April 4, 2009 update: With the publication of a paper in a peer-reviewed journal proving that active thermitic materials were discovered in the WTC dust, there is no longer any doubt that a thermite variant was used in the controlled demolitions. The material found was highly energetic and included particles on the nanometer scale. Fleshing out details of where it was placed, and whether conventional thermite or thermate was also used, remains to be seen.

See here for links to the paper and associated discussion.

Forensic evidence of controlled demolitions at the World Trade Center continues to pile up. The official conspiracy theory, of three high-rise collapses resulting from impact damage and regular office compartment fires caused by "suicidal Muslim aircraft hijackers", can only be sustained by criminal control of media, political and business leaders.

Solid evidence of molten iron and extremely high temperatures that cannot be accounted for by hydrocarbons burning in air, corroborates numerous reports of molten steel that was still running weeks after the 9/11 attacks, and confirms that the perpetrators employed aluminothermic reactions as accelerants in order to guarantee total collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7.

Conventional compartment fires (even including jet fuel which in any case burns up within a few minutes) are only capable of maximum gas temperatures around 1,000 ºC or 1,832 ºF. And that's for 20 minutes or so at any particular point whilst local combustibles are consumed, before cooling to 500 ºC or lower. In fact, the NIST paint study concluded that "of the more than 170 areas examined on the exterior panels, only three locations had a positive result indicating that the steel may have reached temperatures in excess of 250 ºC". And a core column tested which had some surrounding fire was found to have peaked at lower than 200 ºC.

A paper by Dr. Steven E. Jones, Dr. Jeffrey Farrer, Dr. Gregory S. Jenkins, Dr. Frank Legge, James Gourley, Kevin Ryan, Daniel Farnsworth, and Dr. Crockett Grabbe in the Volume 19 - January 2008 online edition of the Journal of 9/11 Studies has details of analyses of the WTC dust. An "abundance of tiny solidified droplets roughly spherical in shape (spherules) in the WTC dust samples" was observed. Many of these spherules were found to be iron-rich, indicating that iron had melted. The melting point of iron is 1,538 °C (2,800 °F). There is also evidence of molten molybdenum (melting point 2,623 ºC = 4,753 ºF).

The Jones et al paper starts with their own analysis of dust samples, and goes on to discuss relevant previously published data. Here is an excerpt.


In an effort to better understand the conditions that led to complete collapses of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC 7, we apply scanning-electron-microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (XEDS) methods to analyze the dust generated, with an emphasis on observed micro-spheres in the WTC dust. The formation of molten spheres with high iron contents along with other species in the WTC dust required extremely high temperatures. Our results are compared with those of other laboratories. The temperatures required for the molten sphere-formation and evaporation of materials as observed in the WTC dust are significantly higher than temperatures associated with the burning of jet fuel and office materials in the WTC buildings.

1. Introduction

The events of 9/11/2001 were tragic and at the same time remarkable in their physical aspects, such as the completeness and rapidity of collapse of three skyscrapers and the large volume of fine toxic dust generated. In order to better understand these events, we obtained and examined two independent dust samples acquired very soon after 9/11/2001. The provenance of the two samples analyzed for this paper is described in the appendix. It is worth emphasizing that both of the samples were collected indoors and shortly after the 9/11/2001 event. One sample was collected on an indoor window sill on 9/14/2001, just three days after the disaster while searching for survivors in the rubble was ongoing, and in a building four blocks from ground zero. The other sample was acquired inside a fourth-floor apartment (whose upper windows broke during the WTC collapse) a few days later. We sought for samples acquired very soon after the collapses in order to drastically reduce any chance of contamination by clean-up operations (see Appendix). Furthermore, as we shall see, samples independently collected by other researchers corroborate the high-temperature indicators we observe.

2. Methods

A FEI XL30-SFEG scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with an EDAX Genesis X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry (XEDS) system was used to acquire XEDS spectra. A silicon detector (SiLi) with resolution better than 135 eV was used. The display resolution was set to 10 eV per channel. The operating conditions for the dust analyses were 20 keV, and 60-120 second acquisition time (livetime). The samples were analyzed at a 10 millimeter working distance and were mounted on carbon conductive tabs. Optical examination of the dust samples was conducted using a stereomicroscope (Nikon Epiphot 200) having a magnification range from 10-200X .

3. Results

We found an abundance of tiny solidified droplets roughly spherical in shape (spherules) in the WTC dust samples as shown in figure 1 (optical microscope) and figure 2 (Scanning Electron Microscope).

WTC High Temps Fig 1

Figure 1. Optical micrograph of collected dust particles observed in WTC dust sample 2, showing shiny metallic and semi-transparent silicate-rich spherules. (For example, the pillshaped droplet at far right is silicate rich.)

WTC High Temps Fig 2

Figure 2. An SEM image from sample 2 shows a number of spherules along with other dust particles.

The spherules found in the WTC dust were predominately iron-rich (appearing metallic) and silicates (appearing glassy under an optical microscope). We observed spherules in a wide range of diameters, from about 1 micron to 1.5 mm. Figures 3 -5 provide X-ray energy dispersive spectra for observed iron-rich spherules from the WTC dust.

WTC High Temps Fig 3

Figure 3. XEDS spectrum for a typical metal-rich spherule, observed in sample 1. K and L lines for noted elements are labeled. Elemental contents in atomic percent are approximately: O (63), Si (14), Fe (11), Al (9), K (1), Mg (0.4), Na (0.4), Ni (0.3) and S (0.2); the small C peak is likely from the carbon conductive tab used to hold the sample.

WTC High Temp Fig 4

Figure 4. XEDS spectrum for the largest metal-rich spherule found in sample 2. K and L lines for noted elements are labeled after the element symbol. Elemental contents in atomic percent are approximately: Fe (65), O (18), Al (11), S (4), Cu (0.6), Mn (0.6), Ni (0.4); the small C peak is likely from the carbon conductive tab used to hold the sample. The Fe-S-Al-O signature is striking, nothing like the signature of structural steel. Note also: Sulfur peak without a calcium peak, so the sulfur is not from calcium-sulfate contamination (gypsum).

WTC High Temp Fig 5

Figure 5. XEDS spectrum for a rather typical iron-rich spherule found in sample 2. Elemental contents in atomic percent are approximately: O (60 ± 2), Fe (39 ±2.5), Mn (0.7), Si (0.4); the small C peak is likely from the carbon conductive tab used to hold the sample; the O/Fe ratio of approximately 1.5 suggests that Fe2O3 is present, iron (III) oxide (see endnote).

4. Discussion of relevant previously-published data

4.1. Observations of iron-rich and silicate spherules

Iron-rich spherules were also observed in studies conducted by the RJ Lee company [1] and the US Geological Survey (USGS) [2]. In particular, a USGS report on the WTC dust provides two micrographs of “iron-rich spheres” [3] and a “bulbous” or tear-drop-shaped silicate droplet [4] (see images below).

WTC High Temp Fig 6WTC High Temp Fig 7

No explanation for the presence of these iron-rich and silicate spheres (which imply very high temperatures along with droplet formation) is given in the published USGS reports. The RJ Lee report also provides a micrograph and XEDS data for iron-rich spheres observed in the WTC dust; for example, their figure 21 (below, left) shows an “SEM image and EDS of spherical iron particle [1].” We likewise observe high-iron, relatively low oxygen spheres (e.g., below right and Fig. 4), which we find are unlike spheres gathered from cutting structural steel with an oxyacetylene torch.

WTC High Temp Fig 8 WTC High Temp Fig 9

See source (.pdf) / HTML version for the entire article.

The Jones et al paper also mentions how two of their authors obtained additional, unpublished information from the USGS after pursuing a Freedom of Information Act action. The USGS team had observed and studied a molybdenum-rich spherule. Here is another excerpt...

4.3. Molybdenum spherule in the USGS data set

Two of the authors pursued a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) action with the USGS to obtain any additional SEM/XEDS data from them which had not been previously published. The new data demonstrated, significantly, that the USGS team had observed and studied a molybdenum-rich spherule which was not mentioned in the earlier reports. A micrograph image shows a bright pill-shaped spherule labeled “20MOSPH-1.TIF” (below). The brightness of the object suggests that backscattered electron imaging was used in acquiring the image (the report notes that this technique was used in the study), and that indeed a heavier metal such as Mo is present in the oblong spherule. (We see similar shapes; see SEM image below right and Fig. 1.)

WTC High Temp Fig 10 WTC High Temp Fig 11

After some technical comments, the paper says:

We discern that considerable study was performed on this Mo-rich spherule, given the number of images and XEDS plots for it, yet these data were not previously released in the public USGS reports.

So, the existence of the molybdenum spherule is evidence of a previously molten state, as with the iron and aluminosilicates also mentioned in the paper. At around 2,610 to 2,623 ºC (4,753 ºF), molybdenum has one of the highest melting points of all pure elements, although the addition of other elements would lower it. Molybdenum is used to improve the strength of steels at high temperatures, and was included in some of the pressure vessel steels A 302, A 533, A542, and A514-65. (See page 17 or "43 of 86" from NIST NCSTAR 1-3A, their report on structural steel specifications.)

Molybdenum was also specified in some of the Japanese steel such as WEL-TEN 80, and is a possible extra in JIS G3114-73. Japanese steel was used to fabricate the perimeter columns and spandrels. The NIST report said:

Yawata Iron and Steel Co. supplied most of the steel to PC&F for the perimeter columns and spandrels. In general, the exterior (or web) and side (or flange) plates of each column and the spandrels were fabricated from Japanese steel, and the interior web plate was fabricated from domestic steel.

Source (same link as previous, see page 22 or "48 of 86")

In the WTC2 fire zone of floors 77-83, some 11.5% of the perimeter column steel was rated at 100 ksi yield strength. [See NIST Appendix E, June 04, Table E-4.] Yawata Iron and Steel Co. (now Nippon Steel) shipped 46,000 metric tons of WEL-TEN 60, 60R, 62, 70 and 80 to PC&F (Pacific Car and Foundry). The WEL-TEN 80 is rated at 100 ksi, so the source of the molten molybdenum may well have been 100 ksi perimeter columns.

An office compartment fire could not have melted any steel members, much less molybdenum. However, if the Jewish Mafia had installed iron(III) oxide-based thermate in the hollow perimeter columns so as to simulate a top-down collapse induced by "impact and fire damage", the thermate's ability to generate temperatures of 2,500 ºC (4,532 ºF) would have been capable of melting some molybdenum alloyed with iron and other elements.

There does appear to be an error in the Jones et al paper. The authors imply that the RJ Lee report's findings that "the presence of lead oxide on the surface of mineral wool indicates the existence of extremely high temperatures during the collapse which caused metallic lead to volatilize, oxidize, and finally condense on the surface of the mineral wool" is indicative of a controlled demolition, because "The temperature required to volatilize/boil lead is 1,740 ºC or 3,164 ºF [8]. No explanation for the origin of the indicated “extremely high temperatures during the collapse” is offered in the RJ Lee report."

But the RJ Lee report merely says that the lead "volatilized" - i.e. evaporated - prior to oxidizing and condensing. Water, for example, will evaporate at well below its boiling point, and this is also true for lead. Metallic lead evaporates at only 1,100 ºF (593 ºC), compared to its boiling point of 1,749 ºC. ["Vaporisation" can refer to evaporation or boiling.]

However, the Jones, Farrer et al paper is a useful contribution. It corroborates the countless reports of molten steel and molten metal by documenting the iron-rich spherules, as well as other data such as molten silicates and molybdenum. 1,480 ºC, for example, is regarded as a "low" melting point for silicates. Around 12 to 18 months ago, the apologists for Zionist terrorism and warfare were questioning whether the observed molten steel was really just molten aluminum, even though the source of the reports included PhD-level scientists and structural engineers. Now the shills and useful idiots have to deny forensic evidence that has been gathered and analysed by several groups working independently.

The above video is the first in a series of six of Prof. Steven E Jones speaking at a Los Angeles event, February 23, 2008. He starts by saying how he got an email from someone purporting to be an "engineer who had contacts at Homeland Security", who said that publication of Jones' paper could be "stopped", and that if he would "change research direction", there was a very good chance he would get grant money. Much of part 1 is an introduction to 9/11, mentioning matters such as the "young man" at the Pentagon who asked, "do the orders still stand?" In the second half of Part 3, Jones debunks straw man hypotheses such as "no planes" and "nuclear bombs".

By the second half of part 4 he is telling about the previously molten spheres from the dust samples, how John Parulis caught some dust from a thermite reaction that was found to contain similar spheres, how a WTC dust sample collected 20 minutes after the second collapse showed the same spheres (refuting the reality deniers' claim that the spheres were formed by oxyacetylene torches in the clean-up), and the similarity of the composition to commercial thermite. See here or here for the remainder. The latter also has some videos of Richard Gage and Cynthia McKinney speaking at the Feb 23 event. See here for a report by Dr Jones on the Feb 23 event.

There are some audio files here of Richard Gage on mainstream radio, and the hosts are not supporters of the official conspiracy theory. Indeed, Peter B Collins says explicitly [6:17] that he is "persuaded by" the evidence for controlled demolition.

The above 18-second video shows the WTC "meteorite", described as molten steel, concrete and other things, fused together by the heat.

This video is 82 minutes, but is a comprehensive presentation by physicist Steven Jones at the 9/11 Symposium in West Hartford CT on 3rd November 2007. Audio quality is very good.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, as of 24th March 2008, have 300 architectural and engineering professionals and 1165 other supporters including A/E students who have signed their petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation. The Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice have plenty of members. And this is after the shills and useful fools have broken away to pursue their "beam weapons" and other half-baked notions.

9/11 is even being discussed in detail at Wikipedia. Much of the comments here are opposed to the government account.

Jim Hoffman's 9-11 Research site has a good analysis of the merits of various demolition theories. The thermobaric devices and distributed explosives methods could have been employed together with thermate (thermite with sulfur added). However, the serious investigator may safely discount the exotic and untenable theories.

It is an interesting 'coincidence' that Jews demolished the WTC, Jews comprise a fraction of one percent of the world population, and yet there are many Jews involved in the 9/11 investigation who 'accidentally' conclude that it was the "US government" or some other group who attacked the WTC? Similarly, whenever Jews investigate the WTC demolition and have their 'work' hosted at sites that are owned and edited by Jews, they 'accidentally' plump for the wrong hypothesis, and then stubbornly refuse to change to a hypothesis that is in accordance with the evidence.

Some concentrate on whodunit, others on how they did it. But it's great to see that Dr Jones and his associates have chosen to be apolitical, concentrating on forensic evidence of the crime, so the perpetrators and shills cannot easily play the "anti-semitism" card.

There is a prima facie case for a criminal investigation. In the event that Arabs demolished a UN building with thermite to create the illusion that Israel had fired on it, and Israel held forensic proof of this hypothetical controlled demolition, the media would be shouting the news from the rooftops.

The government's continuing promotion of the "Arab hijackers" myth is proof enough of their complicity, at best, as an accessory to mass murder. Given that the Jewish Mafia has grown to be more powerful than governments, the fingerprints of Israel, the Mossad and Zionists are all over the WTC demolitions, and the perpetrators require control of the mainstream media in order to maintain their deceptions, whodunit is a foregone conclusion.

Unless and until Jews stop covering for the crimes of the Jewish Mafia, Zionism will be synonymous with criminality, and Judaism will be synonymous with mental disease.