REM***Morgan correlation; convective heat transfer
REM***coefficient for a cylinder, free convection
noo# = .00008959#: k# = .06#: pr# = .693: d# = .1#
aconv# = 3.2#: arad# = 2.6#: g# = 9.81#
tinfin# = 614.625#: tc# = 553.15#: tw# = 1123.15#
REM***assume remaining mass is 10 kg/corpse and Cp = 1600 J/kg.K
mcorpse# = 20#: cpcorpse# = 1600#
FOR s = 1 TO 1000000: CLS
tfilm# = .5# * (tc# + tinfin#): alpha# = 1# / tfilm#
gr# = g# * alpha# * (tc# - tinfin#) * d# ^ 3# / noo# ^ 2#
gr# = ABS(gr#)
ra# = gr# + pr#: nu# = .48# * ra# ^ .25#
h# = nu# * k# / d#
REM***h# = 1
PRINT "The Rayleigh number ="; ra#
PRINT "The Nusselt number ="; nu#
PRINT "The convective heat transfer coefficient ="; h#; "W/m^2.K"
qc# = h# * aconv# * (tc# - tinfin#)
REM***calculate radiative transfer from oven walls
qr# = arad# * .0000000567# * (tw# ^ 4# - tc# ^ 4#)
tc# = tc# + (qr# - qc#) / (mcorpse# * cpcorpse#)
walllosses# = qr# + 5000#: tw# = tw# - walllosses# / 3733020#
PRINT "Rate of convective heat transfer, corpses to air ="; qc#; "W"
PRINT "Rate of radiative transfer, walls to corpses ="; qr#; "W"
PRINT "Net transfer to corpses ="; qr# - qc#; "W"
PRINT "Corpse temperature ="; tc# - 273.15#; "C"
PRINT "Oven wall temperature ="; tw# - 273.15#; "C"
PRINT "at time"; s / 60; "minutes"
200 IF INKEY$ = "" THEN 200
REM***FOR dl = 1 TO 10000: NEXT dl