Israel's Gaza Genocide; the Mask Slips
With their latest warmongering, genocide and atrocities including the cowardly murder
by bombing of 3,000
children in Gaza within three weeks, i.e., one every ten minutes - after fabricating a hoax about 40
"beheaded" babies, the Jews have demonstrated that they are not only a massive
detriment to life expectancy, wellbeing, freedom and prosperity of all non-Jews
on Earth, but are also an existential threat to humanity, given the threat of
nuclear war. And the pathetic, whimpering, spineless puppet 'leaders' of Western
nations happily go along with all of the warmongering and the Zionist terror occupation
regime's massacres of women, children and the elderly.
Israel bombed the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza killing hundreds of civilians,
then had the audacity to fabricate audio purportedly from Palestinian
resistance forces, to peddle a false narrative about the explosion resulting
from a misfired
Palestinian rocket that fell short. The Zionist propaganda has been completely
debunked by independent experts, and if the Palestinians had rockets equipped
with warheads capable of killing some 500 people in a single strike, why would
they never use them against Israelis but only on their own people?
Israel bombed the Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza killing or injuring 400
people. They claimed it was because some guy from Hamas was there. Even if
there really is some bad guy hiding out somewhere, and it's not simply guilt
through association, you don't target hundreds of innocents to get at one bad
guy if you have any working moral compass. And not content with that, the
Israelis bombed the same camp again the next day in another massacre.
Israel ordered the Palestinians to move to the southern part of the Gaza
Strip to avoid being targeted, but when they did, still
bombed the area anyway.
This is exactly the same as they were doing
in 2006 in their war with Lebanon,
when they warned civilians to evacuate an area in southern Lebanon, but they had
already bombed bridges to make that impossible, and then targeted the hapless
civilians like sitting ducks. Also at that time they promised that a UN observer
post would be spared fire, and then attacked it anyway killing up to four UN
workers. Netanyahu wasn't even prime minister in 2006. This amorality, brutality
and psychopathy is a hallmark of Jews, as has been demonstrated time and again
throughout history.
These bloodthirsty Jews claim they were "attacked" when people who have been
genocided and oppressed in lands occupied by
the illegitimate Zionist regime for the past 75 years rose up against them and took some hostages. The most likely possibility
is that the Zionists were well aware in advance of Palestinian plans to make a
move on October 7, 2023, yet the Zionist regime stood down its forces in an
operation to use this as a pretext for even more
mass murder of Palestinian civilians, and to further their own ethnic cleansing
plans to drive them from the Gaza Strip to the Sinai Peninsula desert. Netanyahu needed a
narrative about Israel being "attacked" by "terrorists", which he hoped to
exploit to completely expel Palestinians from both the Gaza Strip and the West
Bank, and then would pose as a 'hero' who had saved "Israel" from a terrorist
Israeli soldiers had been abducting Palestinians, often just children, for no
reason at all other than the fact that these Jews have the power to do it, and
they hate non-Jews whom they consider as
"animals" or "subhuman". Sometimes the Jews' prisoners will be tortured or killed, as in the
case of Jihad Shaar in 2007, or sometimes they will be
forcibly taken and put
in cages; the Jews
do this to Syrians as well as Palestinians.
For example, occupation regime 'soldiers' abducted
an eight-year-old
Palestinian child in Hebron in 2017. How is an 8YO a threat to soldiers of an
occupying force? The ubiquitous so-called "fact checkers" started complaining that someone
had erroneously thought the incident occurred in Gaza in 2021, but in any case
it was still Jews abducting a Palestinian child.
As of the end of June 2023, there were at
least 4,911 Palestinians held in
Israeli prisons or military custody.
What actually happened on October 7, 2023, was that Palestinian resistance
forces entered Israel in order to take Israeli hostages, with which they would
negotiate the release of those thousands of prisoners held by the Zionist
regime. Even if Hamas had only taken dozens or hundreds of hostages, the Jews
would regard such a trade as a very good deal, since they believe they are so
superior to the Palestinian "human
animals" that they perceive the death of one
Israeli Jew as equivalent to about 10,000 Palestinians.
There is plenty
of evidence that on October 7, far from Israeli civilians
being "murdered" by "evil" "terrorist" Hamas forces, the Israeli military
"neutralized" their own civilians as well as the resistances forces since the
Israelis were too cowardly to engage in house-to-house fighting. Israeli tanks
shelled residents' houses, and Apache attack helicopters fired but were "unable
to differentiate between Hamas fighters and Israeli non-combatants".
Danielle Rachiel, an Ashkelon resident, testified that Israeli forces were
firing at her and others.
According to Israel's "Hannibal
Directive", it is better to sacrifice
captured soldiers and massacre civilians rather than allow enemy forces to take
prisoners alive.
Yasmin Porat, who was held by Hamas gunmen, said that
the hostages were
treated very humanely, that the Israeli military killed numerous Israeli
civilians on October 7, and the Hamas objective was to take the Israelis to
Gaza as hostages, not kill them.
Hamas released some hostages on humanitarian grounds. Apparently the Hamas forces hit people "with sticks" to 'persuade' them to
submit to the kidnapping in the initial violence, but captives were then
treated "gently", taken care of, and even provided with shampoo, conditioner and medical
Suppose for the sake of argument that the Zionist regime really had been
taken by surprise, and it was attacked on October 7. In that case, the proper
response would be to conduct an inquiry into what went wrong with their security
and to make corrections so that it couldn't happen again. The wrong, wicked,
vicious, cowardly response would be to react exactly as they did, and use US
supplied bombs and white phosphorus to kill and maim innocent Palestinian
civilians - mostly woman, children and the elderly.
Some apologists and appeasers for Jewish colonialism will tell you that it's
"Zionism" that is the problem, not Jews. However, non-Jews were being harmed by
Jews long before 1890 when Nathan Birnbaum coined the term "Zionism".
See the examples in the Appendix below, which is just the tip
of the iceberg on the harm perpetrated by Jews.
There is a
concept of supremacy inherent in Judaism, which holds that all the riches of the
Gentiles should pass over to the Jews. For example, see these quotes from Isaiah
in Appendix 2.
And the absolute idiocy of the Jewish narrative is that they claim anyone who
doesn't support Israel's brutal genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is
an "anti-Semite". Many of the Israelis, and all Israeli prime ministers, are
Ashkenazi Jews rather than Semitic Jews who are of Middle Eastern origin. The Ashkenazim are descended from the Khazars of the ancient Kingdom of Khazaria,
as proved in a 2012 study
published in a
peer-reviewed journal by Eran Elhaik, a Jewish Israeli-born molecular
geneticist. The Khazar King Bulan didn't order his
subjects to convert to Judaism until around 740 A.D.
or possibly later.
Hence, the Ashkenazi Zionist Jews who run the illegitimate terror State of
"Israel" are not of Semitic origin, in contrast to the Palestinians who are. Yet
those non-Semitic Ashkenazi Zionist Jews are ethnically cleansing Palestinians
from their land, which makes them the greatest anti-Semites of all time, but the
Zionists will label as "anti-Semitic" those who oppose the terrorist
regime's genocide of the Palestinian people.
However, even at such
a late hour, there is a solution...
A solution that would prevent further crimes of the Zionist Jews and their
sycophants, such as:
- No more world wars, or even major regional wars
- No more Bolshevik-style communist revolutions followed by decades of misery
and oppression
- No more 'pandemic' hoaxes, no more bioengineering of relatively harmless
viruses designed to target particular racial profiles, e.g. White Europeans and
South Asians
- No more mass marketing of, and coercion into submitting to being injected
with, a
frequently lethal and always
harmful mRNA fake "vaccine" falsely claimed
to "protect" against the virus that they created
- No more false-flag terrorist attacks, such as the Jewish
attack of 9/11/01 on the World Trade Center, or the Jewish
attack of 7/7/05 on the London
Underground, aimed at tricking non-Jews into fighting a series of wars for the
Zionist occupation regime
- No more cultural Marxist insanity such as genital mutilation of children (aka
"transgenderism"), cancel culture and suppression of free speech
- No more pseudoscientific hoaxes designed to control, impoverish and kill,
such as the hoax about man-made "global warming" and rising sea levels
- No more fake 'history', such as lies about who attacked the World Trade
Center in 2001, or about "gas chambers" in Poland, and ruining the
lives of those who tell the truth
- No more fake democracies whereby politicians pretend to represent the
people, when all of the major parties actually represent the interests of the Rothschilds
- No more unipolar, lopsided world with dollar hegemony, and a "rules-based"
international 'order' in which everyone apart from the Zionists is supposed to
obey the rules
- No more fiat currencies that become increasingly worthless due to colossal
debt and money printing
- No more obsession with Big Pharma as the 'solution' to health problems as an
alternative to personal responsibility
- No more reliance on child/sex
trafficking and pedophile
rings as a means of corrupting and blackmailing politicians into submitting to
the agenda of globalist Jewish supremacists
- No more attacks on ships such as the USS
Liberty, followed by lies about an
- No more assassinations of US Presidents such as JFK, or Russiagate-style
hoaxes targeting a president who wasn't quite enough of a puppet such as Trump
- No more blowing up of hotels such as the King
David in Jerusalem in 1946 to
pressure the British Mandate into handing over ~8,000 square miles of
And at the same time, the solution would also provide for:
- No more (as perceived by Jews albeit grotesquely misnamed) "anti-Semitism"
against Jews
- No more pograms against Jews
- No more Jewish expulsions from countries that welcome these entities in but
subsequently get wise to their modus operandi of subverting and corrupting
You didn't know that Jews did 9/11, lied about "gas chambers" and "six
million" 'dead' Jews in order to annex Palestinian land in 1948, did the
Bolshevik Revolution (falsely dubbed a "Russian" Revolution) in 1917 to loot
White Christian riches and wreak havoc upon people of the 'wrong' race or
religion whom they hated and still hate, and a host of other crimes? The
evidence and proofs have been in the public domain almost since the atrocities
were committed, and much of it is documented at this site.
A world with 0.2% Jews and 99.8% non-Jews is like a universe with 0.2%
antimatter; it may not seem a large amount, but it is still highly dangerous.
So what is this solution? Well, Jews comprise some 0.2% of the global
population, and so it is only fair that they should own 0.2% of the Earth's land
mass, which amounts to 0.002 x 149,000,000 square kilometers = ~300,000 square
kilometers or ~550 x 550 kilometers or ~340 x 340 miles. This is about 14 or 15
times the area of the land stolen from Palestinians in 1948.
Such an area should be selected and reserved for the world's Jews; it can be
known as Jewland, or they can call it whatever they like. Existing Jewish assets
such as the Rothschild fortune would be confiscated and set against national
debts. There would be no trade between Jewland and the rest of the world; the
Jewish occupants would have to set up their own currency and produce their own
goods and services. The area must be
surrounded by a massive perimeter wall and electrified fence, with guards with
machine guns in observation towers to shoot on sight any who attempt to escape.
Once in Jewland they could carry on sodomising each other, robbing or
defrauding each other in Ponzi scams, getting their genitals mutilated or even
doing "gender reassignment", having themselves injected with fake 'vaccines',
conducting ritual child sacrifices and other depravities and abject nonsense in their pursuit of
hedonism. They simply wouldn't have any more hosts to parasitize.
We need to get away from a sick, corrupt system that allows 0.2% of the
population to oppress and genocide the 99.8% majority simply because the 0.2%
bribe and blackmail "Western" 'leaders' into following their Zionist globalist
agenda, after the Jews decided to plagiarize, exploit and adopt for modern times
Maurice Joly's program of taking over all shades of opinion in the press, as set
out in his 1864 book The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu.
A group that controls the mass media - and censors much of the internet - can
impose an information blockade upon much of the population, so that they are
effectively Plato's cave inhabitants. They see the fake narrative that has been
set up for them to believe, and elect the 'leaders' who are promoted by the
Zionist media. It is crazy for the 99.8% to accept this fake system of 'democracy',
in which the 'leaders' simply do the bidding of their Zionist masters. If we
must have some form of government, let's have one that serves the interests of
the people.
Fortunately, the perverted Western axis of evil is collapsing, as all systems
based on lies will inevitably do. What remains to be seen is the extent of the
damage incurred by humanity before the evil is beaten, once and for all.
Appendix 1
The Jews:
- had Christ killed
- wrote their filthy Talmud,
which amongst other things claims it is okay for Jews to
rape 3YO Gentile girls
ritually murdered Christian children (e.g.
William of Norwich, 1144;
Robert of Bury St. Edmunds, 1181;
Saint Hugh of Lincoln, 1255;
Simon of Trent, 1475)
- ripped off the indigenous population by
practising usury
clipping the coinage
- were kicked
out from more
than 100 locations throughout history when the host population got wise
to their parasitical, subversive, nation-wrecking nature - exactly
the same as happened in national socialist Germany; get thrown out of a bar
two or three times and you could argue that it was not your fault, whereas
after it's happened more than 100 times that line of defense is no longer
took over the
after plagiarizing the idea from Maurice Joly's 1864 book The Dialogue in
Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu
documented their plans for world conquest, including takeover of
the press, a Russian revolution, attacking Christianity, and promotion
of pornography, in the Protocols of Zion (around 1889, at the time of
the Protocols project, Alphonse Rothschild had just discovered that
merchants from countries such as Russia were bottling cheap wine and
selling it with "Lafite Rothschild" labels on the bottles; this inspired
him to make the plagiarism from Joly, and from Biarritz by Hermann
Goedsche aka "Sir John Retcliffe" from 1868, so obvious that the Jews could
cry "forgery" in the event of discovery)
- created the Federal
Reserve in 1913 (plans mostly drafted by the
banker Paul Warburg) so they could gorge themselves on the banking
- were behind communism and the
Bolshevik Revolution (the "American" Jewish banker Jacob Schiff provided
Trotsky with
$20,000,000 in gold, and the "German" Jewish banker Max Warburg
provided Lenin with $6,000,000, with the logistical support of the
Jewish Marxist Alexander Parvus aka Israel Gelfand)
- are
responsible for
cultural Marxism (aka political correctness), a pseudo-science that
originated in the Frankfurt School and promotes "multiculturalism",
"feminism", homosexuality, "transgenderism", anti-White discrimination, and
other leftist claptrap
declared war against Germany in 1933 with the aim of regime change
- escalated a regional military intervention to save ethnic Germans from
being butchered into a world war with the aid of
their puppet 'leaders' such as
Churchill, so that tens of millions were killed instead of tens of
- fabricated
a hoax
about "six million" 'dead'
Jews in order to gain the sympathy of the world, as part of their plan to
annex Palestine; wartime atrocity propaganda was passed off as "fact",
whereby hydrogen cyanide employed to save lives by exterminating typhus lice
in clothes and bedding in delousing chambers was
morphed into poison gas to
exterminate Jews in homicidal "gas chambers"; the vanquished Germans were in
no position to prevent the mass media-owning victors from successfully
peddling their brand of 'truth' and 'justice' to the masses, who found it
possible to believe in the murder of six million Jews, given the context of
tens of millions of lives lost in a world war
- disguised themselves
as Arabs and
blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing more than 90 people
in 1946
- plotted to assassinate British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin and to
drop high explosives on London using war surplus aircraft; fortunately,
that terror campaign was foiled by British intelligence
- murdered
British servicemen as part of their long-running campaign to steal
Palestine and turn it into a terrorist, apartheid Jewish State
- finally stole Palestine under false pretences in 1948, with the aid of
their hoax about "gas
chambers", and by pretending that Jews are of Semitic origin, when in
fact around 90%
of them are of Khazar origin including 100% of Israeli prime ministers
- staged the Lavon Affair /
Operation Susannah (false-flag
operation of 1954 involving firebombing US and British interests and trying
to pin the blame onto the Egyptians)
- had JFK assassinated (for
Israel's nuclear weapons program)
- cold-bloodedly massacred
hundreds of unresisting
Egyptian POWs in the 1967 war and buried them in mass graves, forcing
some to
dig their own graves
tried to sink the USS Liberty in a
sustained air and naval
attack that was
clearly no
"accident", yet claimed it was an "accident" (and got away with it,
since by 1967 they had their stooge LBJ in the White House, who said he
didn't "give
a damn if every man drowns and the ship sinks"; he would not "embarrass
our allies")
- took Britain into the EU (the Jew Madron Seligman, a fervent Europhile,
Ted Heath's mentor; Jew-puppet Heath took Britain into the EU
under false pretences, passing it off as merely a "Common Market" and
economic or trading arrangement when
he knew it was a lie; the European Economic Community would later become
the European Union with its own currency, courts of 'justice' and "human
rights", and ambitions to have its own army)
- practise MGM (removal of foreskin and sucking of blood that can not only
fatal herpes infections, but clearly has
psychological effects that lead to
bizarre and
sickening behavior)
- have a high rate of pedophilia (Roman
Polanski, "Lord"
Greville Janner, Rabbi
Baruch Lebovits,
Yosef Ederi,
David Seff, Naftolis Schwartz, David Zimmer, Alexander Rogalsky,
Simeon Osen,
Anthony Weiner, etc.)
- have an obsession with
scatological 'humor', and regard it as hilarious to have two men dress
up in Boy Scout uniforms, dose themselves with laxatives, open a flap on the
back of their shorts, turn around and spatter unsuspecting
14-year-old girls from head to foot with semi-liquid feces (taping of a
pilot for a new MTV show "Dude, That Sucks", January 2001)
- aggressively spied on the US and gave classified information to Israel,
whereupon it was handed over to the USSR in return for allowing Soviet Jews
to emigrate to Israel (Jonathan
- have an intelligence agency described by the Army School of Advanced
Military Studies (SAMS) as "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability
to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act", and
have armed forces who, according to SAMS, are "Known to disregard
international law to accomplish mission", as
reported on September 10, 2001 in the Washington Times
- murdered 3,000 people by
carrying out
the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the
and blaming it on the Muslims for
financial gain (this was a Mossad false-flag terror operation; FBI
report provides
of foreknowledge by "dancing Israelis" such as being seen taking photos
and celebrating by high-fiving and hugging each other atop a van roof before
news of the first crash had broken on the local AM news talk station 1010
WINS, 4 minutes 22 seconds after the impact; the plethora of corroborating
evidence is far too numerous to summarize here; absurdity of official
narrative includes a "terrorist" who was a "very bad pilot" who "could
not fly at all", was
refused permission to fly solo in a
Cessna 172 in the
second week or the
of August 2001, failed a written driver's license test on August 2, 2001,
and failed to make cash withdrawals on several occasions
because he'd forgotten his PIN, yet supposedly managed a few weeks later
to fly a Boeing 757 into the Pentagon's first floor at 530 mph with the
engines clearing the lawn by a couple of feet)
- founded the Hasbara Fellowships in
New York
City in September 2001 for the purpose of promoting Zionist propaganda
after Israel's false-flag terror operation
- had a reputation in New York City for
perpetrating arson scams in order to claim off insurance companies as
evidenced by the recognized term "Jewish
- were caught
trying to blow up the Mexican Congress (October 10, 2001) after
a large-scale 37-nation poll of world opinion carried out by Gallup
International found a 94% majority of Mexicans were opposed to military
intervention in Afghanistan
- claimed that "al Qaeda" militants were operating in Gaza and Lebanon,
days before Israeli assets were
caught posing as "al Qaeda" militants and trying to set up a phony "al
Qaeda" terror cell in Gaza
murdered Rachel Corrie by running her over with a bulldozer (2003)
- shot Iman al-Hams, an unarmed 13-year-old Palestinian girl who looked as
if she was "scared to death", and then,
as she was
lying helpless with a leg wound, "confirmed the kill" by emptying at
least ten bullets into her head and body, and then boasted that it would
have made no difference if she was a three-year-old (2004)
fraudulently attempted to obtain a New Zealand passport in the name of a
tetraplegic man in an attempt to create a false identity for Zev Barkan;
Mossad agents Uriel Kelman and Eli Cara were convicted and jailed for
six months in 2004
- orchestrated the London 7/7 bombings of 2005 (advance
knowledge by Netanyahu; Efraim Halevy's screw-up in revealing that he
knew the explosions were simultaneous in a
article dated July 7, when the British authorities believed for the next
two days that the explosions had occurred
over a period of 26 minutes from 08:51 to 09:17, and did not manage to
deduce that they were simultaneous
until July 9; the Israeli company Verint Systems took over video
"security" at the London Underground
in September 2004, ten months in advance of the attacks)
- were
responsible for the July 23, 2005 Sharm El-Sheikh bombings in which no
Jews died, most of the 88 casualties
were Egyptians and the only Israeli casualty
was an Arab ("Security sources said at least one car that blew up on
Saturday had special plates indicating
it had come over the Israeli border at Taba on the Sinai peninsula")
- were responsible for the Amman "suicide" bombings of November 9 ("11/9")
2005, in which the largest bomb was not in a "suicide bomber's" backpack but
hidden in a false ceiling; Israelis staying at the Radisson hotel were
evacuated in advance of the attacks and escorted back home; there were
Jewish casualties, most of the dead were Jordanian Sunni Muslims, two
Israeli casualties were both Arabs, and five Palestinians died including
Major-General Bashir Nafeh, the head of military intelligence in the West
Bank and Colonel Abed Allun, a high-ranking Preventive Security forces
- sank the Egyptian ferry
al-Salam Boccaccio 98 leading to the loss of 1,031 lives on February 3,
2006, a few days after
the Egyptian Parliament had unanimously rejected outright a call by
Israel to observe the January 27 "Holocaust" Memorial Day (there was a
fire that spewed copious amounts of black smoke and started in a trailer in
the car deck, and mysteriously could not be extinguished even when water
was pumped onto it for four-and-a-half hours, as if the trailer had been
packed with incendiaries such as
magnesium, hexachloroethane and napthalene -
which generate a lot of black smoke; Israel annually extracts
tens of thousands of tonnes of magnesium from salts in the Dead Sea)
- were responsible for the April 24, 2006 Dahab bombings that killed
mostly Egyptians but no Israelis, who were
given advance warning
- orchestrated the July 11 "7/11" 2006 Mumbai terror attacks of 7 bombs
exploding on 7 trains within 11 minutes of each other after India had
snubbed Israel
several times over the previous 11 days
- shelled a Gaza beach in 2006 wiping out most of 10-year-old Huda
Ghalia's family, horribly maiming about twenty others, and then had the
effrontery to
deny responsibility, start nitpicking about the timing and location of
the explosion, and suggest that the Palestinians had either faked the deaths
together with their grief, or had blown themselves up; the Israeli claim
that a separate explosion from a
buried Palestinian munition had happened by "coincidence" at about the
same time in the same area as their shelling has similarities to the Zionist
account of the Amman "suicide" bombings of 2005 in which the bomb in the
false ceiling was there by "coincidence"
- regularly bombard and destroy Gaza's only power station as a
collective punishment on Palestinians, which they claim is merely to "pressure"
Palestinians; bombed Lebanon's
power station at Jiyyeh in 2006 creating an environmental disaster in
which 15,000
tonnes of heavy fuel oil leaked into the Mediterranean and contaminated
some 150 km of coastline in Lebanon and neighboring Syria
- fired at the
center of the red cross on
Red Cross ambulances, leaving the slightly wounded patients fighting for
their lives and wounding the ambulance workers (2006), and then had the
brass neck to pretend it was all
a hoax
- murdered four UN personnel by firing directly at their observers post,
repeatedly promising that the position would be spared from fire, and
claimed it was an "accident"
(July 2006)
- killed
dozens of Syrian peach pickers in an air raid, and made up some bull
about a couple of farm buildings being used to store weapons (August 2006)
- attacked Lebanon,
leaflets telling civilians to evacuate an area after
bombing bridges to make that impossible, and then
targeted them like sitting ducks, with one of the men having "his face
half torn off by a missile", and leaving an injured woman beside him
"covered in the dead man's blood" (2006)
- demolished a four-story residential building in Qana in which Lebanese
refugees were taking shelter,
killing more than 60 civilians including 37 children, and claimed it was
a "mistake" (2006)
- targeted civilians with white
phosphorus (2006 / 2009) and
more than a million cluster bomblets (2006)
- beat an unarmed Palestinian student to death with wooden clubs and rifle
leaving three holes in his skull, even continuing to beat him as he was
lying unconscious on the ground, handcuffed the bereaved father leaving him
in front of his dying son, and then claimed that the soldiers had "acted
properly" (2007)
- perpetrated a Ponzi scam that defrauded the investors out of
$65 billion (up to 2008); are major players in other investment scams
and gambling (e.g. "binary options" companies
operating out of Israel, David Baazov's Pokerstars;
Israeli-born Baazov was forced to resign as CEO of Amaya after being
caught in an
insider trading operation that worked in a pyramid-like fashion, with
Baazov the source of much of the privileged information)
- shot
dead Palestinian women and children civilians carrying white flags in
Gaza on multiple occasions during "Operation Cast Lead", refused to
cooperate with Human Rights Watch, and denied it ever happened (2008/9)
- stormed a Turkish ship in international waters that was part of a
humanitarian aid flotilla and
attacked and killed nine unarmed Turkish aid volunteers and injured many
more, one of those injured going on to
die after four years in a coma from being shot in the head (May 2010)
- had a president (Katsav) who was jailed for seven years after being
convicted of two
counts of rape, indecent acts by force, sexual harassment and
obstruction of justice, and a prime minister (Olmert) who was
jailed for
six years for bribery
- claimed that: "Goyim
were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the
world – only to serve the People of Israel. [...] Why are gentiles needed?
They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi
and eat… That is why gentiles were created." (Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, described
by Benjamin Netanyahu as "one
of the wisest men of this generation")
- fabricate "hate crimes" against themselves, such as painting swastikas
their own doors or
their own cars, poisoning
their own dogs and
defacing their own homes, so that they can play the "anti-Semite" card
(just in case anyone spots that Zionism, not "anti-Semitism", is the cause
of Israel's problems)
- are major players in pornography (e.g.
Al Goldstein,
Reuben Sturman,
Seth Warshavsky)
- enjoy stealing from pension funds (e.g.
Robert Maxwell,
Philip Green aka "Sir Shifty")
- act as judge, jury and executioner (e.g. extralegal murder of Iranian
nuclear scientists by
throwing magnetic bombs at their cars, killed
an Iranian general in a January 2015 airstrike and claimed it was an
shot 17-year-old Mohammad Kosba in the back killing him in July 2015,
then left him to die without calling for medical aid, after the teenager
threw a stone at an IDF colonel's car and ran away
dance naked in front of female employees (Dov Charney, American Apparel
founder, evidently felt he was too sexy for his own company's clothes)
- say that they "hope the Jews did kill Christ" and they'd "f***ing
do it again in a second" (Sarah Silverman)
- call for the "extinction" of straight White males (e.g.
Lena Dunham)
- work towards exterminating the White race and setting up their world
government by advocating for and financing (e.g.
George Soros) an
border / mass immigration policy for "goyim" nations administered by
their puppets like
Angela Merkel and
Hillary Clinton, having their puppet 'leaders' (Bush, Obama, Blair)
launch a series of wars,
regime changes and
foreign interventions for
Israel that
provoke a
refugee crisis and foment terrorism, and encouraging miscegenation,
whilst hypocritically maintaining closed borders (and even a wall!) and no
race mixing for Israel.
Appendix 2
Isaiah 60, 10-16
10 And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall
minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had
mercy on thee.
11 Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor
night; that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their
kings may be brought.
12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those
nations shall be utterly wasted.
13 The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir tree, the pine tree, and
the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary; and I will make the
place of my feet glorious.
14 The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and
all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet;
and they shall call thee, The city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of
15 Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee,
I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations.
16 Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of
kings [...]
Or Isaiah 45
14 Thus saith the LORD, The labour of Egypt, and merchandise of Ethiopia and
of the Sabeans, men of stature, shall come over unto thee, and they shall be
thine: they shall come after thee; in chains they shall come over, and they
shall fall down unto thee, they shall make supplication unto thee, saying,
Surely God is in thee; and there is none else, there is no God.
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