt's Supposed High-Performance Incinerator, from a Failed Manufacturer, is Barely any Better than the Topf Ovens

Professor Robert Jan van Pelt, a so-called "cultural historian" posing as an 'architect' who describes himself in "The Case for Auschwitz" as "having grown up in a culture that had defined itself as one 'after Auschwitz'," cites Simonds Continual Burn Incinerators (on a webpage last updated in 2002) as evidence for his claim that the Topf ovens at Auschwitz-Birkenau could cremate at an extremely low fuel consumption. However, the Simonds company has been inactive since 2003; it presumably failed because its sales blurb was a little over-zealous. The company's director has a Jewish name (Leavey, which is a variation of Levy). Here's a statement about the true performance of their incinerators. And note, the device has a "waste heat recovery boiler", equivalent to a recuperator, which the Auschwitz-Birkenau ovens did not have, and so this Simonds incinerator would have had superior fuel economy compared to the Topf cremation ovens. Moreover, the quoted performance figures are for continuous (24 hour!) operation:

"The incinerator is a Simonds Manufacturing Corporation Model AF-5C natural gas fired dual-chamber unit, with the capacity to burn 1350 pounds per hour of hospital waste. The maximum natural gas heat input is 8 MMBtu/hr. The incinerator exhaust is fitted with a waste heat recovery boiler... [...] Hours of Operation. This emissions unit is allowed to operate continuously, i.e., 8,760 hours/year."

The units MMBtu are millions of BTU. A million (or Mega) BTU or MBTU is sometimes expressed as MMBTU to denote a thousand thousand BTU, which is clearly the same quantity. So the consumption rate is 8 MegaBTU per hour. Given  that 1 BTU is approximately 1,055 J, then 8 million BTU is 8,000,000 x 1,055 J = 8.44 GJ. Dividing that by a generous estimate for the calorific value of 30 MJ per kg of coke, we obtain 281 kg of coke. So, 281 kg of coke consumed per hour per 1350 lb of waste material burned corresponds to 0.208 kg of coke per pound of waste material = 0.459 kg of coke per kg of waste material = 25.2 kg of coke per 55 kg moderately thin corpse. Thus, the machine is barely any more efficient that the Topf double-muffle oven at Gusen, which was capable of 30.6 kg of coke per corpse when operating in continuous cremations.

Holocaust affirmers rely upon qualitative sales blurb such as an implication that very little amounts of additional fuel are required once a cremator or incinerator is running, and if they do cite any quantitative documents, those are wholly unrealistic estimates, most likely by some junior employee who was trying to impress.

2. Animal Cremators and Incinerators - Empirical Proof that Hoaxer Claims of Multiple Corpses per Muffle Providing Amazing Performance is Baloney

In order to demonstrate that multiple corpses per muffle could not possibly deliver the performance required by the Holocaust narrative, we need to find the mass burning rate per muffle required by the Holocaust narrative, and then find what fuel consumption is required to obtain that burn rate in modern animal cremators and incinerators. Then we compare that fuel consumption with the less than 2 kg per corpse required by the HoloHoaxing scammers.

2.1. The Mass Burning Rate of the Topf Ovens

As an average, the fastest realistic estimate for the burning rate is a cremation rate of one body per hour per muffle, as was confirmed by statements from Topf engineers Kurt Prüfer and Karl Schultze [see Carlo Mattogno & Franco Deana: The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz—A Technical and Historical Study (2015), pp. 309-311].

When interrogated by the Soviets on March 4, 1946, Schultze stated: "In each of two crematoria there were five furnaces and three corpses were introduced from time to time into each furnace, i.e. there were three openings [muffles] in one furnace. In one hour, fifteen corpses could be burned in a crematorium with five furnaces."

And the next day, the Soviet interrogator Schatanowski asked Prüfer: "How many corpses could be cremated at Auschwitz in one crematorium in one hour?"

Prüfer replied, "In a crematorium of five furnaces or fifteen openings [muffles] fifteen corpses were cremated in one hour."

2.2. The Heat Balance of the Topf Ovens for Various Types of Corpses

Mattogno uses three different types of corpse when considering the heat balance of the ovens. The "normal" corpse is 70 kg, the "medium" (moderately lean) corpse is 55 kg, and the emaciated corpse is 40 kg. The moderately lean body is assumed to have lost 25% of proteins and 30% of fat; the emaciated body is presumed to have lost 50% of proteins and 60% of fat. In these cases, the heavier corpses require less fuel to cremate because of the heat released from burning the fats and proteins. For example, the three-muffle oven has a consumption of 17 kg of coke per corpse for the "normal" corpse, 20 kg for the "medium" corpse, and 23 kg for the emaciated corpse [C. Mattogno, F. Deana, The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz, p. 367]. (Those are theoretical minimum figures, assuming no pre-heating, so in practice the consumption would be somewhat higher.) To represent the average Auschwitz victim, we shall use the "medium" moderately skinny 55 kg corpse. And so with each muffle capable of cremating one body per hour, its mass burning rate is 55 kg/hr.

2.3. Calculating the Mass Burning Rate Required by the "Holocaust" Narrative

Now in calculating the required mass burning rate, we'll pretend for the sake of argument that 100,000 bodies could have been disposed of by a combination of burning in pits (fueled by wood) and the three double-muffle ovens of Auschwitz I. From cross-referencing the death books and the monthly coke consumption as shown below, and an understanding that some 30 kg of coke would have been required per body cremated in the Topf ovens, it can be seen that pit burning probably accounted for some 30,000-35,000 cremations prior to March 1943, peaking in the summer of 1942 when the ovens were quite unable to cope with the load from the typhus epidemic. In reality, 65,000 x 28 kg of coke per corpse requires 1,820 tons of coke, compared to 1,037 tons delivered up to October 1943, three months after the Auschwitz I ovens were finally shut down, and which also includes supplies for the Birkenau ovens commencing in March 1943. And 6 muffles x firebrick durability of 2,000 cremations per muffle, plus 2 x 2,000 to allow for replacement of firebricks on one double-muffle oven, allows for 16,000 bodies cremated. Nevertheless, let's suppose that 100,000 cremations are taken care of.

2.4. The Time that the Birkenau Ovens were Operating, after Deducting Downtime

That leaves 1,000,000 bodies to be disposed of by the Birkenau ovens. The first figure below is the number of days they were in service in 1943 after excluding periods of breakdowns; the second is the corresponding figure for 1944. Here is the maximum capacity of the crematoria based on a realistic time of one cremation per hour per muffle. [See: Mattogno, Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity (2010), pp. 290-7 regarding breakdowns and number of days that the Birkenau crematoria were in service.]

Krema II 167 + 266 = 433 days (5 triple-muffles, 15 muffles); max. capacity @ 1 hr cremation per muffle and 24/hr day = 433 x 15 x 24 = 155,880

Krema III 190 + 266 = 456 days (5 triple-muffles, 15 muffles); max. capacity @ 1 hr cremation per muffle and 24/hr day = 456 x 15 x 24 = 164,160

Krema IV 50 + 0 = 50 days (1 x 8-muffle); max. capacity @ 1 hr cremation per muffle and 24/hr day = 50 x 8 x 24 = 9,600

Krema V 82 + 144 = 226 days (1 x 8-muffle); max. capacity @ 1 hr cremation per muffle and 24/hr day = 226 x 8 x 24 = 43,392

Total capacity = 373,032 for 24 hours a day; thus, cremation of 1,000,000 would require operation for 64.34 (sixty-four) hours per day.

2.5. Required Mass Burning Rate is 177 kg per Hour per Muffle, Based on a 20-Hour Day

The maximum realistic operating time is 20 hours per day, which allows a few hours for general maintenance and cleaning out slag. So that 373,032 needs adjusting by a factor of 20/24, which gives us a total capacity of 310,860 bodies based on cremation time, but ignoring coke availability and firebrick durability. The true mass burning rate is 55 kg/hour per muffle, but the mass burning rate required by the orthodox narrative is 55 x 1,000,000 / 310,860 = 177 kg of organic tissue per hour. In other words, the Holocaust narrative requires that the ovens could cremate at a rate about 3.2 times faster than they actually could.

Of course, the required mass burning rate is independent of any assumptions about the actual mass burning rate, or of how many corpses the Topf ovens could cremate per hour. The only assumption is the mass of 55 kg for the typical, moderately thin corpse. (Should the Hoaxer wish to claim that the typical corpse was even skinnier, the problem is that the required coke consumption would increase, and the mass burning rate would decrease, since there are less fats and proteins to assist in evaporating the water and calcining the bones.)

To confirm that, the figure of 373,032 calculated above is the total number of muffle-hours available (for 1943 plus 1944) based on a 24-hour day. Adjust as we did to obtain 310,860 muffle-hours based on a 20-hour day. Then we have a million corpses times 55 kg per corpse, totalling 55,000,000 kg. And so 55,000,000 kg / 310,860 muffle-hours = 177 kg/hr per muffle as the required mass burning rate.

Up until the 1990s, Hoaxers claimed four million were murdered at Auschwitz, and Deborah Lipstadt, the so-called "historian" who called David Irving a "Holocaust denier", also peddled the same allegation in her 1993 book Beyond Belief. Even today, Jews can be seen claiming more than two million died in Auschwitz-Birkenau. For example, the Jewish Virtual Library alleges that "Historians and analysts estimate the number of people murdered at Auschwitz somewhere between 2.1 million to 4 million, of whom the vast majority were Jews." And claims for Auschwitz-Birkenau: "2.1 to 2.5 million killed in gas chambers, of whom about 2 million were Jews". This makes a mockery of Jews' claims that the Soviets, not the Jews, were to blame for exaggerating the figures.

For those who are claiming a death toll of 4 million, the required mass burning rate of the Birkenau ovens would be nearly 700 kg/hr, and the coke consumption would need to be 0.5 kg per corpse, which is equivalent to a Trabant that can cruise at nearly 800 mph whilst achieving a fuel economy of more than 1,400 mpg.

2.6. The Performance of Modern Animal Cremators and Incinerators

Since modern animal cremators and incinerators are specifically designed for multiple simultaneous cremations of animals, their performance will be considerably better than the Topf ovens that were designed for one-at-a-time (per muffle) cremations of human corpses. Even so, as we shall see, their performance falls far short of what is needed by the Holocaust narrative.

Inciner8 has a particularly useful page that shows the fuel consumption and mass burning rate for a range of models of incinerator. Under the natural gas and LPG options, for 177 kg/hr, we need something between the I8-140, which has an animal burn rate of 120 kg/hr, and the I8-200, which has an animal burn rate of 200 kg/hr. The former uses 19.9 cubic meters of natural gas per hour; the corresponding figure for the latter is 33.3. Both of those are about 1 cubic meter of gas for every 6 kg of animal tissue burned. Assuming a calorific value of 39 MJ/m3, that's a fuel requirement of 39 MJ for every 6 kg burned, and so a 55 kg moderately skinny corpse would require 357 MJ.

For simplicity, and to be as favorable as possible to the Holocaust narrative, we assume here a rather optimistic 30 MJ/kg for the heating value of the coke. That doesn't allow for the fact that the engineer Richard Kessler, a German cremations expert in the 1920s/1930s, found 21 kg (4.8%) out of a total sample of 436 kg of coke was "incombustible" slag; see Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity [pp. 282-283]. In his 2015 work The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz, Mattogno does allow for the slag, and has a detailed chemical analysis of the coke [p. 348] (based on information from the German engineer Wilhelm Heepke). Mattogno arrives at a lower heating value of 6,470 kcal/kg for the coke, which is 27.1 MJ/kg. And so our assumptions for coke requirements below are probably about 10% too low, which widens the gulf between Hoaxer claim and objective reality a little more.

So at 30 MJ/kg of coke, 357 MJ corresponds to 11.9 kg of coke per 55 kg moderately skinny corpse. This is better than the 30.6 kg per corpse that we know the Topf ovens were capable of, but it's still a far cry from the requirement of less than 2 kg per corpse required by the Holocaust narrative. The required burning rate has been achieved with this modern incinerator (not a cremator, and not 1940s technology!), but we can only believe in the "Holocaust" if we overlook the fuel requirements, and overlook the firebrick durability. (Not to mention dozens upon dozens of other absurdities and impossibilities, such as 2,955 Einsatzgruppen allegedly being able to select 2 or 3 million Jews out of an enemy population of tens of millions in a war zone, shoot all the Jews without being killed themselves, bury the Jews, and then return to "cover-up" the "evidence" by exhuming all the bodies, gathering enough fuel to cremate them all, operating those massive open-air barbecues without being detected by Soviet air crew or aerial photography, and leaving no evidence of deforestation or soil disturbances!)

The corresponding figures for LPG consumption in cubic meters per hour for the I8-140 and I8-200 are 15.45 and 26 respectively. Those are around 1 cubic meter of LPG for every 7.7 kg burned, or 7.1 cubic meters for 55 kg. At a calorific value of 94 MJ/m3 in vapor form at atmospheric pressure, that works out at 667.4 MJ, which equates to nearly twice as much coke as the natural gas version.

For light oil as the fuel, the two models average 7.32 kg of organic tissue burned per kg of fuel consumed (they assume one hour for pre-heating and 7 times the hourly burn rate over 8 hours). Light fuel oil is 44 MJ/kg, so we have 44 MJ per 7.32 kg burned and 330.6 MJ per 55 kg burned, which is equivalent to 11 kg of coke. This is in line with the natural gas figure. The heating value for LPG depends on how much air is in the mix, so we can take the 11 to 11.9 kg as more reliable.

B&L Cremation Systems offers the BLI 5000, a large animal incinerator capable of batch loads or continuous feed at an incineration rate of 550 lb = 249.48 kg per hour. The maximum input rating, including the cremation burner and afterburner, is "3,692,694.60 KJ per hour". That's 3,692 MJ / 30 MJ/kg of coke; which is equivalent to 123.1 kg of coke per 249.48 kg of animal tissue, or 27.1 kg of coke for a 55 kg human, plus electricity costs. The same manufacturer has an animal cremator that consumes more fuel for a lower burn rate. Its BLP 2000M is a large animal cremator for horses capable of a cremation rate of 300 lb = 136.08 kg per hour. In this case the burner maximum input rating is "5,275,279.25 KJ per hour". 5,275 MJ per hour is equivalent to 5,275 / 30 = 175.8 kg of coke per 136.08 kg of animal tissue, which is 71 kg of coke per 55 kg of tissue.

U.S. Cremation Equipment offers the model US75/300 animal cremator, rated at 75 lb per hour, with a load capacity of 300 lb. So that's 34 kg per hour; a load capacity of 136.1 kg. The power requirement is shown by the "Flow" of "1,500,000 BTU/hr" under "System Requirements". 1 BTU is approximately 1,055 J, so 1,500,000 BTU is 1,582,500,000 J = 1,582.5 MJ. Divide by 30 MJ/kg to convert to the equivalent mass of coke, and we have 52.75 kg of coke per hour for 34 kg of organic waste, which is 85.33 kg of coke per 55 kg of animal tissue. If we interpret these high ratings as maximum or peak energy flow, then the average fuel consumption would be lower, whilst still many times higher than required by Holocausters.

Nanjing Clover Medical Technology Co. Ltd. offers the pet animal cremator A1500 which has a burning rate of 90 kg per hour. The fuel consumption is 13-35 cubic meters of natural gas per hour or 14 - 40 kg of diesel oil per hour. Both diesel (per kg) and natural gas (per cubic meter) have higher calorific values than coke. Taking the calorific value of diesel oil as 44.8 MJ/kg, the minimum of 14 kg is 627.2 MJ, which is equivalent to 20.9 kg of coke. Thus, 20.9 kg of coke per 90 kg of animal tissue is 12.8 kg of coke per 55 kg of animal tissue. Taking the calorific value of natural gas as 39 MJ per cubic meter, the minimum figure of 13 cubic meters per hour is 507 MJ per hour, which corresponds to 16.9 kg of coke per 90 kg of animal tissue, and is 10.3 kg of coke per 55 kg of animal tissue. However, that nearly trebles for the maximum figure. It is a cremator (albeit modern technology!), but the burning rate is too low and the fuel consumption is too high to support the "Holocaust" tales, even before allowing for the firebrick lifetime.

Their YZ-150 "economical incinerator" has a burn rate of about 150 kg/hr of medical waste. The fuel source is diesel oil. Both the primary burner and the secondary burner have fuel consumptions of 7.5 to 14.5 kg/hr. Thus, the total is 15 to 29 kg/hr. Taking the minimum, we have 15 kg of diesel oil x 44.8 MJ/kg = 672 MJ = 22.4 kg of coke for 150 kg of medical waste = 8.2 kg of coke per 55 kg of organic material. Again, that nearly doubles for the maximum figure. The minimum figure would involve waste that was particularly easy to burn, the design is quite unlike the Topf cremators, and yet even the best possible performance from this modern incinerator is out by a factor of more than four from what is required by the "Holocaust" fable.

Facultatieve Technologies offers the FT 40 "small animal cremator". This states a fuel consumption of 5 cubic meters of natural gas "per cremation", described as "typical figures for average sized animal". 5 cubic meters of natural gas is 5 m3 x 39 MJ/m3 = 195 MJ = 6.5 kg of coke for an animal. Since it's classed as a "small animal cremator", the average cremation will be considerably lighter than a 55 kg corpse, which, Hoaxers try to tell us, can be cremated with less than 2 kg of coke! The mass burning rate is not stated, but a small animal cremator like this would certainly be nowhere near 177 kg/hr.

Volkan offers the 300E medium-capacity animal carcass incinerator, with a burn rate of up to 50 kg per hour. Typical diesel consumption is 6 to 8 liters per hour. Taking the calorific value of diesel fuel as 44.8 MJ/kg, the density as 0.832 kg/l, and a consumption of 8 liters per hour as associated with the maximum burn rate of 50 kg per hour, then 8 liters is 6.6 kg, which is 298 MJ, and equivalent to 9.9 kg of coke. Thus, 10.9 kg would be required for 55 kg of carcass. It fails to support the Holocaust story on grounds of mass burning rate and fuel consumption, before we even allow for firebrick lifetime.

CMTS offers the AC 150 animal carcass incinerator, which has a throughput of 150 kg per hour. Fuel consumption is 55 liters per hour. Liters suggests diesel oil, which is 37.3 MJ/liter, and therefore 2050 MJ = 68.3 kg of coke per 150 kg of tissue = 25 kg of coke per 55 kg of tissue. The burn rate is nearly sufficient, but the fuel consumption fails to support the "Holocaust" by an order of magnitude.

Apart from these modern machines being designed for mass cremations, another reason why the Topf ovens would have greatly underperformed today's animal cremators is that the average farm animal is likely to have more fat that the average Auschwitz prisoner, and so the animal would need less auxiliary fuel to reduce it to ash. For example, a typical 65 kg human corpse has 13.8% fat (8.97 kg), and the moderately skinny Auschwitz victim of 55 kg is down to around 6.4 kg of fat, a 28.6% loss that brings the percentage down to 11.6%. A full-fed pig has a lipid content of 22%; a restrict-fed is 12% lipid. If the typical pig is only 17% fat, then it's fatter than the typical human corpse, and fatter still compared to an Auschwitz victim, making it easier to cremate.

So at the required mass burning rate of 177 kg per hour per muffle, 11 kg of coke per 55 kg moderately skinny corpse is about the best fuel economy achievable from modern animal incinerators or cremators. Lower burn rates can go under 10 kg of coke per corpse, but still considerably off the requirement of less than 2 kg per corpse. Both are ruled out in terms of coke consumption at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The lower burn rate also fails due to the time taken for cremations. On both counts, the data proves that the "Holocaust" is a hoax.

2.7. Engineer's Study of a Typical Human Cremator: Fuel Requirement is 44 Times Higher than Fuel Available in "Holocaust" Fable

Canadian engineer C.H. Beek provided detailed technical information on human cremators, including heat and mass balance calculations, in his 1979 publication Cremator Design and Performance. Of particular note is the amount he gives for the "Net heat available to raise the temperature of the gases" that was required to achieve the required design temperature of 1,873 °F for one hour: 3,391,552 BTU (3,578 MJ). There's 943,460 BTU allocated to "heat storage" which wouldn't be needed in continuous running (although by then conduction and convection losses would increase a little), so the 3,470,000 BTU from natural gas could be reduced by 943,460 (27.2%) accordingly. The 1.8 kg of coke per corpse that the Hoaxers have available can provide only a paltry 54 MJ (56,970 BTU) at best, even if we forget about losses in the heat of the smoke and the efficiency of the coke, not to mention the fact that it would have been counterproductive for the Germans to run the Topf ovens' gasifiers without modifications by drilling new, smaller air inlet holes, so that they could continue to perform as CO gasifiers at a fuel-rich stoichiometry that did not allow the carbon to burn to completion. See our page The Non-Destruction of the European Jews for more about Beek's work, about the requirement for modifications to the ovens if there was an attempt to run the gasifier hearths with minimal fuel, and much more.

How odd that the manufacturers of modern animal cremators and incinerators, along with the engineers who have written about cremators over the last 100 years, should all happen to be "far-right" "haters" and "anti-Semites" who are trying to rehabilitate Hitler and the Nazis!

3. The van Pelt "Expert Report"

3.1. The Hypocrisy of van Pelt

One of the first amusing things in van Pelt's so-called "expert report" (1999) is that he accuses Irving of falsifying the number of "Jews killed by gassings at Auschwitz", of falsifying or distorting history, and of presenting "supposed 'scientific' evidence" that is "false or misleading" [p. 4]. Then almost immediately [p. 7], he quotes from the French documentary Night and Fog, Alain Resnais and Jean Cayrol, which claims - or at the very least, leads people to believe - that "nine million" were murdered at Auschwitz!!!

3.2. Van Pelt's Cremation Claims Debunked

3.2.1. The Dawidowski "Expert Report"

According to van Pelt [p. 114], Professor Roman Dawidowski of Krakow wrote an "expert report" in 1946 that supports van Pelt's claims. Problem is, this 'report' was "never published as a whole", as van Pelt admits; he refers to its "relative obscurity". Van Pelt writes:

"They were assisted in the examination of the latter structures by Professor Roman Dawidowski, a specialist in heating and combustion technology from Cracow. [...] Comparing the results of the site visits with the blueprints and the other documentation that had been recovered, Roman Dawidowski wrote a (roughly) 10,000 word-long expert report on the technology of mass extermination in Auschwitz." And van Pelt's footnote 93 states: "Cracow District Commission for the Investigation of German War Crimes, “Protocol on the Machinery of Mass Extermination of Humans in Birkenau,” 26 November 1946, transl. Roman SasZalaziocky, in Republic of Austria, Ministry of Justice, Case 20 Vr 3806/64 (Ertl/Dejaco), Landesgericht für Strafsachen, Vienna, file ON 220, 309-353 and 393a-393f.."

If this 'report' had contained anything of substance that supported HoloHoaxers' lies, then they would have published it at the time, and they would now have published it on the internet for everyone to see. Clearly, the Dawidowski 'report' was simply some pseudo-scientific babble that had been concocted for the purpose of satisfying the Nuremberg tribunal. Citing some obscure 'report' that is not accessible just doesn't cut it these days. Anyone could claim that the report had 'proved' Santa's sleigh could fly, but the claim would remain unsubstantiated.

3.2.2. Van Pelt's Lie about Topf Ovens Violating the Law

Van Pelt lies by describing Dawidowski's false allegation as a "fact" [p. 115]: "Dawidowski also showed an unusual interest in an issue that seems rather arcane in hindsight: the fact that both the design and the operation procedures of the crematoria in Birkenau violated the German Law on Cremation promulgated on May 15, 1934. [...] More seriously than the question of aesthetics, the design of the Auschwitz incinerators violated the very important principle that only one corpse ought to be incinerated at a time, and that the ashes of the deceased ought to be identifiable and collected in an urn. The ovens designed by Topf did not heed the law: they had three (crematoria 2 and 3) or eight muffles (crematoria 4 and 5), and as up to five corpses could be incinerated in every muffle at the same time, it was unavoidable that the ashes were to be mixed."

The fact that the Topf ovens of Birkenau had three or eight muffles is totally irrelevant to the question of mixing the ashes, since each muffle had its own ash chamber. Moreover, the ovens were designed for cremation of one corpse at a time per muffle [see Mattogno, The Crematoria Ovens of Auschwitz and Birkenau, 4.2]. On February 28, 1940, Himmler issued a "decree regarding cremations in the crematorium of concentration camp Sachsenhausen". This was in accordance with the legal regulations for civilian crematoria, and applied to concentration camps in Germany proper. For a complete translation of Himmler's decree, see C. Mattogno , F. Deana, The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz [pp. 401-6].

Excerpts: "3. Corpse handling. [...] (2) The corpses must be lodged in wooden coffins. The coffins must not have any incombustible metallic decorations, handles, etc., and must be of a size and a kind so as not to provoke difficulties for the subsequent incineration. [...] 4. Incineration [...] (5) In one incineration chamber only one corpse may be incinerated at one time. [...] (9) After the end of an incineration, the incineration chamber must be thoroughly cleaned. 5. Treatment of the ashes (1) After the incineration, the ashes must be removed from the furnace, cooled, freed by means of magnets from any metallic parts and then collected together with the identification tag in a strong and durable container, air and water tight, and then closed. The ashes of each corpse must be collected in a separate ash container."

Even if different regulations applied to camps in Poland, or if the legal stipulations were later rescinded or modified, it is known that the Topf double- and triple-muffle ovens were designed along the same conventions used for civilian ovens. Listed on the Topf cost estimates for the ovens were carriages or devices for introducing the coffin into the muffle, and the operating guidelines recommended starting the forced-air blower immediately upon introduction of the charge, and to leave it on for 20 minutes.

For more about this absurd claim of van Pelt's, and other drivel that he gets from Dawidowski, see Mattogno, Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity, pp. 583-9. For example (p. 584), the Topf triple-muffle oven had muffles each of dimension 2,000 mm x 800 mm x 700 mm. However, according to the "Standards for the construction and operation of ovens for the cremation of human corpses" under the regulations of the Greater German federation of incineration organizations (Richtlinien, 1937), the minimum dimensions acceptable for muffles in civilian ovens was 2,250 mm x 900 mm x 900 mm. Thus, according to van Pelt's logic, even more than five corpses could be incinerated together in such a volume, and those regulations already violated the May 15, 1934 German law on cremation, two years before the start of WWII!

3.2.3. Operating Instructions for the Topf Triple-Muffle: One Corpse at a Time per Muffle, with a Coffin

From the "Operating instructions for the coke-fired Topf triple-muffle incineration furnace" [Mattogno, Deana, The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz, 276/7]:

"Once the incineration chamber shows a satisfactory red glow (about 800°C), the corpses can be introduced successively into the three chambers. At this point, it is advisable to switch on the air compressor located at the side of the furnace and to let it run for about 20 minutes. By observation, it must be decided whether too much or too little fresh air enters into the three chambers. [...] Then the ash is transferred into the ash container and set aside for cooling. In the meantime, new corpses will be introduced successively into the chambers. The two generators must be refueled from time to time. Each night the generator grate must be freed of coke slag and the ash must be removed."

This would have made no sense if the charge was a naked body (or multiple naked bodies) without a coffin, since introducing cold air would simply slow down the cremation. The initial phase of drying out the corpse is endothermic. However, those guidelines would have made perfect sense for cremation with a coffin, because combustion air was needed in order for the coffin to burn.

3.2.4. Heating Value of a Coffin and Clothing: Up to 37 kg of Coke

The Canadian engineer C.H. Beek [Cremator Design and Performance, p. 20] shows that the heating value of a wooden coffin is typically 794,500 BTU per hour for the wood and 25,000 BTU per hour for the lacquer, and the furnishings and clothing is 224,000 BTU per hour. That's a total of 1,043,500 BTU, which at 1,055 J per BTU amounts to 1.1 GJ, which is equivalent to 1,100 MJ / 30 MJ/kg = 36.7 kg of coke if we assume one-hour cremations. The naked body itself provides only 378,000 BTU / hour, which is 399 MJ = 13.3 kg of coke. Thus, if a "normal" body required 20 kg of coke to cremate, then loss or gain of as much as 40% of fats and proteins would make a difference of plus or minus 6 or 7 kg of coke. [Since that ~400 MJ heating value includes around -100 MJ for evaporating the water, the fats, proteins and carbohydrates would have a heating value of about 500 MJ, so +/- 200 MJ would be +/- 6.7 kg of coke.] And so, even if all the corpses consisted of Tauber's so-called "fatty bodies", it would be impossible to get down to a fuel consumption of a mere 2 or 3 kg of coke per corpse. The "fatty bodies" would not burn "of their own accord". And by the time the emaciated corpses are factored in, the average coke requirement per corpse is back up to 20 kg.

As shown above, the operating instructions also specify that the bodies were to be introduced successively, i.e., one at a time per muffle. And on July 3, 1940, the Topf firm offered 500 ash urns and 500 fireclay markers to the SS-Neubauleitung at Auschwitz. Some of those numbered plates of fireclay, placed on the coffin or corpse to identify the ashes, were found near Krema II, showing that even in Birkenau, after the ovens commenced operation there in March 1943, the corpses were cremated one at a time.

3.2.5. Van Pelt's and Tauber's Claim of Multiple, Simultaneous Bodies per Muffle Refuted

So then van Pelt brings in his false claim of multiple, simultaneous corpses per muffle, which originated with Jewish liars such as Henryk Tauber, the "witness" who asserted that up to eight bodies were simultaneously stuffed into each muffle, and that it was found that "fatty bodies burned of their own accord" so that they were able to use the bodies of fat Jews as kindling, to cremate the rest of the corpses.

Firstly, there would have been very few fat prisoners in Auschwitz in wartime. The figure of 3.5 kg of coke per corpse mentioned at the Irving trial, which van Pelt accepted, is already preposterous enough. But even for that, given Hoaxers' minimum 1.1 million inflated death toll, he needs to assume the availability of 3,850 tons of coke. Since we know that only 1,037 tons was delivered between 16th February 1942 to 25th October 1943 (as detailed above), van Pelt must propose that the coke deliveries surged to 2,813 tons for the period 26th October 1943 to the end of 1944. (Of course, van Pelt doesn't actually propose anything, he merely accepts Irving's generous estimate of as much as 3.5 kg of coke per corpse for the Hoaxer version of events (see Day 9 in the transcripts), and hopes that no one will bother to check it out.) In other words, in the extermination conspiracy theory, the decision to exterminate is taken at Wannsee on January 20, 1942, and in August 1942 when the Germans decide to commission the new ovens at Birkenau Krema II to V, it was not prompted by the typhus epidemic of August 1942, but by the January decision to "exterminate". And then van Pelt's thesis implies that the 'evil' 'Nazis' inexplicably wait until November 1943 to start operating the plan in earnest, with average coke deliveries of 80 tons per month from March 1943 (when new ovens begin operating at Birkenau) to October 1943, and then the coke deliveries surge to 201 tons per month for the next 14 months (although by December 1944, only Krema V was operative). Thus, any hypothetical "fat" Jews had supposedly been able to find themselves plenty of food throughout the war years up to 1944, when most of the "exterminations" were supposedly carried out.

Secondly, as mentioned above, Mattogno's heat balance calculations for the Topf triple-muffle oven (on which most of the Auschwitz-Birkenau cremations were carried out) show that 17kg of coke was needed per "normal" corpse of 70 kg, 20 kg of coke was needed per "average" (or moderately thin) corpse of 55 kg, and 23 kg of coke was needed per "lean" corpse of 40 kg [The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz, C. Mattogno, F. Deana, p. 367]. A "fat" corpse by extrapolation would need some 11 to 14 kg of coke. Let's suppose for the sake of argument that a "very fat" corpse can be cremated with 11 kg of coke, and a "moderately fat" corpse can be cremated with 14 kg of coke. And so, even supposing a crazy scenario in which many Jews had been gorging themselves on plenty of food throughout the war right up to 1944, and supposing that we have 20% very fat bodies, 20% moderately fat bodies, 20% normal bodies, 20% moderately thin bodies, and 20% lean bodies, this merely averages out at a "normal" corpse that requires 17 kg of coke to cremate. The average coke requirement is merely shifted down by 3 kg from 20 kg to 17 kg. Of course, any realistic assessment would suppose the typical corpse was not of normal weight, but moderately thin or even very thin. Even that 17 kg of coke per corpse (and that's a minimum value, assuming continuous operation) is wholly at odds with van Pelt's supposition of 3.5 kg of coke per corpse (necessarily incorporating his assumption of a surge in "exterminations" in 1944, which 'coincidentally' and conveniently commences after the period for which documentation of coke deliveries is available), or with the 1.8 kg of coke per corpse that the exterminationist narrative demands without the postulate of an inexplicable, nearly two-year delay before commencing "exterminations" in earnest, and a surge in coke consumption thereafter.

Thirdly, the false Hoaxer claim of multiple simultaneous cremations providing the massive decrease in fuel consumption and cremation times that Hoaxers need in order to make their claims stick was refuted long ago by Mattogno, e.g., Dissecting the Holocaust, "The Crematoria Ovens of Auschwitz and Birkenau" [7.2.1], and Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity [p. 284/5]. Data from slaughter-house incineration ovens showed that even in a model with a 900 kg load capacity, the amount of organic substance that could be incinerated per hour was only 66.7 kg, and the fuel required was 0.333 kg of coke per kg of organic tissue. The fuel consumption for a 55 kg moderately thin corpse would therefore be 18.3 kg of coke. As we found above, the Holocaust narrative requires a mass burning rate of 177 kg/hr per muffle, together with the above-mentioned fuel consumption of 1.8 kg or 3.5 kg of coke per 55 kg corpse, depending on whether we accept van Pelt's implied postulate of a surge in coke deliveries in 1944. Modern animal incinerators and cremators cannot attain such a level of performance.

Fourthly, in any attempts at multiple cremations per muffle, each packet of energy released from corpse A can only go towards helping to cremate corpse A or helping to cremate one of the other corpses. Let's say you are cremating two bodies simultaneously in one muffle. A 1 eV photon can go to corpse A and be absorbed, it can go to corpse B and be absorbed, but it cannot split into two or more and then deliver its 1.6x10-19 J to two or more corpses. If corpse A can be cremated with 17 kg of coke because it is a "normal" corpse, and corpse B requires 23 kg of coke because it is an emaciated corpse, then corpse A's fuel requirement is lower because it benefits from the heat released from burning of its own fats. Now if by some bizarre coincidence all of the energy released from burning the fats and proteins in corpse A was directed at corpse B (mostly after bouncing off the walls) and all the energy released from burning the (smaller quantity of) fats and proteins in corpse B was directed at corpse A, it would still require 40 kg of coke to cremate both corpse A and corpse B. In this case, we might say that corpse B only required 17 kg of coke, but corpse A required 23 kg. But if photons started multiplying like rabbits, as Hoaxers would have us believe, that would be tantamount to a perpetual motion machine and a violation of the energy conservation law.

And finally, each muffle in the triple-muffle model measured 2,000 mm length x 700 mm width x 800 mm height. However, the introduction doors of the muffles at Birkenau were just 600 mm x 600 mm (see Mattogno, Deana, The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz, p. 266, or the evaluation of Henryk Tauber's testimony in Rudolf, Lectures on the Holocaust, 4.5.8.). Of that area, the lower 100 mm was unusable because it was taken up by the rollers (described by Tauber) to insert the stretcher. And the doors had arches that started 300 mm above the base of the door, and so after deducting the 100 mm for the stretcher, those arches began just 200 mm (nearly 8 inches) above the stretcher.

The average shoulder-to-shoulder width is 465 mm for men and 395 mm for women; the average width at the waist is 360 mm for men and 370 mm for women. Thus, there is not quite room to stack bodies in two piles side by side; even if one side goes feet first and the other goes head first, at least one of them must lie diagonally or on its side. If multiple corpses were somehow stuffed in side by side, the combustion gases in the three-muffle's center muffle would be severely obstructed from flowing down into the ash chamber and the flue duct, and for the three- and eight-muffle, the openings in the sidewalls would be severely blocked. Excluding the feet, the front to back dimension of the typical corpse is 9.5 inches or 240 mm, which at most would only allow stacking of two on top of each other. And that would be difficult. But if we accept the testimony about "fat" corpses being put in each time, then it is unlikely that even two would fit. Since the loading devices were designed for introduction of a single corpse, multiple corpses would raise the question of how additional corpses could be loaded into the hot furnace without the operators being seriously burned, and the increased loading time would increase heat losses through radiation when the muffle gate was open.

Given that the 'evil Nazis' are not supposed to have used coffins in their dastardly extermination program, there would have been a considerable drop in oven temperature during the initial phase of the cremation cycle in which the corpse's water evaporates. Using multiple corpses per muffle would increase the amount of this temperature drop, increasing the likelihood that the temperature would still be below 600 °C after fat burning, for the start of the calcining phase. In that case, the body would merely carbonize rather than cremate, and the Sonderkommando would be facing the bullet or the gas chamber. This would certainly happen if four or five corpses had been jammed in. In the unlikely event that two or three corpses were stuffed in and the ovens were already so hot that the cremations succeeded, then when the corpses were into the fat burning phase, the peak in temperature of exhaust gases would damage the refractory lining of the flue and chimney. (That assumes sufficient fuel; with 1.8 kg of coke per corpse, the cremations would simply fail.) With merely two corpses on top of each other, the ratio of surface area to mass reduces because each corpse is shielding the other from radiant heat transmitted from the refractory walls. Had experiments with multiple simultaneous cremations been conducted, it would soon be evident that no gains in fuel economy or cremation time per corpse per muffle could be realized from such a procedure, and moreover, the firebricks were liable to become damaged within a shorter time.

3.2.6. Van Pelt Idiotic Claim of Krema IV and V Designed for Extermination, but Krema II and III Designed for Civilian Use

Van Pelt claims [p. 116]: "Later research, comparing the design and construction schedules of the various crematoria, was to show that the difference between the two types of crematoria derived from the fact that the type used in crematoria 2 and 3 was developed before the transformation of Auschwitz into an extermination camp, while crematoria 4 and 5 were designed from the very beginning to serve the Final Solution."

Well, Krema II and III each had five triple-muffle ovens, and Krema IV and V each had two eight-muffle ovens. So according to this 'research' of which van Pelt writes, they had thirty muffles to cope with natural deaths such as typhus (plus another six if Auschwitz I is included), and then added sixteen muffles to cope with the mass murder of "four million" Jews, or however many it was supposed to be when Dawidowski was conducting his 'research' for the Soviets. And the eight-muffle oven of Krema IV was a disaster; it broke down after fifty days, and was never put back into working order. It's fair enough to suppose that Judge Gray in the Irving vs. Lipstadt trial could not be expected to be an expert in cremation technology, but if he had bothered to read van Pelt's "expert report", he should have had no problem in identifying it as unadulterated claptrap and Jewish supremacist propaganda.

3.2.7. Dawidowski Exaggerates Cremation Speed by 11.7 Times

Of more interest here, van Pelt [p. 117] then has some things to say about Dawidowski's "calculations" of the "incineration capacity". He writes:

"This was followed by Dawidowski’s calculations of the incineration capacity of the ovens. He assumed that each muffle could incinerate up to five corpses simultaneously, and that the average cremation duration was between 25 and 30 minutes. On the basis of these figures, he came to an hourly incineration rate of 175 corpses for crematoria 2 and 3, and a daily capacity of 2,500 persons for each crematorium—a reduction of 16 per cent from the figure estimated by the Soviet-Polish commission shortly after the liberation of the camp, but a figure that was a little over 60 per cent higher than the official capacity calculated by Topf of 1,440 corpses per day. Crematoria 4 and 5 had according to Dawidowski an incineration capacity of 1,500 corpses per day—a figure that was equal to the assumed capacity of the gas chambers, equal to the earlier Soviet estimate, and around double the official German figure of 768 corpses per day."

In other words, rather than determine the cremation (or "incineration") capacity of the ovens, Dawidowski calculated what performance was necessary in order to support the allegations of mass murder by gassing, and then assumed that the ovens could perform to such a standard. And if the figure he'd come up with was 16% below some other crazy claim, his supporters would point to that as 'evidence' that he was right. Let's leave van Pelt and Davidowski for a moment and return to the real world, to find out the actual performance of the Topf ovens.

As confirmed above by Topf engineers Schultze and Prüfer, the ovens were actually capable of a cremation rate of one body per hour per muffle.

So the Birkenau cremation capacity was 30 corpses per hour for Krema II plus Krema III, and 16 corpses per hour for Krema IV plus Krema V, in the rare event that all ovens were actually working. One corpse per muffle per hour is the maximum capacity, which doesn't allow for the numerous breakdowns. Sometimes an individual cremation might take less than one hour (e.g., a fat corpse), but others would take longer, and any estimate for the average time of less than an hour would be unrealistic. For 12 hours per day, each of Krema II and III could therefore cremate 180 bodies. And each of Krema IV and V could cremate 96 persons in 12 hours. That's a total of 552 bodies in 12 hours. Moreover, that rate of burning is based on sufficient fuel being available, but sufficient fuel was not available. As the available fuel becomes lower, the cremations will initially slow, and will eventually fail altogether, e.g., if you have only one-tenth of the required fuel.

Dawidowski's claim above, of 175 corpses hourly for each of Krema II and III, exaggerates the true capacity by a factor of 11.7 times. He bases his figure on five corpses per muffle and a cremation time of a little under 26 minutes. So 5 x 60 / 26 = 11.5 corpses hourly per muffle. Multiply by fifteen muffles gives 173 corpses hourly for each of Krema II and III. He says the daily capacity is 2,500 persons for each crematorium, so 175 corpses hourly for each crematorium would require operation for 14.3 hours per day.

Of course, back in 1946, Dawidowski and the rest of the Hoaxers never expected anyone to take them too seriously or to evaluate the accuracy of their claims. It was merely atrocity propaganda for mass consumption, and the propagandists simply made it up as they went along, and fabricated whatever claims they thought they could get away with. Rather more shocking is the fact that this preposterous atrocity propaganda was cited as 'evidence' and still accepted as "fact" in 2000 during the Irving trial. And, moreover, to some people with a crippled epistemology or racial prejudices (in particular, a hatred or brainwashed self-loathing for White Europeans), it is still "fact" today!

3.2.8. Dawidowski: Krema II to V all "Built as Extermination Installations" - Contradicts van Pelt's own Claim

Van Pelt writes [p. 117]: "In his conclusion, Dawidowski summarized the results: crematoria 2, 3, 4 and 5 were purposefully designed and built as extermination installations following an industrialized system of mass production."

But that's not consistent with his previous claim of "Later research, comparing the design and construction schedules of the various crematoria, was to show that the difference between the two types of crematoria derived from the fact that the type used in crematoria 2 and 3 was developed before the transformation of Auschwitz into an extermination camp, while crematoria 4 and 5 were designed from the very beginning to serve the Final Solution."

Hoaxers' extermination conspiracy theory was always going to face severe problems with chronological contradictions. Van Pelt has a footnote that claims Himmler decided to transform Auschwitz into an extermination camp for Jews in July 1942. So why wait for six months after the Wannsee Conference?

And according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, "In late September 1941, Hitler had authorized the Reich Railroads to transport German, Austrian, and Czech Jews to locations in German-occupied Poland and the German-occupied Soviet Union, where German authorities would kill the overwhelming majority of them." There's no evidence of that, of course. But if it were true, why send Jews to German-occupied Poland to be murdered, and then wait another ten months before deciding to transform Auschwitz into an "extermination camp"? And why begin building a "death camp" at Treblinka in April 1942, but not bother to equip it with any purpose-built crematoria?

One of the best absurdities in the extermination theory is that of Himmler becoming so worried in late February or early March of 1943 that the Allies might discover millions of alleged buried corpses in Russia and Poland, including nearly 900,000 Jews at Treblinka, that he panics and issues an order to exhume and cremate all the bodies as part of a massive cover-up, and then months later the same Heinrich Himmler goes on to talk openly about exterminating the Jews in a "secret" speech - and even has it recorded so that it can be used as evidence against him (!) - at Posen later that year, on 4 October, 1943.

3.3. Silly Claim of Bumbling "Nazis" who start Exterminating Thousands of Jews, Bury them all in a Swamp, and only Figure Out it was a Bad Idea when they start Smelling

Van Pelt's 'report' abounds with unbridled speculation and unsupported allegations, and is essentially a work of fiction. On p. 118, van Pelt quotes from Jan Sehn: "It is sufficient to look at a topographical map (Fig. 2) to see that the place where Oswiecim is situated and the centre of the camp is like the bottom of a flat basin with no regular slope for draining away water. It is encircled by a series of fishponds, which permeate the whole land with damp, mist, and mud. The earth at the bottom of the basin is impervious to water owing to its geological structure, (Fig. 3) consisting of a 60 to 80 metres thick layer of marl, at the bottom of the basin. The surface consisting of sand and pebbles is always muddy, due to its underlying substances. Besides, the quality of this stagnant water is very bad due to the rotting of organic substances which poison the air. It could be improved only by installing very expensive purifying works. For all these reasons Oswiecim and its surrounding[s] are not only damp but also abound with malaria and other diseases, which endanger man’s life."

Van Pelt claims [p. 116] that corpses at Auschwitz were initially buried in "large mass graves", that "in 1942 these corpses had begun to smell terribly", and the SS "ordered the opening of the mass graves and the destruction of the remains with the help of flame throwers". And then they decided to build the additional crematoria at Birkenau. This is simply a way of trying to explain away the seven-month interval between the alleged decision to "exterminate" at Wannsee in January 1942 and the commissioning of the new ovens in August. In reality, the latter was a response to the typhus epidemic. It is reasonable to suppose that some 10,000 to 20,000 were initially buried in mass graves, after it was found that two double-muffle ovens - and an extra one after March 1942 - could not cope with unexpectedly high numbers of natural deaths from typhus. It is in the realms of fantasy to imagine that for seven months the Germans were bumbling imbeciles who were carrying out a program to "exterminate" millions of Jews and bury the corpses in mass graves, but hadn't realized that mass burial at Auschwitz was not an option because of the water table, and only changed their corpse disposal strategy seven months later, after becoming aware of a terrible "smell". But that is what van Pelt and his partners-in-deception try to tell us!

3.3.1. The Claim of 50,000 Corpses Buried and Exhumed at Auschwitz in 1942, No Ovens until 1943

On p. 122, van Pelt quotes Kraus and Kulka: "The work of exhuming and burning 50,000 corpses lasted almost till December 1942. After this experience the Nazis stopped burying their victims and cremated them instead. Such were the emergency methods used for destroying people at Birkenau in the early days. They continued in use until February, 1943, when the crematoria were completed and brought into use—first Crematorium I, and then the others."

Well, here is the actual history of "Crematorium I", or Auschwitz I. The first of Auschwitz I's double-muffle ovens was built in July 1940. The second was constructed between January 26 and February 22, 1941. The construction of the foundation for the third oven began on November 19, 1941, but there was a delay in obtaining the refractory material, and the oven was built in March 1942 [see: Dissecting the Holocaust, in the chapter "The Crematoria Ovens of Auschwitz and Birkenau", Mattogno, 4.1]. In the summer of that year, those six muffles were insufficient to cope with the load from the typhus epidemic, which peaked in August with some 8,000 deaths. Some bodies were cremated in the ovens, but the remainder were cremated in open-air pits fueled by wood, and the decision to extend the crematoria capacity came in August when the epidemic was at its peak. Krema II and IV of Birkenau commenced operation in March 1943, Krema V in April, and Krema III in June [see: Mattogno, Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity (2010), p. 291]. Then the three double-muffle ovens of Auschwitz I were taken out of service on July 14, 1943, and dismantled. Two double-muffle ovens were reconstructed after the war (like the "gas chamber", except that was a first-time construction!) for showing to tourists. So, as 'evidence' for the extermination conspiracy theory, van Pelt is quoting pro-exterminationists who are simply writing fiction.

3.4. Tauber's Tall Tales - Not even Real "in his Mind"

To refute the lies of Henryk Tauber and to show the technical impossibility of his account being truthful, we shall reproduce his account in full, as quoted by van Pelt [pp. 302/3].

"As I have already said, there were five furnaces in crematorium 2, each with three muffles for cremating the corpses and heated by two coke-fired hearths. The fire flues of these hearths came out above the ash boxes of the two side muffles. Thus the flames went first round the two side muffles then heated the centre one, from where the combustion gases were led out below the furnace, between the two firing hearths. Thanks to this arrangement, the incineration process for the corpses in the side muffles differed from that of the centre muffle. The corpses of “Müselmanns” or of wasted people with no fat burned rapidly in the side muffles and slowly in the centre one. Conversely, the corpses of people gassed directly on arrival, not being wasted, burned better in the centre muffle. During the incineration of such corpses, we used the coke only to light the fire of the furnace initially, for fatty corpses burned of their own accord thanks to the combustion of the body fat. On occasion, when coke was in short supply, we would put some straw and wood in the ash bins under the muffles, and once the fat of the corpse began to burn the other corpses would catch light themselves. There were no iron components inside the muffle. The bars were of chamotte, for iron would have melted in the furnace, which reached 1,000 to 1,200° Celsius. These chamotte bars were arranged crosswise. The dimensions of the door and the opening of the muffles were smaller than the inside of the muffle itself, which was 2 meters long, 80 centimeters wide and about 1 meter high. Generally speaking, we burned 4 or 5 corpses at a time in one muffle, but sometimes we charged a greater number of corpses. It was possible to charge up to 8 “Müselmanns.” Such big charges were incinerated without the knowledge of the head of the crematorium during air raid warnings in order to attract the attention of airmen by having a bigger fire emerging from the chimney. We imagined that in that way it might be possible to change our fate. The iron components, in particular fire bars, still to be found in the camp, were from the fireboxes. Crematorium 2 had fire bars of heavy angle iron. Crematoria 4 and 5 were fitted with fire bars in the form of a lance, or rather were like swords with handles."

These triple-muffle ovens had two gasifier hearths as Tauber says, and the gasifier outputs fed the two outer muffles. The gasifiers worked by burning the coke with a deficit of oxygen, so that it could not burn to completion. The output of the gasifiers consisted of carbon monoxide and nitrogen (assuming ideal operation). This carbon monoxide would then burn to completion upon meeting the combustion air entering the two outer muffles. The arrangement could be considered as semi-direct heating of the charges. In direct heating, the coke would burn in the muffle, and so all of the heat from the reaction would be released there. The disadvantage of this method is that the ashes from the body are inevitably mixed with those from burning the coke. In indirect heating, the coke is burned in a separate compartment, but this is less efficient because a significant proportion of the heat of reaction has already been transmitted to the hearth's compartment before entering the muffle, or chamber containing the charge. The Germans decided to improve the efficiency by using the semi-direct method, in which the C to CO initial part of the reaction in the gasifier or hearth chamber releases 110.5 kJ/mol of carbon burned, and the final step CO to CO2 in the muffle releases 283 kJ/mol of carbon burned. Thus, the semi-direct method releases much of the energy within the muffle, and still has the advantage of keeping the human ashes (cremains) separate from the coke ash.

Corpses in the two outer muffles of the triple-muffle burned more efficiently, because they were heated by the semi-direct method. However, the corpse in the central muffle was merely heated indirectly, by combustion products entering from the outer muffles. Tauber was aware of this, and so claimed that the "Müselmanns" were cremated in the outer muffles and normal (or even fat, not that there would have been many!) corpses were cremated in the central muffle. So he's nearly correct right up to the end of his fourth sentence in describing the process, except he talks about "the flames" heating the central muffle. By the time the hot gases had got to the central muffle, they would have given up much of their energy by infra-red radiation to the outer muffles' walls and the corpse or corpses in the outer muffles, and are smoke rather than "flames". The temperature of the gases would have decreased nearly down to the temperature of the refractory material. At 1100 K (827 °C) for example, the heat of the smoke is 132.328 kJ per mole of carbon burned. And so, if this is the temperature as the combustion products exit the outer muffles, those muffles have received some (283 - 132 =) 151 kJ per mole of carbon burned. But if those gases decrease in temperature by another 200 °C whilst passing through the central muffle, the heat of the smoke decreases to 96.804 kJ/mol of carbon burned, and so that muffle receives only around (132 - 97 =) 35 kJ/mol of carbon burned. (The rate that heat is radiated from the gases, and hence the rate of cooling of those gases, is initially very rapid when their temperature is large compared to the refractory temperature, and much less rapid as their temperature approaches the refractory temperature, since it is proportional to the difference in the fourth powers of the absolute temperatures of emitting gases and absorbing material.) That remaining energy of nearly 100 kJ/mol is inevitably wasted (in any furnaces like those at Birkenau that didn't have a recuperator to recover some of it), since it remains in the heat of the smoke, and goes on to heat the flue duct, chimney, and the exterior environment, rather than the furnace and the charge.

In making his statement, Tauber was in quite a quandary, since on the one hand he had to propose the most logical scenario of having the corpses that were the hardest to burn (skinniest) in the outer muffles where they received the lion's share of the energy released from the auxiliary fuel source. But on the other hand, he wants to suggest that "the fat of the [fat] corpse began to burn" in the central muffle, and then this acted as kindling for igniting the Müselmanns in the outer muffles, and so "the other corpses would catch light themselves". A major problem here is that the refractory walls separate the central muffle from the two outer muffles. The holes in that wall allow the gases to flow between muffles. Problem is, the flow of gases (from the chimney draft) is in the wrong direction to what Tauber needs in his scenario, with the tiny amount of fat from any burning Müselmanns producing hot gases that flow into the central muffle to heat the fatter corpse. The gases cannot flow in the other direction. The hot gases produced from burning the fatter corpse in the final muffle simply exit through the flue duct. And the quantity of radiative heat transfer through the three rectangular openings in the sidewalls that linked the central muffle to the outer two would be limited by the size of the openings.

An even more serious problem is that Tauber claims "4 or 5" corpses were "generally" burned "at a time in one muffle", and "sometimes" up to 8 Müselmanns were stuffed into a single muffle. If the Sonderkommando had found a way to stuff in so many corpses at a time without severely burning themselves (and in reality, they would need to wait between cremations, leaving the inlet door open to let the oven cool down), the holes for letting the gases flow from outer muffles to central muffle would have been completely blocked, and so all the cremations would have failed. (And the hapless Sonderkommando would have been shot, gassed or hanged by the 'evil' "Nazis" for failing to do the job before the next batch of victims arrived.)

Incidentally, Tauber claims: "...iron would have melted in the furnace, which reached 1,000 to 1,200° Celsius". However, the melting point of iron is 1,548 °C.

So, let's suppose that the ovens had been pre-heated, and the Sonderkommando somehow manage to stuff in 4 to 8 wasted Müselmanns into each of the outer muffles, and 4-5 normal (or 2-3 fat) corpses into the central muffle without seriously burning themselves. Problem is, the holes in the sidewalls are blocked by the multiple corpses. There is very little chimney draft for pulling in fresh combustion air into the outer muffles, and for burning the coke in the gasifier hearths. The cremations have to rely upon stored energy accumulated in the refractory walls. However, the first part of the cremation cycle is the initial endothermic phase of evaporation, in which the corpses need to be dried out before the cremation can proceed to the exothermic phase of burning the fats, proteins and carbohydrates. When each muffle contains multiple corpses, the temperature drop will be much more dramatic than for one corpse per muffle, assuming the interconnecting holes were similarly blocked. See our computations that found multiple corpses per muffle would actually increase evaporation time per corpse per muffle; the temperature of the walls would drop to ~300 °C, even if they had been pre-heated and the temperature was still at 850 °C after the loss of heat through the open input hatch whilst all the corpses had been stuffed in. Even if the cremations could have proceeded to the exothermic fat-burning phase, they would certainly fail during the final endothermic phase of calcining the bones. Moreover, any subsequent attempts at cremation would require pre-heating to restore the refractory walls temperature, and so this scheme of multiple, simultaneous cremations per muffle would be severely inefficient, and there would be no saving in terms of fuel economy, as well as in terms of cremation time per corpse.

But rather than relying upon any theoretical considerations or computations, all we need to do is to consider the performance of modern animal cremators and incinerators, as discussed above.

Also see the insanity about multiple, simultaneous cremations per muffle debunked above, and the lie about "fatty corpses burned of their own accord" refuted above. And for more on Tauber, see Germar Rudolf's Lectures on the Holocaust [4.5.8.]. There is no doubt that Tauber was lying. His tall tales were not even real "in his mind".

3.5. Van Pelt's Reliance upon Pseudo-science

3.5.1. Introduction - The Forensic Tests of Leuchter, Rudolf and Ball

Hoaxers such as van Pelt (e.g., p. 307 of his 'report') will frequently cite the infamous Markiewicz 'study' in an attempt to counter the forensic work by Leuchter, Rudolf and Ball on determining cyanide levels in the walls of delousing chambers and alleged "gas chambers". From 22 samples, the revisionists found an average cyanide concentration in the walls of the alleged "gas chambers" of 1.827 mg of cyanide per kg of building materials,  whereas the corresponding figure for the delousing chambers was 4,724 mg/kg. Thus, on average, the cyanide concentration in the delousing chambers was 2,586 times higher than that in the so-called "gas chambers".

 photo CyanideGasChambers_zpsyphqvzrk.png

 photo CyanideDelousingRooms_zps1luihwkc.png

Source: Rudolf: Some Technical and Chemical Considerations about the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz and Birkenau [5.3.1, Table 3]

To any normal, sane individual without racial prejudices, a persecution complex or a political agenda, that is good evidence that hydrogen cyanide (HCN) was not used in the morgues (the so-called "gas chambers") to exterminate Jews or any other people, and HCN was used as an insecticide in the delousing chambers to save human lives by exterminating typhus-bearing lice in clothes and bedding. As Germar Rudolf freely admits, chemistry is not the science that can rigorously prove or refute human gassings at Auschwitz. This is because the Hoaxer can always start clutching at straws, suggesting some excuse for why the results did not favor the orthodox narrative. They'll claim that conditions in the so-called "gas chambers" just happened to be different in some critical way to those in the delousing chambers, and thereby prevented formation of stable cyanide compounds in the "gas chambers". And in this case, they can just about get away with the claim. They'll demand a rigorous proof that significant quantities of cyanides should have been found in any homicidal gas chamber, and no such proof is available.

Rather than chemistry, the proof that the "Holocaust" is a hoax is, as described above, the physical and scientific impossibility of cremating more than a million Jews, given a fuel supply only in the order of 2,000 tons of coke, and given the number of available muffle-hours, and given the limits imposed by firebrick durability.

3.5.2. The Markiewicz 'Study' - Use of Pseudo-science in an Attempt to Refute Leuchter, Rudolf and Ball

When Leuchter's report was published in 1988, it was a bitter blow for HoloHoaxing fraudsters. They desperately needed to come up with a 'study' of their own that would 'refute' Leuchter by 'proving' that the "gas chamber" walls had about as much cyanide as the delousing chamber walls. So early in 1990, the Auschwitz State Museum contacted the Institute of Forensic Research in Krakow and asked them "to take samples of wall plaster from the gas chambers and analyze them for the presence of hydrogen cyanide". A team from the IFR arrived at Auschwitz on February 20, 1990, took samples of wall plaster and brick from rooms in Auschwitz and Birkenau in the presence of Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator of the Museum, and subsequently tested them for the presence of cyanide.

So far, so good. What few Hoaxers will tell you (van Pelt only does so because he has little choice) is that the IFR team of Prof. Jan Markiewicz et al wrote a report on their findings dated September 20, 1990, it was received at Auschwitz on October 11, 1990, and then the report was never published because it had failed to provide the politically correct results that Hoaxers needed. In fact, it corroborated the Leuchter report by finding much more cyanide in delousing chambers as alleged homicidal gas chambers. A person or persons unknown smuggled a copy of the report out of the Institute, and the results were published by revisionists in 1991.

The Krakow Institute staff always knew they hadn't a snowball in Hell's chance of getting their delousing chamber cyanide concentrations to be roughly equal to those of their "gas chamber" samples unless they used a totally different methodology, such as using the micro-diffusion chamber procedure that does not detect Iron Blue. After fifty years, there is very little left of the unstable cyanides, and so that takes it down to zero or trace levels of less than 1 ppm. By tampering with their methodology so that they detected only unstable cyanides, they reckoned on getting the cyanide levels in the delousing chambers nearly down to the levels found in the "gas chambers". But even after that chicanery, the Krakow Institute still got 24 times more cyanide in delousing chambers than "gas chambers". It took them another four years of sample taking and fiddling until they were able to get the 'correct' results that were required for political purposes. Those results were published in 1994. And even then, they still found more cyanide in delousing chambers than in "gas chambers"!

In the 1994 'study', Markiewicz admitted: "In this connection it takes quite a larger number of samples from a given facility to give us a chance to come upon this sort of local accumulation of cyanide compounds." Yes, it certainly does! It takes a lot of samples and analyses, conducted over four years, to give them a chance to get politically acceptable results. Leuchter, Rudolf and Ball didn't need to resort to such measures!

One can imagine the scene whenever Markiewicz submitted the 'wrong' results to the Auschwitz State Museum between 1990 and 1994. In the well-known video that depicts Hitler receiving bad news, a parody version would feature Dr. Franciszek Piper as Hitler, and Markiewicz and his colleagues would be the remaining few after the others are told to leave the room. The scenario would go something like this, after the "Hitler" character removes his glasses:

"Markiewicz, you fool! This is no good to us. Surely you can understand that it will only be grist in the mill for the deniers! Stalin may be dead, but things will not go well for you unless you can refute Leuchter. The trick is to learn. And I have learnt that you cannot underestimate the deniers."

One has to have some sympathy for poor old Markiewicz, since Poland was only just emerging from the communist yoke in 1990, and those who didn't do as expected doubtless had worries about being sent to a forced labor camp. He only lived for another three years after completing his 1994 'study', and he'd been trying ever so hard to refute Leuchter.

Compare the actual levels found by the revisionists Leuchter, Rudolf and Ball with those of the IFR. The revisionists found an average cyanide concentration in the delousing chambers of 4,724 mg/kg, which is 4,724 ppm. The maximum concentration was 13,500 ppm. In the "gas chambers", the corresponding average was 1.827 ppm, and the corresponding maximum was 7.9 ppm. In contrast, all cyanide concentrations detected by the IFR were less than 1 ppm.

3.5.3. The Markiewicz Study of 1990 - Suppressed because of the 'Wrong' Results

The IFR's October 1990 report shows how, out of five "gas chamber" samples, only one showed any cyanide. (It was taken from Krema II, morgue I). After conversion to potassium cyanide, they got a mere 6 micrograms of KCN per 100 grams of wall plaster, which is 0.06 mg/kg or ppm, or 0.024 mg of cyanide per kg of building materials. (Multiply by 0.4, the ratio of the atomic weights of CN and KCN, to find the proportion of cyanide in potassium cyanide, or multiply by 0.004 to convert from micrograms of KCN per 100 grams of building material to ppm or mg of cyanide per kg of building materials.) Their delousing chamber samples ranged from 9 to 147 micrograms of potassium cyanide per 100 grams of building material, so that's 0.036 to 0.588 mg of cyanide per kg of building material.

Table 1

Maximum cyanide concentration, ppm Delousing chambers Alleged "gas chambers"
Revisionists: Leuchter / Rudolf / Ball 13,500 7.9
IFR: Markiewicz et al, 1990 study 0.588 0.024
IFR: Markiewicz et al, 1994 study 0.9 0.64

Thus, even after tampering with the methodology, Markiewicz still found in 1990 that the maximum concentration in delousing chambers was 24.5 times higher than the maximum concentration found in any "gas chamber", and he had to keep on taking new samples for another four years and analysing before he managed to get a set of results that had the delousing chambers cyanide only 1.4 times higher than the "gas chambers" cyanide. His political masters were realistic enough to see that the results were never going to be much better than that for them, and it wasn't worthwhile waiting for another four years, so they chose to publish.

3.5.4. Naturally Occurring Cyanide Concentrations in Various Materials

For comparison purposes, Table 2 shows the range of cyanide concentrations found in various other materials.

Table 2

Material Cyanide concentration range, ppm
Chocolate covered almonds Up to 2
Table salt Up to 13
Sorghum Up to 25
Lima beans 1 - 31
Almonds 26 - 100
Gold mining Up to 200
Road salt Up to 350
Cigarette smoke Up to 1,600

Source: The Management of Cyanide in the Gold Mining Industry, Adrian Smith Consulting Inc., November 1988

Were Hitler and the "Nazis" secretly conducting a program to "exterminate" road salt?

According to another source, the concentration of hydrogen cyanide in unpolluted air is less than 0.2 ppm, and the concentration of cyanide in drinking water ranges from 0.001 to 0.011 ppm. Cyanide, in the gaseous form of hydrogen cyanide, can enter the air, water and soil from both natural and industrial activities. Hydrogen cyanide in the atmosphere is not easily removed by rainfall, snow or settling, and has a half-life of 1 to 3 years.

The Auschwitz III, or Monowitz camp, was a work camp constructed in 1942 to provide slave labor for the German chemical company IG Farben. It produced synthetic rubber, liquid fuels, and lubricants. In order to prove rigorously that trace levels of cyanide in alleged "gas chambers" of up to 0.6 ppm (Markewicz) or 7.9 ppm (Leuchter) must have been caused by homicidal gassing, Hoaxers must prove rigorously that those trace levels could not have been caused by any prosaic source, such as hydrogen cyanide in the atmosphere, whether a result of industrial activity at the Monowitz camp polluting the air, or, more likely, HCN that leaked into the surrounding atmosphere when it was being used in the delousing chambers. Or from cigarette smoke, road salt, contaminated water, etc..

And in any case, Rudolf's sample of untreated brick from a collapsed Bavarian farmhouse that was never fumigated was found to have 9.6 ppm of cyanide. That concentration was confirmed in a control analysis by another laboratory, which delivered exactly the same result. Were the "Nazis" secretly taking Jews to a farmhouse in Germany on the pretext that it was to get a shower, and using it as a "gas chamber"?

3.5.5. The James Roth Lie about Non-Penetration of Hydrogen Cyanide

Van Pelt [p. 309 of his "expert report"] writes: "It is a pity that the report does not mention the thickness of the samples, again the knowledge that cyanide only reacts on the surface of brick remains an important fact of consideration. Therefore I would not like to assign more than relative significance to the Polish measurements. Yet, even so, they are important in their own right, as they clearly show the presence of cyanide in the walls of the gas chambers, confirming the 'alleged' use of these spaces as killing installations."

The claim that the HCN can only react on the surface of the brickwork is a Hoaxer lie that was brought on in an attempt to refute Leuchter. Hoaxers were forced to rely upon testimony by James Roth aka "Professor Perjury" (see Rudolf's chapter of that title in Auschwitz Lies: Legends, Lies and Prejudices on the Holocaust, Rudolf and Mattogno). At the Irving trial, van Pelt cited Roth's 1999 "expert report", which claimed that the HCN could only react with the surface of the brickwork or plaster, and not penetrate more than 10 microns, or one-tenth the thickness of a human hair. And Judge Gray's decision was heavily reliant upon that so-called "expert" testimony. In his judgement, Gray said, "In regard to the chemical analysis, Irving was unable to controvert the evidence of Dr Roth [...] that, because the cyanide would have penetrated the brickwork and plaster to a depth of no more than one tenth of the breadth of a human hair, any cyanide present in the relatively large samples taken by Leuchter (which had to be pulverised before analysis) would have been so diluted that the results on which Leuchter relied had effectively no validity."

Roth's claim was of course empirically debunked by Rudolf's samples showing a high cyanide content throughout the depth of the walls of the delousing chambers, and by blue staining on the outside of those walls. For more about the cyanide levels in the external and deep-layer samples, see: Differential Exposure of Brickwork to Hydrogen Cyanide during World War Two, Rudolf and Kollerstrom. But most importantly, at the second Zundel trial, Roth himself had said:

"In porous materials such as brick or mortar, the Prussian blue [he really means hydrogen cyanide] could go fairly deep as long as the surface stayed open, but as the Prussian blue formed, it was possible that it would seal the porous material and stop the penetration."

3.6. Why Roth and Judge Gray Chose to Side with the Holocaust Industry

The reason for Roth's decision to perjure himself for the Irving trial was that, in the intervening years since the Zundel trial, he had seen how Leuchter's career had been destroyed, and he didn't intend to suffer the same fate. And the same motivation led to Judge Gray's ruling in favor of Lipstadt and the Holocaust industry. An insightful commentary that was quoted by Nick Herbert in his article "Why I admire David Irving" said:

"Because of the blatant anti-Irving media coverage, Judge Gray had no choice but to find Irving guilty. Had he done otherwise he would not only have rendered a highly unpopular verdict, but a verdict, that based on media reports would seem to fly totally against what every newspaper reader would have thought the evidence to be. This would have been the end of his legal career, and Judge Gray clearly did not want to be a martyr for the cause of justice, preferring to ruin Irving's career rather than his own."

3.7. Judge Gray's Casual Dismissal of Evidence that Proves Holohoaxers' Lies

Look at how casually Gray dismisses Irving's arguments about coke use that prove the "Holocaust" is a hoax. The following is from the judgement:

"Death books"; decrypts and coke consumption
13.87 Irving advanced a number of subsidiary arguments. I can deal with them briefly because they did not impress me. I do not consider that they would have impressed a dispassionate historian either.
13.88 Irving relied on the fact that the camp registers or "death books" released by the Russians record deaths at Auschwitz, but make no mention of any deaths by gassing. The short answer to this point is that, according to the unchallenged evidence of a large number of witnesses, the books record only the deaths of those who were formally registered as inmates of the camp. The Jews who were selected on arrival to die were taken straight to the gas chambers without being registered. One would not therefore expect to find mention of the cause of death of those Jews in the death books.
13.89 Reports were sent regularly from the camp to Berlin in cypher. They were intercepted and decoded at Bletchley Park. Although these reports often gave the cause of death, they did not mention gassing. In my judgment there are two reasons why little significance is to be attached to this: the first is that there was a strict rule of secrecy about the gassing and the second is that, like the death books, these reports related to registered inmates only.
13.90 Irving argued that the quantity of coke required to burn one body would have been 35kg. He contended that the amount of coke which is recorded as having been delivered to Auschwitz is nothing like enough to kill the number of Jews who the Defendants say lost their lives in the gas chambers. But I accept that the evidence of van Pelt, which was based on contemporaneous documents (see paragraph 7.125 above), that, if the incinerators were operated continuously and many corpses were burnt together so themselves providing fuel, no more than 3.5kg of coke would have been required per corpse.
13.91 Having considered the various arguments advanced by Irving to assail the effect of the convergent evidence relied on by the Defendants, it is my conclusion that no objective, fair-minded historian would have serious cause to doubt that there were gas chambers at Auschwitz and that they were operated on a substantial scale to kill hundreds of thousands of Jews.

So there, Judge Gray dismisses the facts about coke consumption in a single paragraph. Here's the paragraph 7.125 to which he refers:

7.125 Likewise van Pelt rejected the argument that the quantity of coke delivered to Auschwitz was insufficient to fuel the incineration of the corpses in the numbers which the Defendants claim were killed at the camp. He challenged the premise of Irving's argument which was that as much as 35kg of coke would have been required for each body incinerated: basing himself on a contemporaneous calculation and assuming bodies were burned together at the rate contemplated in the Bischoff's letter of 28 June 1943, he maintained that the quantity of coke required per corpse would have been no more than 3.5kg.

3.8. The "Bischoff" letter of 28 June 1943 - Claims Equivalent to a 200 mph, 400 mpg Trabant

That "Bischoff's letter" of 28 June 1943 to which he refers is frequently cited by Hoaxers such as van Pelt. On p. 247 of his "expert report", van Pelt claims that "one muffle could burn a maximum of nine bodies per hour" and "Bischoff's number is less than half". Actually, the so-called "Bischoff's number" is four times too high for Krema II to V. This is what the document states about the performance of Auschwitz-Birkenau's crematoria:

Performance of the crematoria presently existing over an operational period of 24 hours:
1.) old Crematorium I                    3 furnaces with 2 muffles 340 persons
2.) new Crematorium at KGL II    5 furnaces with 3 muffles 1,440 persons
3.) new Crematorium III               5 furnaces with 3 muffles 1,440 persons
4.) new Crematorium IV                  furnace with 8 muffles 768 persons
5.) new Crematorium V                   furnace with 8 muffles 768 persons
for a total of 4,756 persons in an operating period of 24 hours.

So, when we compare the inflated performance above to the actual performance of one body per muffle per hour, we get:

Krema I: 340 / 24 = 14.17 per hour. Divide by 6 muffles, 2.36 bodies per hour, 1 body in 25.4 minutes. 2.36 times faster than reality.
Krema II or III: 1,440 / 24 = 60 per hour. Divide by 15 muffles, 4 bodies per hour, 1 body in 15 minutes. Four times faster than in reality.
Krema IV or V: 768 / 24 = 32 per hour. Divide by 8 muffles, 4 bodies per hour, 1 body in 15 minutes. Four times faster than in reality.

Again, it is equivalent to a used-car salesman telling you that a Trabant is capable of cruising at 200 mph nonstop for a million miles, whilst consuming a mere 400 mpg and making barely any more noise than a ticking clock. And in support of his claim, the salesman shows you a letter in which someone makes that assertion about the performance. As 'evidence' of the letter writer's veracity, you are told that the author was allegedly someone who allegedly had some sort of relationship either with the manufacturer or with a user of the product. Rather than take the letter at its word, you would decide whether or not a Trabant was in fact capable of delivering the stated performance.

Bischoff is the person with the title of SS-Sturmbannführer that shows in the bottom right, but there is no signature. The archivist (Cossens) believed that the handwritten name Jährling on the bottom left under "Verteiler" (distributor) was the author of the letter, and in one variation of the document has written the name at the bottom right. However, both Bischoff and the civilian employee Rudolf Jährling would have been aware that the figures greatly overstated the capacity of the crematoria. Some people have suggested Jährling was the author, but Jährling had a different signature, and habitually added the abbreviation "ZA Ing." to his signature. The genuine Jährling signature appears in the document where his calculations corroborated the coke delivery totals up to March 1943. And also in that document, Jährling has calculated the capacity based upon a 12-hour day, knowing that some daily downtime was necessary for cleaning out slag, etc.. Even if there had been a decision between March and June to extend the operating time, a knowledgeable person would have assumed no more than a 20-hour day, and certainly not a 24-hour day. And the letter was supposed to have been sent to SS-WVHA, but that would have involved an exchange of letters of which there is no trace.

Neither Bischoff nor Jährling was the author of the "4,756" daily capacity letter. It was most likely an employee in another specialty from another branch of the Central Construction Office, who was not familiar with crematoria capacity, who was not familiar with the bureaucratic procedures of the time, and who drew up the draft on his own initiative. When Bischoff or Jährling became aware of the draft, they would have cancelled it, and rewritten in accord with procedures and with the actual capability of the ovens. See Mattogno's analysis here. Also see Mattogno: The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz—A Technical and Historical Study (2015) [pp. 293 and 341-344]. He suggests SS-Sturmmann Nestripke, whose initials appear in the document's registration number at the top left, as the author

JahrlingNotSig photo JahrlingNotSig_zpsr6q2byva.png

Source: Image "D" from here

The genuine Jährling signature from his March 17, 1943 document appears below.

JahrlingSig photo JahrlingSig_zps2p0vuu5f.png

Source: AUSCHWITZ: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, Pressac [p. 224]

4. The Deceptions of John Zimmerman

Let's consider some of the deceptions of Professor John C. Zimmerman. In his Jewish supremacist propaganda piece Body Disposal at Auschwitz: The End of Holocaust Denial, the accountant Zimmerman speculates that the (approximately 240) coke delivery notes might be incomplete, points to the period March 1942 to February 1943, and compares the number of registered deaths in the Auschwitz death books with the coke delivered over that period. He states 373.5 tons of coke delivered over that period, which is in accord with Pressac's figures, and claims 51,000 registered deaths. In fact, the death books only record 45,533 for that period. Zimmerman then divides 373.5 tons by 51,000 deaths to obtain 7.3 kg of coke per body, and compares it to Mattogno's (sound) argument that it takes some 30 kg of coke to cremate a body in a double-muffle oven.

(Taking the figure of 45,533 deaths from Table 3 below, which counts all 62 from month unknown in 1942, and dividing by the coke deliveries of 373.5 tons, the coke consumption per corpse would be 8.2 kg if all of those bodies had been cremated in the ovens.)

In a reductio ad absurdum, let's suppose that Zimmerman is right, and the ovens could cremate at 7.3 kg of coke per body. (As pointed out above, Hoaxers actually need to go down to 1.8 kg of coke apiece to support their minimum allegation of a 1.1 million Auschwitz death toll, since the documented delivery records total 1,037 tons from February 1942 to October 1943, and 2,000 tons is a generous extrapolation for February 1942 to November 1944.) Now consider the period from March to October of 1943. Coke deliveries are 641.5 tons, and registered deaths are 13,047. Thus, the Germans used 49.2 kg of coke per body. This is consistent with the fact that cremations could be carried out at or under 30 kg of coke per body (depending on the oven), once it was pre-heated. The higher figure was because the crematoria then had spare capacity, did not need to run continuously, and so some pre-heating was required. However, if it was possible to cremate at 7.3 kg of coke (or lower) per corpse, then they had a surplus of at least (641.5 - 0.0073 x 13047 =) 546.3 tons of coke, which is absurd. If they needed only 95.2 tons of coke, they would not have 641.5 tons delivered.

Zimmerman is then forced to invoke his evidence-free theory of a secret plot to exterminate six million Jews and eliminate all the evidence, to fake the Auschwitz death books by not registering "gassing" deaths, to fake them a second time by including the old and the young who were allegedly "gassed" upon arrival so that the age distribution would not give the game away, to fake them a third time by fixing the number of Jews to be roughly equal to the number of Roman Catholics so it would not suspiciously look like Jews were being selected in or selected out, to cover up firebrick replacement records, to prohibit all talk of gassings or extermination in encrypted communications, to use euphemisms and code words, to communicate the orders for the plot and associated cover-up plot by telepathy or semaphore, etc.. In this way, he can pretend that cremations can be done at a fuel consumption, say, of 2 kg of coke per corpse, in which case the 641.5 tons of coke delivered between March and October of 1943 could have disposed of 641.5 / 0.002 = 320,750 bodies. So there were 13,047 registered deaths during that period, and in Zimmerman's hypothesis the remaining 307,703 were unregistered "gassing" victims. Problem is, the coke consumption requirement violates the law of energy conservation, the rate of cremation violates the laws of thermodynamics, the number cremated violates condensed matter physics relating to spalling and cracking of firebricks caused by thermal expansion and contraction, and the conspiracy theory violates Occam's Razor by introducing so many ad hoc postulates about a massive "cover-up", in its attempt to explain away the absence of material evidence.

Now let's suppose that the Hoaxers are right, and it only takes 2 kg of coke to cremate each corpse. So the 332.5 tons of coke delivered between 16 February 1942 and 31 December 1942 would have sufficed to cremate (332.5 / 0.002 =) 166,250 corpses. The other limit is that of time, or muffle-hours. Hoaxers cite the "Bischoff letter", which claims "old Crematorium I" had a 24-hour capacity of "3 furnaces with 2 muffles 340 persons". So 340 in 24 hours is 14.17 per hour. Divide by 6 muffles, and we get 2.36 bodies per hour per muffle, or 1 body in 25.4 minutes. The third double-muffle oven was not in operation until March 1942. So we have nine months' operation from April to December 1942 at (24 x 6 x 2.36 =) 340 daily, = 275 days x 340 per day = 93,500 corpses, plus three months' operation at (24 x 4 x 2.36 =) 226 daily, = 90 days x 226 per day = 20,340 corpses, to make a total of 113,840 corpses. And of course, according to Hoaxers, there is no limit imposed by firebrick durability - the SS can simply work their "black magic", and the ovens can carry on working nonstop indefinitely.

And yet, Hoaxers tell us, 50,000 bodies were buried and later exhumed at Auschwitz in 1942. Why would you want to bury bodies when, according to Hoaxers, there was the capability to cremate them all? And if the 'bumbling' "Nazis" had chosen to bury the bodies, and only exhumed and cremated them after becoming aware of the smell, why would they have 332.5 tons of coke delivered? Was it all to ensure that the inmates were kept very warm and comfortable during the winter months? Or was it stored to use for heating the swimming pool in later years? Hoaxers assure us that the swimming pool was really a "fire brigade reservoir", and by some bizarre coincidence it just happened to be rectangular and look like a swimming pool!

4.1. Establishing what really happened at Auschwitz in 1942

Table 3 shows the monthly data from March 1942 to October 1943 inclusive for registered deaths, coke delivered, and kg of coke per corpse. Cross-referencing the monthly coke deliveries against the monthly death toll at Auschwitz is useful, because it helps us to evaluate how many bodies were disposed of in wood-fueled cremations in open-air pits prior to operation of the Birkenau crematoria in  March 1943. The 3,050 anomaly for September 1943 is 61 tons of coke divided by 20 deaths. That deaths figure is clearly incomplete, since it rarely goes below 1,000 a month. However, adding an extra 2,000 (more than the monthly average for the period) only takes the above 49.2 kg/corpse down to 42.6 kg/corpse, which remains consistent with the revisionist scenario, and still leaves an absurd surplus of 531.6 tons of coke given Zimmerman's 7.3 kg/corpse, which itself is still more than four times higher than the 1.8 kg/corpse required by Hoaxers.

4.2. Monthly Registered Deaths vs. Coke Deliveries

Table 3

Month, Year Registered Deaths Coke Delivered (tons) Coke per Corpse (kg)
March 1942 2,446 39 15.9
April 1942 1,671 39 23.3
May 1942 2,160 32 14.8
June 1942 2,335 29.5 12.6
July 1942 4,345 16.5 3.8
August 1942 8,507 31.5 3.7
September 1942 7,199 52 7.2
October 1942 4,492 15 3.3
November 1942 958 17 17.7
December 1942 997 39 39.1
Unknown month, 1942 62 --- ---
January 1943 4,454 23 5.2
February 1943 5,907 40 6.8
March 1943 4,432 144.5 32.6
April 1943 1,907 60 31.5
May 1943 1,591 95 59.7
June 1943 1,400 61 43.6
July 1943 1,581 67 42.4
August 1943 811 71 87.5
September 1943 20 61 3,050
October 1943 1,290 82 63.6
Unknown month, 1943 15 --- ---
TOTAL 58,580 1,015 17.3

In order to make Zimmerman's gassings scenario work, he needs more than an order of magnitude increase in fuel economy (from 40 - 50 kg of coke per corpse), or a 30-fold jump in coke deliveries over November 1943 to November 1944. All are absurd, and contradicted by other evidence, such as the absurdity of the Germans using 99.99% of their Zyklon B to save their prisoners' lives at the same place and time that they were allegedly using the remaining 0.01% to exterminate them. It is simply not possible to cremate with 1.8 kg of coke per 55 kg of animal tissue, as confirmed empirically by the performance of modern animal incinerators and cremators, which are more efficient than the Topf ovens.

The third double-muffle oven of Auschwitz I was not built until March 1942; there was a delay in obtaining the refractory materials. So if we assume a maximum 20-hour day and one cremation per muffle per hour, the daily capacity for two double-muffle ovens is 4 muffles x 1 body per muffle per hour x 20 hours per day = 80 per day = 2,480 in March. Assuming the typical corpse is moderately thin, Mattogno's heat balance calculations found that the double-muffle ovens would have required at least 28 kg of coke per corpse (assuming no pre-heating). Before the new ovens of Krema II to V came into service between March and June of 1943, there was a serious under-capacity much of the time, especially at the height of the typhus epidemic of August 1942. The double-muffle ovens were working hard for much of that time, so would have been relatively economical at around 30 kg per corpse. 39 tons of coke delivered in March 1942 divided by 30 kg per corpse suggests that 1,300 were cremated on the two double-muffles, which points to operation of 10.5 hours per day. Thus, the remaining 1,146 corpses were probably cremated in pits. However, some coke would have been used for pre-heating the third double-muffle oven, so the proportion cremated in the open-air was probably greater.

When all three double-muffle ovens were operating, the maximum daily capacity was 6 muffles x 1 body per muffle per hour x 20 hours per day = 120 per day = 3,600 per month. Cremation of 1,671 would therefore only require operation for 9.3 hours per day. 39 tons of coke delivered in April 1942 divided by 30 kg per corpse suggests that again, 1,300 were cremated on the three double-muffles, which in this case would require operation for only 20 x 1,300 / 3,600 = 7.2 hours per day, and points to some 371 cremated in open-air pits.

Over the period March 1942 to February 1943, 373.5 tons of coke delivered divided by the likely performance of 30 kg per corpse suggests that 12,450 were cremated on the double-muffle ovens. So that's 1,037 per month, 34.1 per day. The hourly capacity based on one corpse per muffle per hour was 6 corpses, which suggests the ovens were run for 5.7 hours per day. However, on page 291 of Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity, Mattogno gives the times that the Birkenau ovens were actually in existence. Based on those periods of existence, and assuming a 24-hour day, the number of muffle-hours is 625 x 15 x 24 = 225,000 (Krema II) plus 522 x 15 x 24 = 187,920 (Krema III) plus 566 x 8 x 24 = 108,672 (Krema IV) plus 656 x 8 x 24 = 125,952 (Krema V) = 647,544.

Now compare that with the maximum capacity calculated above of 373,032 for 24 hours a day operation, after allowing for breakdowns. The breakdowns have reduced the capacity by a factor of 373,032 / 647,544 = 0.57607, so if the Auschwitz I ovens suffered the same rate of breakdowns as Krema II to V, the number of hours' daily operation when they were in service was 5.7 / 0.57607 = 9.9 hours.

4.3. Conclusion: 30,000 - 35,000 Cremated in Pits when Load too much for Auschwitz I Ovens

The total of deaths recorded from March 1942 to February 1943 was 45,533, so if we deduct 12,450 cremated on the three double-muffle ovens over that period, then that leaves 33,083 cremated in open-air pits, fueled by wood.

5. Forthright Statements by Jews Regarding the "Holocaust"

Here is what Jews have said about the veracity of the orthodox narrative:

"A good lie takes time to plan, and this was a very good lie; one which a defeated and demoralized enemy was in no position to refute. Misrepresent the purpose of a conventional delousing gas at the concentration camps, inflate the figures of typhus, typhoid and malnutrition deaths in the latter months of the war to match a symbolic figure, support with endless faked and staged photographs, purposely edited films and statistics, 'find' a few 'eyewitnesses' among the 'survivors' – and the improbable becomes fact." -Gerard Menuhin (son of violinist Yehudi), Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil [pp. 26-27]
"The 6-million-gas-chambers myth is an arithmetic and technical nonsense. As a matter of fact the howling, snivelling, Shoah business, 50 years after the war, is disgusting, debasing: it is a disgraceful shame." -Roger Dommergue, letter to Steven Spielberg
"The trouble is, that the forensic, topographical, documentary, chemical, photographic etc. evidence, all contradict the narrative." -Paul Eisen [blog is now by invitation only, following national press reports about Jeremy Corbyn's links with a "holocaust denier"]
"I know from years of my own research and the research of others that proofs of the Holocaust are few. Literally, all there is are the 'eyewitness' testimonies and the post-war confessions. There's no picture, plan or wartime document dealing with homicidal gas chambers or a plan to exterminate Jews." -David Cole aka David "Stein", video interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director / Senior Curator, Auschwitz State Museum
"World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine." -Joseph G. Burg aka Josef Ginsburg

6. Zionist Jews and Allied Governments had the Means, Motive and Opportunity to Fabricate the Hoax

Having control of the mainstream media is a necessary prerequisite to pulling off a colossal hoax, such as one that features "gas chambers" and a "Holocaust" of "six million" Jews. Zionist Jews had the motive to propagate the hoax, since they needed to generate sympathy in order that Palestine would be handed over to them for transforming into a Zionist State, and they stood to make a fortune from the racket of so-called "reparations", "compensation", and from billions of dollars that would flow into the State of "Israel" under the guise of "foreign aid". According to the Times of Israel, Jewish "survivors" received some $89 billion in "compensation" from Germany between 1952 and 2012. The Allied governments needed to peddle the atrocity propaganda about the "gas chambers" and the "evil" "Nazis" to distract from their own war crimes such as the firebombing of civilians in Dresden and Hamburg. Thus, the so-called "witnesses" such as Henryk Tauber were Jews, and the interrogators who obtained the "Nazi" 'confessions' were Allied forces, Jews, or both. And Raul Hilberg, a Jewish political scientist posing as a "historian", spent a lifetime trawling through documents in the hope of finding something incriminating. In the end, all he could come up with were deliberate misinterpretations or mistranslations, so that the prosaic was replaced by the sinister: delousing gas chambers became homicidal gas chambers, and statements about "ausrottung" became talk of "exterminating" the Jews rather than simply uprooting them and expelling them from Europe, and annihilating the Jews' political power.

Control of the mass media including a burgeoning Hollywood industry, 'testimony' from "witnesses", 'confessions' under duress, misinterpreted documents, and propaganda in which images of thousands of corpses of typhus victims of unknown nationality was passed off as 'proof' of millions of "gassed" Jews, provided Zionist Jews and Allied governments with the means to propagate their "Holocaust" hoax. And the aftermath of a World War that had killed tens of millions, together with the delousing chambers, the poison gas that the "Nazis" used in the delousing chambers, and the inability of the vanquished Germans to protest their innocence, provided the Hoaxers with the opportunity to establish their victors' 'justice', and to rewrite history as they wanted the public to believe it had happened. The idea to claim "six million" 'dead' Jews in order to seize Palestine pre-dates both World Wars, dating back at least to the 1890s in the early days of the Zionist project, as can be seen by the numerous reports in the Jewish-owned press such as The New York Times. But it was not until the wake of WWII that a confluence of factors sufficed for the Hoaxers to persuade a critical mass of people to fall for their scam.

6.1. Admissions by Jews that they control Hollywood, TV and the Press

"But I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them." -Joel Stein, LA Times, 2008

"Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media." -Elad Nehorai, Times of Israel, 2012

And the following list is taken from the pro-Judaism site

JewsAmericanMedia photo JewsAmericanMedia_zps1fc18194.png


Well okay, Rupert Murdoch doesn't actually admit to having a Jewish mother. But Murdoch is a long-time friend of Jacob Rothschild (ever since Murdoch came to Britain in the Sixties, when Rothschild helped Murdoch buy the News of the World), had a Jew (Peter Chernin) as his second-in-command for many years, and has consistently served as an outlet for pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist, pro-Israel views. And Murdoch is a long-time friend of Benjamin Netanyahu, who "often" stayed with Murdoch in London in the 1990s. The pro-Judaism website was essentially correct with that list, and only a liar or a fool would deny Jewish control of the mass media.

7. Conclusion: Approximately 100,000 Natural Deaths at Auschwitz-Birkenau; "Gas chambers" "Extermination" 'Theory' a Myth

We know from the ~2,000 tons of coke delivered to Auschwitz-Birkenau, divided by the 30.6 to 47.9 kg of coke per corpse that the Germans are known to have obtained from running the Topf double-muffle oven at Gusen, and the fact that the triple-muffle ovens were theoretically a little more efficient, that in the order of 65,000 bodies were cremated in the Topf ovens of Auschwitz-Birkenau. This is entirely consistent with the upper limit of 108,000 that could have been cremated in those 52 muffles based on the firebrick durability. From cross-referencing the Auschwitz death books with coke consumption in the period February 1942 to February 1943 before the Birkenau ovens came into operation, it is seen that some 30,000 to 35,000 were independently cremated in pits when the three double-muffle ovens of Auschwitz I were wholly unable to cope with the load, especially during the terrible typhus epidemic that peaked in August 1942 and prompted commissioning of the additional crematoria capacity at Birkenau. The Auschwitz death books record 68,864 dead, of whom 29,125 were Jews and 31,814 were Roman Catholics. That's up to the end of 1943, so the figure is ~ 100,000 when 1944 is factored in as well. And that figure of ~100,000 is in good agreement with the ~100,000 obtained from adding the total cremated in ovens to the total cremated in pits.

The ~100,000 dead is entirely consistent with the revisionist position, as is the average cyanide concentration found in the alleged "gas chambers" of 1.827 mg/kg from 22 samples, compared to an average level of 4,724 mg/kg for the delousing chambers. Thus, on average, the delousing chambers have cyanide concentrations 2,586 times higher than the zero to trace levels in the so-called "gas chambers". The ratio between the highest delousing chamber concentration and the highest "gas chamber" concentration is similar, at 1,875 : 1. Given the fact that another factor of more than ten* can be included to allow for the conditions in the alleged "gas chambers" (the morgues) being more conducive to formation of Iron Blue, it would have been preposterous for the Germans to have used 99.99% of their Zyklon B to save their prisoners' lives at the same time that they were using the remaining 0.01% to murder them.

* (Germar Rudolf estimates a factor of eight for the higher tendency of the cool, moist walls of the morgues to absorb hydrocyanic acid compared to the warm, dry interior walls of the delousing chambers. And he proposes another factor of at least two for the fact that the morgue walls and ceilings were comprised of cement mortar and/or concrete. Of these, Rudolf says, "due to their longer-lasting alkaline properties and due to their greater specific inner surface area, [they] are able to adsorb and bind hydrogen cyanide for a longer time and more strongly", compared to the cement-poor mortar and plaster of the delousing chambers.)

One can go on to look into the physical impossibilities of the tales about Treblinka, such as the claim that 870,000 bodies were exhumed and cremated, when it would have taken the 25 Jewish woodcutters until 1994 to gather sufficient wood for the open-air cremations, and then the Hoaxer needs to propose that "smart plants", "supernatural topsoil" and "anti-Semitic photons" colluded in the "cover-up", so that there was no evidence of topsoil disturbances, deforestation and aerial photography consistent with nearly a million exhumed corpses and cremations. And the fact that Hoaxers needed to try to prop up their hoax by having a redhead make a documentary of how she'd gone to Treblinka, dug at a cemetery, found forty bone fragments, and thought it was evidence of "mass graves". And how she thought a brand mark of the 125-year old Dziewulski i Lange porcelain factory in Poland was a "Star of David", and thereby proof of "gassings", when even her website had demonstrated that she wasn't really silly enough to think so. Or the sheer idiocy of the claim that two million Jews were murdered with diesel exhaust, which has more than 10% oxygen and only up to 0.2% CO, and will most certainly not kill many, let alone all, of the people in the claimed 32 minutes "gassing" time. If anyone was planning to perpetrate mass murder by asphyxiation in chambers, they would merely make the room airtight, send hundreds in for their "showers", wait for them to die, and drag them out without having to wait for dispersal of poison gas. It shows how Hoaxers regard the average person with such contempt that they are prepared to insult their intelligence like that. But any research into the other aspects will merely confirm that the "Holocaust" story is a malicious hoax, a colossal fraud, and a racist libel.

And for those who aren't interested in the technicalities, they merely have to note the fact that the "Holocaust" is the only historical event for which one may be jailed for voicing disbelief in it, and the fact that truth needs no laws to defend it. It is an absolute disgrace that innocent nonagenarians are persecuted simply for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, or an 87-year-old grandmother is sentenced to jail several times for saying she did not believe Auschwitz was a "death camp", and even jailing defense lawyers for defending their revisionist clients too well, all to prop up the narrative for a few more years as it enters its death throes.

The attempts by the likes of van Pelt and Zimmerman to dupe non-scientifically minded people rely heavily upon Henryk Tauber's testimony. The latter's fantastically impossible tales, such as shoving up to 8 corpses in a muffle, have been dealt with above. The Holocaust legend has had its day.

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