Israel's Gaza Genocide; the Mask Slips

With their latest warmongering, genocide and atrocities including the cowardly murder by bombing of 3,000 children in Gaza within three weeks, i.e., one every ten minutes - after fabricating a hoax about 40 "beheaded" babies, the Jews have demonstrated that they are not only a massive detriment to life expectancy, wellbeing, freedom and prosperity of all non-Jews on Earth, but are also an existential threat to humanity, given the threat of nuclear war. And the pathetic, whimpering, spineless puppet 'leaders' of Western nations happily go along with all of the warmongering and the Zionist terror occupation regime's massacres of women, children and the elderly.

Israel bombed the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza killing hundreds of civilians, then had the audacity to fabricate audio purportedly from Palestinian resistance forces, to peddle a false narrative about the explosion resulting from a misfired Palestinian rocket that fell short. The Zionist propaganda has been completely debunked by independent experts, and if the Palestinians had rockets equipped with warheads capable of killing some 500 people in a single strike, why would they never use them against Israelis but only on their own people?

Israel bombed the Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza killing or injuring 400 people. They claimed it was because some guy from Hamas was there. Even if there really is some bad guy hiding out somewhere, and it's not simply guilt through association, you don't target hundreds of innocents to get at one bad guy if you have any working moral compass. And not content with that, the Israelis bombed the same camp again the next day in another massacre.

Israel ordered the Palestinians to move to the southern part of the Gaza Strip to avoid being targeted, but when they did, still bombed the area anyway. This is exactly the same as they were doing in 2006 in their war with Lebanon, when they warned civilians to evacuate an area in southern Lebanon, but they had already bombed bridges to make that impossible, and then targeted the hapless civilians like sitting ducks. Also at that time they promised that a UN observer post would be spared fire, and then attacked it anyway killing up to four UN workers. Netanyahu wasn't even prime minister in 2006. This amorality, brutality and psychopathy is a hallmark of Jews, as has been demonstrated time and again throughout history.

These bloodthirsty Jews claim they were "attacked" when people who have been genocided and oppressed in lands occupied by the illegitimate Zionist regime for the past 75 years rose up against them and took some hostages. The most likely possibility is that the Zionists were well aware in advance of Palestinian plans to make a move on October 7, 2023, yet the Zionist regime stood down its forces in an operation to use this as a pretext for even more mass murder of Palestinian civilians, and to further their own ethnic cleansing plans to drive them from the Gaza Strip to the Sinai Peninsula desert. Netanyahu needed a narrative about Israel being "attacked" by "terrorists", which he hoped to exploit to completely expel Palestinians from both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and then would pose as a 'hero' who had saved "Israel" from a terrorist threat.

Israeli soldiers had been abducting Palestinians, often just children, for no reason at all other than the fact that these Jews have the power to do it, and they hate non-Jews whom they consider as "animals" or "subhuman". Sometimes the Jews' prisoners will be tortured or killed, as in the case of Jihad Shaar in 2007, or sometimes they will be forcibly taken and put in cages; the Jews do this to Syrians as well as Palestinians.

For example, occupation regime 'soldiers' abducted an eight-year-old Palestinian child in Hebron in 2017. How is an 8YO a threat to soldiers of an occupying force? The ubiquitous so-called "fact checkers" started complaining that someone had erroneously thought the incident occurred in Gaza in 2021, but in any case it was still Jews abducting a Palestinian child.

As of the end of June 2023, there were at least 4,911 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons or military custody.

What actually happened on October 7, 2023, was that Palestinian resistance forces entered Israel in order to take Israeli hostages, with which they would negotiate the release of those thousands of prisoners held by the Zionist regime. Even if Hamas had only taken dozens or hundreds of hostages, the Jews would regard such a trade as a very good deal, since they believe they are so superior to the Palestinian "human animals" that they perceive the death of one Israeli Jew as equivalent to about 10,000 Palestinians.

There is plenty of evidence that on October 7, far from Israeli civilians being "murdered" by "evil" "terrorist" Hamas forces, the Israeli military "neutralized" their own civilians as well as the resistances forces since the Israelis were too cowardly to engage in house-to-house fighting. Israeli tanks shelled residents' houses, and Apache attack helicopters fired but were "unable to differentiate between Hamas fighters and Israeli non-combatants". Danielle Rachiel, an Ashkelon resident, testified that Israeli forces were firing at her and others.

According to Israel's "Hannibal Directive", it is better to sacrifice captured soldiers and massacre civilians rather than allow enemy forces to take prisoners alive.

Yasmin Porat, who was held by Hamas gunmen, said that the hostages were treated very humanely, that the Israeli military killed numerous Israeli civilians on October 7, and the Hamas objective was to take the Israelis to Gaza as hostages, not kill them.

Hamas released some hostages on humanitarian grounds. Apparently the Hamas forces hit people "with sticks" to 'persuade' them to submit to the kidnapping in the initial violence, but captives were then treated "gently", taken care of, and even provided with shampoo, conditioner and medical treatment.

Suppose for the sake of argument that the Zionist regime really had been taken by surprise, and it was attacked on October 7. In that case, the proper response would be to conduct an inquiry into what went wrong with their security and to make corrections so that it couldn't happen again. The wrong, wicked, vicious, cowardly response would be to react exactly as they did, and use US supplied bombs and white phosphorus to kill and maim innocent Palestinian civilians - mostly woman, children and the elderly.

Some apologists and appeasers for Jewish colonialism will tell you that it's "Zionism" that is the problem, not Jews. However, non-Jews were being harmed by Jews long before 1890 when Nathan Birnbaum coined the term "Zionism". See the examples in the Appendix below, which is just the tip of the iceberg on the harm perpetrated by Jews.

There is a concept of supremacy inherent in Judaism, which holds that all the riches of the Gentiles should pass over to the Jews. For example, see these quotes from Isaiah in Appendix 2.

And the absolute idiocy of the Jewish narrative is that they claim anyone who doesn't support Israel's brutal genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is an "anti-Semite". Many of the Israelis, and all Israeli prime ministers, are Ashkenazi Jews rather than Semitic Jews who are of Middle Eastern origin. The Ashkenazim are descended from the Khazars of the ancient Kingdom of Khazaria, as proved in a 2012 study published in a peer-reviewed journal by Eran Elhaik, a Jewish Israeli-born molecular geneticist. The Khazar King Bulan didn't order his subjects to convert to Judaism until around 740 A.D. or possibly later.

Hence, the Ashkenazi Zionist Jews who run the illegitimate terror State of "Israel" are not of Semitic origin, in contrast to the Palestinians who are. Yet those non-Semitic Ashkenazi Zionist Jews are ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their land, which makes them the greatest anti-Semites of all time, but the Zionists will label as "anti-Semitic" those who oppose the terrorist regime's genocide of the Palestinian people.

 However, even at such a late hour, there is a solution...

A solution that would prevent further crimes of the Zionist Jews and their sycophants, such as:

And at the same time, the solution would also provide for:

You didn't know that Jews did 9/11, lied about "gas chambers" and "six million" 'dead' Jews in order to annex Palestinian land in 1948, did the Bolshevik Revolution (falsely dubbed a "Russian" Revolution) in 1917 to loot White Christian riches and wreak havoc upon people of the 'wrong' race or religion whom they hated and still hate, and a host of other crimes? The evidence and proofs have been in the public domain almost since the atrocities were committed, and much of it is documented at this site.

A world with 0.2% Jews and 99.8% non-Jews is like a universe with 0.2% antimatter; it may not seem a large amount, but it is still highly dangerous.

So what is this solution? Well, Jews comprise some 0.2% of the global population, and so it is only fair that they should own 0.2% of the Earth's land mass, which amounts to 0.002 x 149,000,000 square kilometers = ~300,000 square kilometers or ~550 x 550 kilometers or ~340 x 340 miles. This is about 14 or 15 times the area of the land stolen from Palestinians in 1948.

Such an area should be selected and reserved for the world's Jews; it can be known as Jewland, or they can call it whatever they like. Existing Jewish assets such as the Rothschild fortune would be confiscated and set against national debts. There would be no trade between Jewland and the rest of the world; the Jewish occupants would have to set up their own currency and produce their own goods and services. The area must be surrounded by a massive perimeter wall and electrified fence, with guards with machine guns in observation towers to shoot on sight any who attempt to escape.

Once in Jewland they could carry on sodomising each other, robbing or defrauding each other in Ponzi scams, getting their genitals mutilated or even doing "gender reassignment", having themselves injected with fake 'vaccines', conducting ritual child sacrifices and other depravities and abject nonsense in their pursuit of hedonism. They simply wouldn't have any more hosts to parasitize.

We need to get away from a sick, corrupt system that allows 0.2% of the population to oppress and genocide the 99.8% majority simply because the 0.2% bribe and blackmail "Western" 'leaders' into following their Zionist globalist agenda, after the Jews decided to plagiarize, exploit and adopt for modern times Maurice Joly's program of taking over all shades of opinion in the press, as set out in his 1864 book The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu.

A group that controls the mass media - and censors much of the internet - can impose an information blockade upon much of the population, so that they are effectively Plato's cave inhabitants. They see the fake narrative that has been set up for them to believe, and elect the 'leaders' who are promoted by the Zionist media. It is crazy for the 99.8% to accept this fake system of 'democracy', in which the 'leaders' simply do the bidding of their Zionist masters. If we must have some form of government, let's have one that serves the interests of the people.

Fortunately, the perverted Western axis of evil is collapsing, as all systems based on lies will inevitably do. What remains to be seen is the extent of the damage incurred by humanity before the evil is beaten, once and for all.

Appendix 1

The Jews:

Appendix 2

Isaiah 60, 10-16

10 And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee.

11 Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought.

12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.

13 The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary; and I will make the place of my feet glorious.

14 The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, The city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

15 Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee, I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations.

16 Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings [...]

Or Isaiah 45

14 Thus saith the LORD, The labour of Egypt, and merchandise of Ethiopia and of the Sabeans, men of stature, shall come over unto thee, and they shall be thine: they shall come after thee; in chains they shall come over, and they shall fall down unto thee, they shall make supplication unto thee, saying, Surely God is in thee; and there is none else, there is no God.


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