How the Jews Fiddled Population Statistics for their Gas Chambers Scam


Jewish Population Statistics

The Probable True Scenario

The Absurdity of the Extermination Allegation

The Curious Case of the Jewish 'Historian' / Fairy Tales Editor

Jacobs' Fables

Did Bumbling Jews Underestimate Early Population Totals?

How many White People were Exterminated in WWII?



As of 1869 and 1889, there were reckoned to be six million Jews worldwide, according to the Jews themselves, as published in The New York Times. And as of early 2015, the number was around fifteen million, give or take a million. Yet we are supposed to believe that "six million" of the blighters were "exterminated" by 'evil' Germans in the early 1940s!!!!!!

The Jews had to inflate their population statistics by six million in order to be able to 'reduce' the figure by the appropriate value, as we shall show. But they didn't need to do that until fifty years after originally conceiving their "six million" 'dead' Jews swindle in the 1890s. It took fifty years until a suitable confluence of conditions finally enabled them to sell the scam to an unsuspecting public. Adding two or three million here and another couple million there would suffice for the first sixteen years or so. Later, they would add on the full "six million", after managing to hoodwink a critical mass of people. Over the intervening period, it would appear as if the Jews had experienced a massive baby boom, despite being "persecuted", "annihilated", "exterminated", "starved", subjected to a "holocaust" and "systematic and murderous extermination", etc., according to their own well-publicised tales of woe. And all of that "persecution", etc., allegedly happened decades before Hitler came to power!!!

Interestingly enough, the Jewish 'historian' who started inflating the Jews' population figures was a writer who edited books of fairy tales and fables.

Jewish Population Statistics

According to The New York Times of December 31, 1852, the population of Europe was 260 million. The non-Christians consisted of "about 6,500,000 Mohammedans, of whom 4,000,000 are found in the Turkish Empire, and 2,500,000 in that of Russia; and 3,500,000 Jews, of whom 1,500,000 are in Russia, 730,000 in Austria, 215,000 in Prussia, and the remainder scattered pretty uniformly throughout all Europe."

From The New York Times, October 31, 1869: "The Hebrew National, a new Jewish journal published in London, gives the statistics of the Jews in the world. There are 6,000,000 Jews in the world, one-half of whom live in Europe. America contains 260,000."

And from The New York Times, February 10, 1889: "An estimate accepted at the opening of a Jewish Young Men's Club in Glasgow lately, says the Pall Mall Gazette, as the lowest that could be entertained, stated the number of the ubiquitous race at 6,000,000. [...] Russia alone there were 4,000,000 of their race..."

So, the 1852 data is fairly consistent with the 1869 data. One-half of six million would make it three million in Europe in 1869, but 3,500,000 is still roughly half of 6,000,000. If there was a decline from the 3,500,000 of 1852, it might be partly accounted for by emigration to America and Canada.

And to be fair, between 1869 and 1889 there probably was some growth in the Jewish population, if the 6,000,000 of 1889 is taken as an underestimate and "the lowest [estimate] that could be entertained". The Russia estimate has increased from 1.5 million in 1852 to 4 million in 1889. Such a massive spurt in Russian Jewish population at a growth rate of 2.686% per annum is highly unlikely. The total was probably underestimated in 1852, and overestimated in 1889. Or the 1889 figure may have included non-European Russia.

As a control population to consider the likely growth in the Jewish population, let's take the population for Europe plus North America, which will allow for migration of Whites across the north Atlantic. We'll also look at the world population, although given the increased growth in Africa in recent times, it would be unrealistic to suppose that the Jewish population growth was as high as that for mankind as a whole. The following table shows the totals in millions.

Year World Africa Asia Europe Latin America North America Austr/Oceania Europe + North America
1850 1,271 120 809 276 38 26 2 302
1940 2,300 193.8 1,247.6 583.52 129.95 144.33 --- 727.85
1950 2,525.779 228.827 1,395.749 549.043 167.869 171.615 12.675 720.658
2015 7,324.782 1,166.239 4,384.844 743.123 630.089 361.128 39.359 1,104.251


For Europe + North America, firstly consider the period 1850 - 1940. Over 90 years the population has increased from 302 million to 727.85 million, which is a 2.41 times increase. That's an average annual growth rate of 2.41^(1/90) = 1.00982 times = 0.982%.

Next take the period 1950 - 2015. Over 65 years the population has increased from 720.658 million to 1,104.251 million, which is an increase of 1.532 times. The average annual growth over the 65 years is 1.532^(1/65) = 1.00659 times = 0.659%.

Just for comparison, let's see how the African population did over that same 65-year period. From 228.827 million in 1950 to 1,166.239 million in 2015 is an increase of 5.096 times. The average annual growth is 5.096^(1/65) = 1.02537 times = 2.537%.

And for the world population, firstly the 1850 to 1940 period. There is an increase of 2,300/1,271 = 1.81 times over 90 years. That is 1.81^(1/90) = 1.00661 times = 0.661% per annum, which is smaller than the corresponding increase for Europe + North America (E+NA).

And over the 1950 to 2015 period, the increase for the world population is 7,324.782/2,525.779 = 2.9 times over 65 years. So the annual rate averages at 2.9^(1/65) = 1.01651 times = 1.651%, which now exceeds the E+NA rate, due to the African, Latin American (2.056% p.a.) and Asian (1.777% p.a.) increases.

From the Ynetnews article referenced above in the first paragraph:

"Before the Holocaust, there were some 16.6 million Jews across the world. After the Nazis' mass extermination, only around 11 million Jews remained in 1945."

The accepted Jewish statistics include 6 million in 1869 and approximately 15 million in 2015. (We'll be generous and suppose that the 6,000,000 of 1889 was an underestimate.) So if we are to accept the Jewish statistics according to the "Holocaust" narrative, we have: 1869, 6,000,000; 1939, 16,600,000; 1945, 11,000,000; 2015, 15,000,000.

Year Jews worldwide, millions
1869 6
1939 16.6
1945 11
2015 15

In order for the Jewish population to increase from 6 million in 1869 to 16.6 million in 1939, that would require a 2.767 times increase over 70 years, which is an annual rate of 2.767^(1/70) = 1.01464 times, an increase of 1.464% p.a.. This would place the 1889 population at 8.02 million. It's a rate of growth well beyond the nearly 1% p.a. seen in the White population over the same pre-WWII period, and not too far off the post-war 1.777% p.a. in Asia.

Now, let's compare the accepted post-war Jewish rate of population growth with that for the control population E+NA. According to the Jews themselves, their population worldwide increased from 11 million in 1945 to 15 million in 2015.

From those two data points, the increase is 1.364 times over 70 years, which is an annual rate of 1.364^(1/70) = 0.444%. Now compare with the growth in the European plus North American population over a similar period from 1950 to 2015. The increase was from 720.658 million to 1,104.251 million, which is an increase of 1.532 times over 65 years and averaging 0.659% annually. And so the Jewish rate of population growth is 0.674 of the European plus North American (E+NA) growth.

The White population growth rate has slowed, as per capita wealth has increased in the developed nations. A slowdown in the Jewish population growth would be expected too, but it should be a similar slowdown to that seen in the White population, with the Jewish population growth being at a fairly similar proportion to the White population growth both pre- and post-WWII.

Go back to the period between 1850 and 1940, when the known E+NA population went from 302 million to 727.85 million, an increase of 2.41 times over 90 years, which is 0.982% annually. And so, over this period we would expect the Jewish population growth to underperform the E+NA growth by approximately 0.674 times. That would make it 0.674 x 0.982% = 0.662% annually. Thus, starting from a base of six million in 1869, in another 20 years we would have 6 million x 1.00662^20 = 6 million x 1.141 = 6.846 million. And so, the "six million" estimate from the Jewish Young Men's Club in Glasgow was not too far off, but was an underestimate and could reasonably be described as "the lowest that could be entertained".

In 1939, 70 years on from 1869, the Jewish population would be expected to have grown by a factor of 1.00662^70 = 1.587 times, increasing to 9.522 million from the initial six million.

In 1945, 76 years on from 1869, the Jewish population would be expected to have grown by a factor of 1.00662^76 = 1.651 times, increasing to 9.907 million from the initial six million.

Thereafter, to increase from 9.907 million to 15 million during the 70 years between 1945 and 2015, we have an increase of 1.514 times. Over 70 years, the annual increase is 1.514^(1/70) = 1.00594 times = 0.594%. That is closer to the E+NA growth of 0.659% annually between 1950 and 2015 as calculated above. So after assuming the Jewish population growth is 0.674 of E+NA growth between 1869 and 1945, we find that it's 0.901 of E+NA growth between 1945 and 2015.

The Probable True Scenario

There are reasons to suppose that the Jewish population growth is lower than that for White people, in particular, because of the Jews' predilection for homosexuality and pedophilia. The above estimate for Jewish population worldwide is likely to be quite accurate, to within a million or so. But it would be better to have a similar ratio between Jewish and E+NA growth, for both pre-WWII and post-WWII.

So let's take the Jewish population as 6 million in 1869, 10.6 million in 1945, and 15 million in 2015. Now we have a 1.767 times increase over the first 76 years, which is an annualised rate of 1.767^(1/76) = 1.00752 times = 0.752%. That's 0.766 of the 0.982% annual increase in E+NA population from 1850 to 1940. And for the final 70 years the Jewish population increases by 1.415 times, which is an annualised rate of 1.415^(1/70) = 1.00497 times = 0.497%. That's 0.754 of the E+NA growth of 0.659% annually between 1950 and 2015.

And so, for both periods, the Jewish population increases at a rate which is between 75% and 77% of the growth rate of the White population, consistent with the degeneracy and perversion amongst the Jewish population. The difference is that Whites suffered great losses during WWII, and Jews did not.

And the beauty of these assumptions for the historical Jewish population is that, given 10.6 million as the genuine figure for the Jewish population worldwide around the time of the Second World War, it is clear to see that the Jews inflated the figure by six million to 16.6 million, so that they could 'reduce' it to fit in with their narrative of "six million" 'dead' Jews that they concocted in the 1890s. (They've reduced the inflated figure by 5.6 million, so they can round it up to six.)

"Before the Holocaust, there were some 16.6 million Jews across the world. After the Nazis' mass extermination, only around 11 million Jews remained in 1945."

The Absurdity of the Extermination Allegation

Now for a reductio ad absurdum. Let's suppose the Jews' claim of a "Holocaust" is true. We have the population statistics of 1869, 6,000,000; 1939, 16,600,000; 1945, 11,000,000; 2015, 15,000,000.

In the first period from 1869 to 1939, the Jewish population worldwide must increase by 16.6/6 = 2.767 times over 70 years, which is an annualised rate of 2.767^(1/70) = 1.01464 times = 1.464%. That's 1.491 times higher than the 0.982% annual increase in E+NA population from 1850 to 1940.

Over the final period from 1945 to 2015, the Jewish population worldwide increases by 15/11 = 1.364 times over 70 years, which is an annualised rate of 1.364^(1/70) = 1.00444 times = 0.444%. That's 0.674 of the E+NA growth of 0.659% annually between 1950 and 2015.

Such an incongruity becomes even more glaring when we consider all the various allegations coming from Jews about their 'suffering' from "persecution", "harrying", "massacre", "annihilation", "holocaust", "systematic and murderous extermination", "oppression", "starvation", "grinding down", "pogroms", "victimization", etc.. And all of that relates to the period from 1869 to 1939!!!


The Curious Case of the Jewish 'Historian' / Fairy Tales Editor

Now let's consider another possibility, that the estimates of six million Jews in 1869 and 1889 were both greatly underestimated. Let's see if it makes the "extermination" allegations any more credible.

According to Joseph Jacobs, writing in the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia,

"From this it will be seen that the total number of Jews in the various continents is 11,273,076, distributed as follows:
Europe 8,977,581
Asia 352,340
Africa 372,659
North America 1,527,535
South America 26,121
Australasia 16,840"

We should firstly note that 1906 is long after the time that the "six million" 'dead' Jews hoax was hatched, certainly no later than the 2nd Zionist Congress in 1898, which is where Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise met Theodor Herzl, instantly "felt a bond with him", and "agreed to serve as American secretary of the world Zionist movement". Two years later in June 1900, Wise spoke of "six million living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism". In March 1933, a couple of months after Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany, Wise was amongst those 'American' Jews seeking regime change overseas. On April 18, 1938 - still before WWII had even started! - the New York Times [p. 15] quoted Wise as saying: "[Christ] died as millions of Jews are dying today". And the New York Times of June 30, 1942 [p.7] ran an article about allegations by World Jewish Congress spokesmen regarding "1,000,000 JEWS SLAIN BY NAZIS", claiming that Jews were "being shot by firing squads at the rate of 1,000 daily". Rabbi Wise was president of the World Jewish Congress from 1936 until his death in 1949.

Now, looking at the list below, of population 'estimates' for "the total number of Jews in the world" from the same source, note how the figure suddenly leaps by some two-and-a-half million in 1896. And Joseph Jacobs is the source for that figure.

 photo JewsWorldwide_zpsfelhxdxj.png

Source: 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia

So, Jacobs increases the total by almost two-and-a-half million in 1896. And then by 1906, Jacobs has inflated the figure again by more than two million, up to 11,273,076.

The "six million" hoax had almost certainly already been concocted by 1896, and, most likely, several years earlier. Jews were starting to take over the press so that they could shape public opinion and write the narrative; the Jew Adolph Ochs took over The New York Times in 1896. The series of annual Zionist Congresses began in 1897, after the term "Zionism" was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum. Zionism, ostensibly about getting a homeland for the Jews, was really about world conquest. Jews' acquisition of a sovereign state would serve as a springboard to world conquest, and would increase their political clout yet again, following their press takeover, and their creation of the Federal Reserve central banking system in 1913, four years before Jewish bankers would finance Lenin and Trotsky, and Jews would be heavily involved in the Bolshevik Revolution and its subsequent atrocities.

The main purpose of the "six million" 'dead' Jews hoax was for the Jews to win themselves so much public sympathy that they would be awarded thousands of square miles of Palestinian land for their Zionist State of "Israel". That was even admitted by the honest Jew Joseph G. Burg (Josef Ginsburg), who said, "World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine."

Thus, by the mid-1890s, and even earlier, Joseph Jacobs and other fraudulent Jewish writers already have a powerful motive for falsely inflating the Jewish population statistics.

And in the news reports shown above from 1906 and even earlier, Jews are already peddling conspiracy theories about the "systematic and murderous extermination" of "6,000,000 Jews" as a "solution" to the "Jewish question", to anyone gullible enough to believe them.

Joseph Jacobs (1854-1916) was born in Sydney, New South Wales, but educated in England, and lived there until his 46th year. In 1882 a series of articles by Jacobs was published in the [London] Times about how Jews were allegedly being "persecuted" by the Russians. In 1891, he published a book in London expanding on that theme: The Persecution of the Jews in Russia. Note in the news reports above that Rabbi Dr. Gustav Gottheil was alleging in 1891 that Russian Christians were persecuting "5,000,000 to 6,000,000 Jews". In 1897 Professor Richard J. H. Gottheil, the son of Rabbi Gustav Gottheil, would "speak appreciatively of Joseph Jacobs". Jacobs has also been described as "the first of the Jewish race scientists, and one of the few people in Victorian England to examine the Jews as a race." He is also a self-styled 'historian'.

In 1900 he emigrated to the US to become revising editor of the Jewish Encyclopedia, which was then being prepared in New York. In 1913 he became editor of the American Hebrew.

Of particular interest is the fact that Jacobs specialized in fairy tales and fables. From 1890 to 1916 he edited multiple collections of fairy tales, such as The Story of the Three Bears, Jack the Giant-Killer, The History of Tom Thumb, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Story of the Three Little Pigs, Aesop's Fables, etc.. The latter includes The Wolf and the Lamb and The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. In his review of his own 1890 compilation English Fairy Tales, Jacobs classed ten of the 87 tales as "nonsense stories".

How appropriate that a Jewish 'historian' should specialize in fairy tales!!! Imagine if the boot was on the other foot and this was a real historian like David Irving. The (((press))) would have a field day!

Jacobs' Fables

So, here's another reductio ad absurdum, under the Jacobs scenario.

If Jacobs' figure of 11,273,076 Jews in 1906 is correct, then to get up to 16.6 million in 1939 would require an increase of 16.6/11.273 = 1.4725 times over 33 years, which is 1.4725^(1/33) = 1.0118 times or 1.18% growth per annum. And then going backwards, the time to get down to 6 million would be log(11.273/6) / log(1.0118) = 53.76 years = back to 1852.

And so in this scenario, the 1869 and 1889 figures of six million Jews are both underestimates. The correct figures would have been 11.273 million / 1.0118^(1906-1869) = 7.304 million in 1869 and 11.273 million / 1.0118^(1906-1889) = 9.235 million in 1889, which is quite inconsistent with the 6 million Jewish Young Men's Club estimate for that year.

Over the first period from 1852 to 1939, the Jewish population worldwide increases by 1.18% annually as calculated above, and so that is still 1.202 times higher than the 0.982% annual increase in E+NA population from 1850 to 1940.

And then as before over the final period from 1945 to 2015, the Jewish population worldwide must increase by 0.444% per annum to get from 11 million in 1945 to 15 million in 2015, which is 0.674 of the E+NA growth of 0.659% annually between 1950 and 2015.

Thus, even under the Joseph Jacobs scenario, the Jewish population increases not only faster than the White population, but at a faster rate than any other group - at a time when Jews are allegedly being "persecuted", "massacred", "annihilated", "starved", "systematically exterminated", etc. between 1852 and 1939. (The Latin American population 'grows' at a rate of 1.375% p.a. between 1850 and 1940, but that's probably fuelled by immigration, as for North America.) And then, post-WWII, the Jewish population increase reverts to some two-thirds of the increase for Whites, and a tiny fraction of the increase for Africans, Asians and Latin Americans.


Did Bumbling Jews Underestimate Early Population Totals?

There is another possibility to consider. Suppose the "exterminations" happened, and the Jewish population hit 16.6 million in 1939, but the growth rate between 1869 and 1939 was only the expected 0.752% under our Probable True scenario above. That makes the growth rate 0.766 of the 0.982% annual increase in E+NA population from 1850 to 1940, which is much more reasonable, although the Jews are still allegedly being "massacred", "starved", "exterminated", and so on, over this pre-war period! In this scenario, the Jews are innocent but extraordinarily inept, having grossly underestimated the population, and Jacobs attempts to reduce the errors but does so insufficiently.

In this case, in 1869 for example, the population would actually be 16,600,000 / 1.00752^(1939-1869) = 9.825 million, as opposed to the 6 million estimated by Jews. And in 1889 it would be 16,600,000 / 1.00752^(1939-1889) = 11.414 million, as opposed to the 6 million estimated by Jews. See a more complete list in the table below.

Year Source Estimate True total according to the underestimate hypothesis Error
1869 "Hebrew National" 6,000,000 9,825,412 63.75%
1881 "Encyc. Brit." 6,200,000 10,749,664 73.38%
1883 Heckler 6,136,662 10,911,947 77.81%
1887 Nossig 6,582,500 11,243,899 70.81%
1889 Jewish Young Men's Club 6,000,000 11,413,643 90.23%
1896 Jacobs 9,066,534 12,028,183 32.66%
1902 Harris 10,319,402 12,581,200 21.92%
1904 Ruppin 10,456,000 12,771,133 22.14%
1906 Jacobs 11,273,076 12,963,933 15.00%

So the average error is 51.97%. In the 1880s, errors are still up to 90%, and they are still at 15-22% from 1902 to 1906.

Those errors contrast with the accuracy of Jewish 'predictions'. From 1891 to 1903, the Jews already knew that 5 to 6 million of them were going to be "exterminated", "annihilated", "massacred", etc., an average of 5.5 million. The modern-day Ynetnews claim of 16.6 million Jews pre-"Holocaust" and 11 million afterwards amounts to 5.6 million "exterminated". Thus, the 5.5 million from 1891 to 1903 is within 1.8% of that, and the 5.6 million can be rounded up to be consistent with the sacrosanct "six million" figure.

And then over the 40 years from 1905 to 1945 the Jews keep bandying about the "six million" figure, which Rabbi Wise already knew about in 1900. Soviet Jewish communist Ilya Ehrenburg announced in Soviet War News as early as December 22, 1944, months in advance of the war's end, that the Germans had "annihilated six million innocent people", and there were plenty of claims prior to that by other Jews that "close to six million" Jews had been killed. In January 1945, Dr. (((Jacob Lestchinsky))) claimed that six million Jews had been killed, as per the article headlined "6,000,000 JEWS DEAD; Jacob Lestchinsky Estimates Reduction in Europe Since '39".

Is it really credible that Jews could make whopping errors of up to 90% with their population estimates, and then a fairy tales editor turns out to be such a brilliant statistician that he cuts out a lot of the errors? It would be as if estimates of the world population for 1890 were wildly out, at 3 billion instead of 1.58 billion, and then someone like L. Frank Baum comes along ten years later, writes The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and at the same time corrects the massive errors of demographics experts. Or is it more likely that a fairy tales editor would help to pull off a fairy tale about "exterminations" that was fabricated in the 1890s as part of a Zionist program to seize a sovereign state, by the time conditions were sufficiently favorable in 1948?

How many White People were Exterminated in WWII?

Whilst we have the population statistics at hand, it is worth taking a look at how many excess deaths occurred amongst the true victims - Whites - as a result of World War Two. After all, we are always being reminded about the "six million" "exterminated" Jews.

We'll take the set of figures for the European plus North American totals from the table in the Conclusion below. They are as follows: 1850, 302 million; 1940, 727.85 million; 1950, 720.658 million; 2015, 1,104.251 million.

Over 165 years, the European plus North American total has gone from 302 million to 1,104.251 million, which is an increase of 3.656 times and 0.789% annually. Between 1850 and 1940 the population went from 302 million to 727.85 million, an increase of 2.41 times over 90 years, which is 0.982% annually. There was a decrease between 1940 and 1950, from 727.85 million down to 720.658 million, amounting to 7.192 million. Between 1950 and 2015 there was an increase from 720.658 million to 1,104.251 million, which is an increase of 1.532 times over 65 years and averaging 0.659% annually.

Now, let's take the 0.789% annual rate over 165 years, which is intermediate between the other two rates, and suppose that this would have occurred over the ten years from 1940 to 1950, had there not been a World War provoked and escalated by World Jewry. And so, 0.789% annually over ten years yields a 1.0818 increase from 727.85 million in 1940 to 787.388 million in 1950. And given that the actual total for 1950 was only 720.658 million, WWII caused 66.73 million excess deaths amongst the White population.

Although that is a very crude form of calculation, it shows that White losses were considerable whether or not that is taken to include 6 million Jews, and yet there are no White Holocaust museums, and no constant wailing and whining about White "exterminations" and "annihilations", etc..


The table below shows populations in millions, with both "Holocaust" scenarios for Jews, followed by the likely true history of the Jewish population.

Year World Africa Asia Europe Latin America North America Austr/Oceania Europe + North America Jews, 6 million, 1869 Jews, Jacobs scenario Jews, likely scenario
1850 1,271 120 809 276 38 26 2 302 4.552 5.844 5.204
1940 2,300 193.8 1,247.6 583.52 129.95 144.33 --- 727.85 16.6 16.6 10.21
1950 2,525.779 228.827 1,395.749 549.043 167.869 171.615 12.675 720.658 11.246 11.246 10.866
2015 7,324.782 1,166.239 4,384.844 743.123 630.089 361.128 39.359 1,104.251 15 15 15

The following table shows the Jewish population worldwide in millions under both fictional "Holocaust" scenarios, followed by the likely true history of the Jewish population. The second "Holocaust" scenario assumes Jacobs' figures. Values for years discussed above have been calculated by taking the assumed population growth rates for pre- or post-"Holocaust" as appropriate.

Year Jews, "Holocaust" scenario 1 Jews, "Holocaust" scenario 2 Jews, likely scenario, no "Holocaust"
1852 4.686 5.982 5.282
1869 6 7.304 6
1889 8.024 9.235 6.97
1906 10.273 11.273 7.917
1939 16.6 16.6 10.134
1940 --- --- 10.21
1945 11 11 10.6
1950 11.246 11.246 10.866
2015 15 15 15

Under "Holocaust" scenario 1, we assume 6 million in 1869, 16.6 million in 1939, 11 million in 1945, and 15 million in 2015. The annual growth rate is taken as 1.464% up to 1939, and 0.444% from 1945 on, as described above in The Absurdity of the Extermination Allegation.

Under "Holocaust" scenario 2, we assume 11.273 million in 1906, 16.6 million in 1939, 11 million in 1945, and 15 million in 2015. The annual growth rate is taken as 1.18% up to 1939, and 0.444% from 1945 on, as described above in Jacobs' Fables.

Under the likely scenario, we assume 6 million in 1869, 10.6 million in 1945, and 15 million in 2015. The annual growth rate is taken as 0.752% up to 1945, and 0.497% thereafter, as described above in The Probable True Scenario.

So, there is little argument about the post-1945 figures. The Jewish population increase there is either 0.444% p.a. or 0.497% p.a., which are 0.674 or 0.754 of the growth for the European plus North American population respectively.

For the pre-1940 period, there are three options described above, which can be directly compared with the E+NA growth of 0.982% annually from 1850 to 1940. In the no-extermination scenario, the Jewish population grows at a rate of 0.752% p.a., which is 0.766 of the 0.982% annual increase in E+NA population from 1850 to 1940, and consistent with its post-war growth of 0.754 of the E+NA growth under this option. And not surprisingly, since all the tales about Jewish "extermination" are bullshit, whether they relate to Roman times (e.g., "4 billion"!!!! Jews exterminated at Bethar), a "holocaust of Jews" in 1905, "gas chambers" in the 1940s, or any other time.

In "Holocaust" scenario 1, over the same 1850 to 1940 period when in this case Jews are supposedly being "massacred", "starved" and "annihilated", etc., by 'evil' Russians, the Jewish population grows at a rate of 1.464% p.a. in the pre-war period, which is 1.491 times the corresponding E+NA growth of 0.982% annually. In "Holocaust" scenario 2 (Jacobs scenario), Jews are still being "exterminated", etc., over the pre-war period, and the Jewish population grows at a rate of 1.18% p.a., which is 1.202 times the corresponding E+NA growth of 0.982% annually.

The three alternatives are graphically displayed below, and contrasted with the historical European+North American population. The latter has been normalized, i.e., divided by 66 in order to readily compare its growth with that of the Jewish population. Note how, in the no gas chambers scenario, the Jewish population grows at a similar proportion to the E+NA population both prior to and after the alleged "Holocaust" event. As discussed above, the proportion remains within the range 75-77%.

(Population growth in percentage terms for both Jewish and E+NA is lower in the post-war era compared to the pre-war era, but the gradient remains about the same on the linear scale. Another source of errors in the graph is that we assume constant growth, e.g., of 1.464% p.a. in extermination scenario 1 between 1850 and 1940, so that it's 4.552 million in 1850 and 6 million in 1869, but the plotter simply takes a straight line between two points, whereas on the linear scale it should appear as an exponential curve to make it only 6 million in 1869.)

In contrast, in the extermination scenarios, Jewish population growth exceeds the corresponding value for E+NA population in the pre-war period when Jews claim to have been the subject of "systematic and murderous extermination", "annihilation", "massacres", "persecution", "starvation", "oppression", etc..

 photo JewishPopulation_zpshfxargen.png

Online chart tool source

Year Europe + North America Jews, 6 million, 1869 Jews, Jacobs scenario Jews, likely scenario
1850 302 ==> 4.576 4.552 5.844 5.204
1940 727.85 ==> 11.03 16.6 16.6 10.21
1950 720.658 ==> 10.92 11.246 11.246 10.866
2015 1,104.251 ==> 16.73 15 15 15

In conclusion, population statistics are never going to prove either way whether or not millions of Jews were exterminated by 'evil' "Nazis". Proof that the so-called "Holocaust" is a hoax derives from a plethora of facts, of which there is not space to mention more than a tiny fraction here. There is the physical impossibility of cremating a human corpse with less than 2 kg of coke at Auschwitz, for example, which will only evaporate approximately half of the water in the typical corpse and leaves nothing for calcining the bones. There is the further impossibility of cremating with minimal fuel whilst at 3.2 times the actual mass burning rate - less than 19 minutes per corpse per muffle as opposed to at least 60 minutes, when even that realistic rate of hour-long cremations requires at least 30 kg of coke per corpse. There is the physical impossibility of "gassings" when there are no holes in the roof for the introduction of Zyklon B. There is the fact that the walls of the delousing chambers had average cyanide concentrations of 4,724 mg per kg of building materials, compared to a corresponding value of 1.827 mg/kg in the alleged "gas chambers", which, at 2,586 times smaller than those of the delousing chambers, is typical of a building taken at random where there might have been occasional fumigations in the vicinity.

There is the absurdity of the claim that 2,955 Einsatzgruppen - including the clerks - could have somehow murdered 1 to 3 million Jews in occupied territory after selecting them from an enemy population many times greater, and then eliminated "the evidence" by cremating all the bodies in massive open-air barbecues, whilst always remaining invisible to Soviet aircrew, without tens of billions of trillions of trillions of supernatural, sentient, sapient, "anti-Semitic" photons colluding in the "cover-up" by adjusting their energies as required to make it appear like the events never happened.

There are all the proven lies about soap and lampshades, shrunken heads, death camps in Germany proper, death by quicklime, pedal-operated brain-bashing machines, vacuum chambers, steam chambers, a "building where the floor was electrified in a special way", etc.. There are the nonsense stories such as repeatedly eating and defecating diamonds, and the stories that were only true in (((their))) minds. There is the fact that the "Holocaust" is the only 'truth' that needs to be propped up by jailing those who criticise it, when any other truth can stand or fall on its merits. (See here and here for further examples.)

Population statistics can be interpreted depending on one's position in an argument. However, the Jewish population figures hardly support the tired old allegations of German atrocities, which have been robustly refuted elsewhere as having no basis in reality.

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